Three Weeks Later...

The reddening sun balanced atop the tallest buildings, seemingly setting the city ablaze.

A cooling breeze mingled with the remaining heat of the setting sun. Streaming waves of golden fire gently blew across the naked bodies of two lovers.

As it began to sink behind the city, paving the way for sprayed autumn light, it dyed their flesh with the tint of heat.

A heat as strong as their lust, but not as strong as their love.

Justin enjoyed the cooling breeze dancing across his skin. Among the countless new sensations he'd felt now, temperature change was a favorite.

Although his senses were no longer supernaturally enhanced, this was better.

Exceedingly so.

As he felt Brian writhe within and beneath him, the impending night's wind contrasted the fire of their movement.

Little things, human things, like sweat, enthralled him.

He delighted in the mixing of moisture he and Brian were producing despite winter's flirtatious winds. His eyes devoured the way the sunlight made it glisten.

'The sun.'

'The glorious sun.'

Of everything that had changed for them, nothing compared to the return of daylight to his unending night.

Except perhaps, making love.

This new life tried it's hardest to steal his time with Brian, especially with Ben constantly asking him questions for the new book he was penning. Justin hadn't minded, Benjamin Bruckner was a true ally. A friend. Young Hunter had even taken to being his protege' of sorts.

Despite the hectic days since he'd turned, he and Brian still found a monumental amount of moments to be together.

Like now.

They had been on the rooftop of Alice Tully Hall for several hours, exploring, enjoying, loving each other.

In immeasurable days before Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor had merely existed. Now, he was living.

Overly content to grow old, actually age with his beautiful partner.

Happily he'd said goodbye to eternity and replaced it with every second they would live together. Joyously ecstatic to see how long their particular forever would be.

Confident now too, that he would have a place beside Brian after death.

His vacant soul was no longer haunted.

He had a heart.

An afterlife awaited him regardless. Perhaps even a reunion with his mother. His optimism was endless, his hope was as well.

Conjoined with the building orgasm Brian was constructing, Justin felt infinitely higher than the rooftop.

He'd have ventured to guess he was somewhere now beyond the heaven he'd one day see, and the stars that had granted this wish.

His wish to live.

His wish to love.

Deep burgundy clouds unraveled against the sky like a tapestry, glowing amber threads woven throughout.

The sky appeared as soft as the velvet touch of Brian's roaming fingertips.

As delicate as the petals of the autumn rose he'd given the man, those fingers grazed his greedy skin. Relentless in it's need to feel Brian's touch everywhere.

A bone penetrating shiver found them both. An icy chill that had little to do with the crisp October air.

Justin glided his body as he'd done so many time before. His slender hands hungrily tracing Brian's gasping chest.

He bit his bottom lip to imprison the moan attempting to escape, his hands caressed Brian's hips.

The brunet smiled smugly, enjoying the reaction he was eliciting from the blond. Relishing in the affect he was having. That he always had.

Wordlessly, they increased the speed of their thrusts, their breaths too, accelerated. Undoubtedly racing their beating hearts to sheer euphoric bliss.

Brian's head was thrown back. His clenched eyes and digging fingers signaled to Justin, his nearing his own pleasurable end.

Justin could feel his heart pound roughly against his chest. Within seconds, he retrieved Brian's song from his memory.

It played through him in time with his orgasm.

He knew every note, every pause. It truly had been the most beautiful of songs.

Enough so that together, they'd completed his sonata.

Brian, with his now perfect hand, had composed what had always been missing...Both in Justin's world and in his song.

Brian Kinney had played it's needed accompaniment.

Perfect harmony.

Tonight they'd play it for an audience at the 'Phantom workshop'. Justin would finally perform his finished masterpiece for the world.

Though now, after being privy to Brian's song and completing his life's composition, Justin had heard the most breathtaking music anyone would ever hear. There was no longer a need to search for anything more.

He excited at the prospect of exploring other arts.

Everything was different now, he wanted to live every moment with vicious intensity.

He thought about visual art. Perhaps he'd take up painting, sculpting.

Certainly he had humanity's best muse, his personal model, his golden Adonis.

Together, he and Brian could sculpt any life they wanted. Truly mold himself into whoever he longed to be.

Glancing up, he caught sight of his reflection in a nearby skylight.

'His reflection.' like everything else, he was still getting used to that. As he looked at the man reflected beneath him, he closed his eyes and savored the final moments of Brian's love and the warmth of the setting sun.

Shudders of satisfied desire coursed through Brian. Justin had once more effortlessly brought him a happiness he'd never imagined. Then again, this blond never failed to prove the impossible, possible.

As Justin released his final coital moan, shimmering strands of himself lightly coated Brian's stomach. It was something the Professor always savored. Though in truth, it was often Justin's sounds of passion that excited Brian beyond his physical movements.

His sighs, his cries, his moans.

Brian was sure no noise could ever transcend the beauty of Justin Taylor...breathing.

Crippled by a sudden urge to taste said breaths, he tugged on golden silk and found those welcoming lips.

Having both finished, neither was eager to withdraw. Instead they remain interlocked, Justin's lithe form pressing now against Brian's torso.

They remained body to body. Mouth to mouth. Heart to heart.

Ragged gasps and satisfied smiles accompanied the sunset.

Justin closed his eyes.

Brian didn't.

It was every bit as beautiful as he'd envisioned... his Sun shining in the light of God's.

He was convinced there'd never be a more stunning view.

He reached out his long arm and pulled the forgotten blanket over them. The gentle breeze blew, sending blond cascading across his neck. It tickled.

"Ready to go perform?" he asked, still a little out of breath and lightly kissed whichever part of Justin his lips could reach.

Brian could feel the blond smile against his chest before he slightly pulled himself upwards to meet Brian's eyes. "I thought we just did." he smiled that smile that started all of this in the first place.

If this man didn't knock it off with his cuteness, Brian knew they'd never leave this roof.

Justin kissed the tip of Brian's nose, and snuggled tightly back against his body. The brunet encircled him in his arms, content to never let him go.

Brian knew he'd never again know loneliness. Never again would he lose his way, get lost in the darkness.

He'd always have sunshine to guide him.

In just a month, his life had been caught in a chaotic swirl of answered prayers and unbelievable dreams.

And he had embraced every magical minute.

For the first time in too many years, Brian Kinney was whole.

He'd always suspected that being able to play the piano again would fill the void in him, he'd been wrong.

Albeit composing again had excited him, just as knowing that Debbie would be in the audience tonight, had also brought a smile to his face; those things were worthless compared to what truly completed him...Justin Taylor.

They hadn't needed immortality.

This, being in love, was where forever truly began.

Their unyeilding devotion was their own entryway to eternity.

Their hearts beating together, playing the song of true emotion, that would never come to an end.

The unique melody that could be heard by only them...

...'Love's Eternal Refrain.'

The End.