I do NOT own Twilight in any way, shape, or form!

I am so sorry I have been gone for so long, but I hope my readers are still out there!

Anyway the reason I have been gone is because I have been studying my bootay off this semester… and it all paid off, cause guess what… I GOT INTO MED SCHOOL! I am so excited!

Anyway, without further ado, here is chapter 7…

Previously on The Boys of Fall:

"I afraid of hurting you." I said, as I sat up next to her.

Our lips were only inches away, but before they touched she whispered. "Don't be."

I kissed her until she fell asleep in my arms; this was the first time in years that I had actually slept with a woman without fucking her first. And, I was happy. In fact I was very happy until I thought about her brothers.

Emmett and Jasper were my best friends. And, I knew that my face would be rearranged when they found out that I had feelings for their little sister, their much younger little sister. Fuck me

The Boys of Fall

Chapter 7

*Bella Swan*

You'd think that after years of spending the night in hotel rooms, for away games, that I'd be used to them by now. But that is definitely not the case, I still sleep like crap whenever I'm not in my own bed.

I guess that's why I was kinda shocked to wake up with the sun streaming in through the window and something warm pressed against my back. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust and for the memory of last night to come back to me.

Edwards soft lips against mine, the feeling of the strong muscles in his arms and back, and the way his hands roamed my body without touching me in my most intimate places. God, the way my body reacted to him. He made my whole body ache for something that I have never experienced. Yep, that's right, I am a virgin.

Yes I have had a serious relationship, and there has been ample opportunity since then. But, I made myself a promise a long time ago that I would be truly and deeply in love with the person I gave myself to. And I would also be in a committed relationship. Which was what made it so hard not to go any further with Edward last night.

I laid in the bed, spooning with Edward, for a good thirty minutes just thinking about what the consequences of last night would be. I think I might cry if he woke up and told me that he regretted it. But, before I let my mind run away with too many scenarios I slipped from Edward's warm embrace and made my way into the bathroom to use the restroom and brush my teeth.

When I walked back into the room I noticed that sometime during the night Edward had lost his shirt and was now lying on his back, giving me a perfect view of his exposed chest. His upper torso was chiseled to perfection, I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less I mean he is a professional athlete. While I was checking out his chest I also noticed two tattoos on the upper half of his body. On the top of his left arm was an outline of the state of Texas, and right above his right peck written in graffiti block letters was LSU. I could have stood there just looking at him all day, he was absolutely beautiful. But I tore my eyes away and crawled back in bed with him.

I have known Edward all my life, so I knew that he slept like the dead and that nothing would wake him. I snuggled into his side laying my head on his chest and laid my hand on top of his LSU tattoo. In his unconscious state he tightened his arm around me and pulled me closer to his body. I felt safe, like while I was in his arms no one could hurt me.

I started to trace the letters on his tattoo and before long Edward started to stir, I knew he would be wake soon. I was caught between being excited and terrified, mostly because I didn't know how he was going to respond to last night.

I knew he was awake when his breathing changed, but I refused to look up at him so I continued to aimlessly trace the tattoo. It took a few minutes, but he finally spoke.

"Mornin'" He said groggily.

"Morning" I said, still refusing to look up at him.

An awkward silence fell between us. I continued my tracing and he began to run his fingertips up and down my arm.

"Bella…" he began, "look about last night-"

I cut him off. "Don't. If you are going to say what I think you are, then I don't want to hear it." I said bluntly.

Edward laughed, he freaking laughed.

I finally turned to look at him, "What are you laughing about?"

His face was full of amusement, and for the first time since he has been home I felt like I was looking at the old Edward. He looked so carefree and happy.

"I was just going to say that last night was amazing." He smiled down at me.

"Really?" I questioned, that was definitely not what I was expecting to hear.

"Yes really." He said seriously, looking me directly in the eye.

