I had this plot stuck in my mind, so I decided to unleash the beast. Also, this is my first Sherlock Holmes FF ;) YAY!

A Wondrous Day

"Holmes, why are we here?" Watson asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, that question seems a bit outlandish, don't you think?" Holmes smirked. "I mean, look around you! Can't you see, my good man?"

"I see you chose to ignore my sarcasm once more." Watson sighed, rolling his eyes. The action caused Holmes to smirk, and Watson himself soon found that his own smile also couldn't be suppressed.

Watson wasn't a fan of heights; of this was common knowledge amongst the two men. But as the wheel in which he was seated upon next to his near-and-dear friend spun around in its magnificent circles, he too mimicked the joyous sensation that passed through Holmes' own body. The invention was new enough, but it had become an instant sensation for the two men when they had been through another hellish adventure. The Ferris Wheel wasn't yet tradition for the two men, but it was a safe harbor for which they could share, and that was good enough for both of them.

"Holmes, I'll never forgive you if you kill the dog." Watson suddenly said. Holmes turned to him and raised an eyebrow, and Watson reflected the expression, something he had mastered through years of practice.

"Are you suggesting my curiosity is endangering your precious dog's well-being?" he challenged.

"Curiosity did kill the cat, Holmes. I suppose it works the same with dogs." Watson replied. He softened his expression and turned back out to the view around him. The city seemed so much different from above than it did when one leveled with it, he mused.

"At least the cat died nobly." Holmes smirked.

"Yes, indeed." Watson laughed. "I suppose you are right on that account."

"Ah, my dear Watson, if you always supposed I was right, you could save yourself from so many mistakes." Holmes joked. Watson laughed along with his friend, and as the Ferris Wheel touched the ground, they walked off and away from the wheel in unison. The two friends walked further down the London pier until they reached the end place, where they stopped to watch the rugged water's waves crash to a fro against the wooden sheets protecting them from its path.

"Watson, may I borrow your dog tonight?" Holmes suddenly asked. And at the precise moment in time, Watson picked up his cane, and he started off toward home. Holmes smirked to himself as he placed his hat back on his head. "There's a good sport." With that, Holmes quickly made his way to catch up with Watson.

*~AWD *~

Well, there it is! I hope you enjoyed it ;) R&R?