It was all in her head, it had to be. Afte all, she couldn't really be trapped in Beast Boy's mind, right? Even if that was where all of her common sense was telling her she was. It couldn't be possible, and yet, something inside of Raven told her that it was true.

It was odd really because the last 'real' thing that Raven remembered doing was walking into Beast Boy's room, it was her turn to rouse him for training, and she tripped over something. She wasn't quite sure what had tripped her though because when she looked up she wasn't in the mess that Beast Boy called a room.

She wasn't really sure what to call where she was except...Space. Lots and lots of empty space, black empty space, and she was just sort of floating in it. The darkness wasn't cold like one would expect a vass empty space to be, rather, it was almost unbarably hot.

Looking around her, around the empty blackness, she noticed something that hadn't been there before. A small, shape in the distance. Or, as she found out after a few steps, the not so distance. It was like there was no actual concept of space here, but then her walking on air should have been an explanation of that.

The 'shape' stayed where it was, hunkered down in the darkness and partially hidden by a non-existant shadow. Raven took a few steps towards it, moving carefully around to its front-end, and bent forewards slightely.

It was a wolf, with long dark green fur, its head resting on its fore-paws in a truly sorrowful expression. The wolf lifted its head up, dark green eyes locking with Raven's. And then it spoke.

"He left. Lost in his memories, fleeing from what he has to face in reality. He's losing his mind, his control, his lock, and his key."

Raven knelt down, on what she still didn't know, and put one hand by the wolfs head. "You mean Beast Boy don't you? This is his mind-scape, isn't it?" The wolf looked up at her, its head barely lifting from its paws and it expression still one of deep sadness.

"Questions, questions, questions." It drawled in that low voice. "You have a mind on you, answer them yourself. In there." It lifted its muzzle and nudged its nose towards a spot over Raven's shoulder, away from where she had originally woke up at.

Raven stood up and took a few steps towards where the wolf had motioned to. Three steps and she was suddenly standing at the edge of the darkness, which really shouldn't have been possible, and staring into a pit of swirling of colors. The Pit, which is what Raven decided to call it for now, seemed to be pulsing and with each pulse the colors would flash and dim and change.

She turned around, not taking a step for fear that she wouldn't find the Pit again, only to find the wolf was standing right in front of her. There was a large pulse from below them, Raven idly wondered why she hadn't felt it earlier, and a small glow appeared from the Pit. It was only there for a second before another pulse changed the colors but Raven saw it, large scars littering the wolfs body. Large bald patches and curving, gray lines marred what would most likely have been a beautiful creatures body and its once dark green fur had streaks of gray in it.

"He went to battle himself but to do so he must go through his past, his present, and his what-could-be's. And you can bring him back. That is, if you go in after him and face what he has faced and what he will face again." The wolf looked up at Raven, its eyes still filled with sorrow, and wagged its tail once. "Will you go after him? Or will you let him be beaten down by all he has ever known?"