He leaned his head down toward mine, knowing what he wanted I decided to meet him half way and lifted my head so that our lips touched. The kiss was sweet, nothing like the night before, just simply pressing our lips together. I tried to pull away, but when I did he held me tighter to him. That made me giggle against his lips. He still didn't let go so I said, "What are you doing?" against his lips.

He eased up a up a bit, so that I was now an inch away from his face instead of attached to it. Edward didn't say anything he just smiled his cocky, confident, crooked smile that I loved so much.

Putting my forehead against his, I said, "You know we are going to have to talk about this, right?"

He took a deep breath, "Yeah, I know. But can we do that later."

I nodded my head, pecked his lips, then got out of bed.

"Hey, where are you going?" He said looking like someone had just taken his puppy.

"I'm getting ready for the day, we are supposed to meet my brothers in half an hour." I smiled over my shoulder.

Edward looked surprised, "It's 11 o'clock already?"

"Yep, get a move on QB1." I said while walking over to my suitcase to pull out some clothes.

Thirty minutes later we were both dressed and heading to the lobby. I was in one of my old jean skirts, with a pink flowered tank top that was ruffled in the front, and my favorite cowboy boots. Edward had a plaid button down, the top few buttons were undone showing off a bit of his hairless chest, a pair of jeans that framed his ass perfectly, and his boots. It took everything I had in me not to touch him.

I think he sensed my anxiety because he wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned down so that his lips were next to my ear. "Breathe sweetheart, I'm all yours tonight." I could hear the cockiness in his voice. He kissed my check and removed his arm before the elevator reached the first floor.

When we reached the lobby Jasper, Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie were all standing near the rotating door. Everyone's backs were towards us except for Emmett, and of course my oldest, obnoxious brother announced our presence. "Hey, it nice of y'all to finally show up."

Edward greeted him with one of those man handshake hug things they do. "Shut up dickhead."

Everyone laughed at the exchange. We both greeted everyone in our small group then headed out.

After a quick lunch the girls and I went to do some shopping, while the boys went off to do God knows what.

The three of us were in this little boutique filled with all kinds of summer dresses when Alice decided to bring up the sleeping arrangements from last night. "Hey Bells, I just wanted to apologize again for what happened with the rooming situation last night." Poor thing, she looked so upset.

I touched her shoulder, in my best attempt to comfort her. "Ali, please don't worry about it. Edward and I are both adults, it was fine." I paused. "Let's not talk about it anymore, this is supposed to be a weekend of fun." I told her.

"Yeah, Alice!" Rose being Rose, of course had to chime in. "Now is not the time to get all moody on us. It's time to party!" She said twirling her hips.

We both laughed and all of us agreed to drop the subject of the room situation, but not before Rose added, "Besides, I'm sure Edward and Bella both enjoyed the alone time." Alice rolled her eyes and I looked at Rose shocked, did she know something? "Lighten up Bells, I'm just kidding." She said bumping my shoulder, I sighed in relief.

The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and joking, mostly about stupid things that my brothers have done.

At six we meet the boys outside of the Frank Erwin Center. I was so excited to see Rascal Flatts they have been one of my favorite bands since high school and I had never seen them live, so I was pretty much bouncing.

We all entered the arena and found our amazing seats on the floor. Emmett, Edward, and Jazz went off to get to get some drinks leaving me, Alice, and Rose to bask in excitement.

"Oh my God, Ali! These are amazing seats!" I exclaimed.

"I know!" She squealed in reply. If she weren't pregnant I knew she would be jumping up and down right now.

The boys return ten minutes later with four beers and two waters. We made a pact that one of us would stay sober with Alice, so she wouldn't feel left out.

Jasper went to hand me one of the waters he had in his hand, and I shock my head. "No way Jose, you're sober Sally tonight. I am getting my drink on." I bypassed the water and went straight for the bud light, there was no way he could stop me because his hands were full. "Plus, it's your child that is preventing your wife from drinking." I smiled at my older brother.

Jasper smiled back, knowing that he was going to be the one to stay sober tonight. "Alright, little sis. But, next time-"

Alice cut off. "Next time what Jazz? You will be holding a beer while holding your son." She smiled and batted her eyelashes at her husband.

"Touché." He said grabbing her around her waist. "I guess our days of irresponsibility are over."

"You bet your ass they are." Emmett yelled over to him. Everyone laughed at the interaction between my brothers.

Luke Bryan and The Eli Young Band were the opening acts and by the end of their performances I had had three beers and was feeling really good. I don't drink much, so yes I am a lightweight.

Rascal Flatts had an amazing show I danced almost the entire time, swing my hips while singing the lyrics to their songs. With a fourth of the show left I was completely drunk, but having the time of my life. I could feel Edward's eyes on me and I couldn't wait to get back to our room to make out and feel his hands on me.

After the show was over the six of us walked back to our hotel, considering it was only about a mile away. I was thanking Jesus I wore my boots instead of heels, because as it was I could barley walk on my own. Edward had his arm around my waist basically holding me upright. And from what I could tell Em was trying to help Rose, and Jazz and Ali were completely wrapped up in each other.

We all made it to the hotel in one piece, and as soon as the door closed behind me and Edward I had him pinned against the door with my lips on his. We had never kissed like this before, it was ferocious and wild. I molded my body to his, lining us up so that could feel his growing erection on my stomach. I felt like I couldn't get enough of him like I needed to be closer, and I wanted more. I began to grind into him, when he froze.

Edward, lightly, pushed me away. "Baby, slow down."

I used all my strength trying to meet his lips again, but he tightened the hold he had on me so that I couldn't move.

I whined, "Edwarrrrd."

He hung his head, like his resolve was wavering. "Bella, you're drunk." He stated.

"Sooooo?" I questioned while batting my eyes, even though my judgment was impaired I knew I was trying to be seductive.

"Come on, let's just go to bed." He said grabbing my hand leading me towards the bed.

Edward took off my shoes and tucked me into bed. I heard him moving around the room for a bit before feeling the bed dip beside me. Edward positioned us so that his front was molded to my back, and he kissed my check. "Goodnight, Lil Bit."

"Night QB1." I mumbled into my pillow.

My head was about to explode, I knew it. Any minute my brains were going to be splattered all over this hotel room. "UGHHHH!" I moaned.

My eyes weren't open but I heard Edward laugh and I felt the bed shake.

"Stop the earthquake… Please" I groaned, still refusing to open my eyes.

I felt Edwards lips on my check, and could also feel the smile in his voice. "Morning sweetheart. I put a glass of water and two Tylenol on the nightstand. And, if you feel like you need to puke there is a garbage can on the side of the bed."

I peaked one eye open, and his head was blocking the light. "Thank you."

"You're welcome" he said and then pecked my lips. "You gotta get out of bed soon, baby. Em is checking us out now."

I groaned again, this seemed to be a common response this morning.

"Come on I'll help you." He said offering me his hand.

I was still dressed in my clothes from last night, so he drew me a hot bath while took the Tylenol and got some clothes to ride home in. My bath was perfect, and allowed me to relax for five minutes. When I finished bathing and putting on a pair of running shorts and a sweatshirt I walked back out into the room. Edward was sitting against the headboard watching a baseball game, when I stepped out he turned my way.

"I just talked to Em and it seems that Rose is feeling about as good as you are, so they are giving us an hour to pack our stuff."

I nodded my head and turned to get my things, but both of our bags were sitting next to the door. I pointed over to them, "Did you?"

"Umm… Yeah," he ran his hand through his hair. "I hope you don't mind."

I crawled onto the bed to lie next to him, resting my head on his chest. "Thank you."

"It's just a bag Lil Bit." He replied nonchalantly.

I sat up a bit to look into his beautiful green eyes. "Not just for the bag Edward, for everything. You took care of me."

He leaned forward and pecked my lips. When we pulled apart I put my head back down on his chest. Being with him, like this, felt so natural, and I wished we could be like this all the time. But, I knew that both of my brothers would flip if they found out anything happened between Edward and I, especially since we had shared a hotel room together.

As if reading my thoughts he took a deep breath and asked, "What are we going to do?"

I reached my arm around his torso hugging him closer to me. "I don't know." I said honestly.

"I'm not going to lie, I know your brothers are going to be pissed. Hell, I know I wasn't thrilled when Jazz started dating Alice."

I turned my head to look at him, "Would you be opposed to just keeping it between us right now? You know, just so we can figure out where or if this is going anywhere."

"I don't want to hurt you Bells, but I've never done the relationship thing." Edward told me, trying to be honest. "I've always been a fuck 'em and leave 'em type."

I was taken back by his statement, I mean I knew he was no angel but I never expected him to flat out tell me that. "Ummm…" I was kind of at a loss for words.

"Sorry, I didn't for that to come out like that." He said, while running his hand through his hair.

"It's ok. But yeah, fuck 'em and leave 'em?" I questioned, cocking my eyebrow at him.

We both laughed, and then fell silent.

"Edward, I don't want to put any pressure on you. And, as far as a relationship goes I don't think this," I said pointing between the two of us, "can be classified as that yet."

I could see the smile tugging at the corners of mouth.

I rubbed up the side of his arm until I reached his neck. Holding my hand there and looking in his eyes I said, "let's take this slow, it's new to both of us." I pulled his neck towards me and kissed his lips.

The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile, "I think we've already passed by taking it slow Lil Bit."

I smiled back at him, "Then from this on we move slow. Deal?"

"Deal." He said leaning in to once again capture my lips.

We spent the next hour watching the Rangers play the Yankees and every so often Edward would steal a kiss, sometimes two. It was sweet and it was our first step in trying to take things slow.

The ride home was uneventful; we talked and laughed a lot. And of course Rose and I were made fun of because of being completely wasted last night. Periodically Edward would brush his fingers against mine when no one was looking.

When Jazz dropped him off at his parent's house I wished I could have kissed him goodbye, but that probably wouldn't have been the best idea. So, I sat in the back seat and waited for Ethan to climb in next to me.

"Hey Nanny!" Ethan said excitedly as he climbed into his seat and leaned over to give me a hug.

"Hey Buddy." I said as I embraced my nephew.

"Did you miss me Nanny?" He looked at me with his big blue eyes.

"Of course I did!" I exclaimed.

Jasper dropped the four of us off next. We all grabbed our things, and I went straight to my room. I still wasn't feeling that, and probably needed to sleep it off some more. When I woke up later that evening I saw that I had a text message from Edward.

Edward: I had an amazing time this weekend

I smiled to myself. At the start of this weekend I would have never guessed that Edward and I would be "together." But there is something about him, something that makes me feel like I've never felt before.

Bella: Me too!

It took a few minutes, but his reply came.

Edward: I wasn't sure if you were going to text me back, but I'm glad you had fun.

Bella: Sorry it took forever, but I fell asleep when we got home.

Edward: Gotcha, well I understand now. How are you feeling?

Bella: Better now. What are you doing?

Edward: Laying in bed, getting ready to pass out.

Bella: You old paw-paw, it's only 9 o'clock.

Edward: I'm sorry, I stayed up all night making sure you were alive.

Bella: Oh… Thanks… And goodnight then, sweet dreams

Edward: Goodnight beautiful.

Wow. Not even I could have predicted how much my life would change in the course of two days.

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!

I know I wrote this at the top, but I will tell y'all again since I am so excited… I got into Med School! Yay… that is the reason I haven't updated in forever.

Anyway… please, please, please review… Y'all might even get another chapter this week, if you let me know what you think… now REVIEW!