Hey! Hello everyone! I'm back with another story that hasn't been update for a long time as well. Oscar has been very "Patient" with another chapter of his story for some time now. I hope Oscar doesn't screw this one up. Now…on with the show!
Ch.6: Cancelled?! I think not!
"Hello everybody! Welcome to Poetry Time with Uncle Oscar!" Oscar said to only then get shut up as big bolded red letters are stamped on the screen, turning the colors to black and white.
"This is now cancelled by the fan fiction story corporations, thank you for participating in this story; enjoy the many wonders of others on the Happy Tree Friend fan fiction. Good bye now" A voice said as it returns to Oscar in shock as he looks around to see his staff starting to pack up and leave.
"Wait! What do you mean cancelled?! I was just getting started on this story! I have more rants and poems to read and make jokes about them!" Oscar said to the cameras and his crew which ignored him except one who stared at him.
"Dude… you're forgotten now. Nobody knows who the heck you are anymore. People will walk on by, take a peek and leave without saying anything. You're in the past now. You have been replaced by other authors and characters. It's too late Oscar…. Just pack up your things and let's go." The crew member said as he picked up his things and began to walk as Oscar grabbed his arm.
"You can't be serious! I'm stilled remembered! Look at the audience I…. still…have…oh…" Oscar said to see rows and rows of empty seats, nobody sitting down cheering, nobody saying anything or loud noises… just… silence and sorrow. Oscar looked away and stared at the camera and took off his beret and looked at it and frowned as he put it back on and slams the exit door which everyone stops and looks at him.
"What the heck man? It's dead and gone! What more do you want from us?!" The crew said as Oscar looked at him and the others.
"I want to give one last show before we all leave, give that one glimpse of hope that someone out there will review or say something. I know people are still waiting for something to pop up and make them smile at least." Oscar said to which the crew member walked up and pushed him out the way and opened the door to see two teenagers walking pass by and looks at Oscar.
"Prove to me that you can get at least someone to remember you and I'll help." The crew member said to which Oscar nodded and ran up to the couple and jumped in front of their faces. The guy backed up with the girl as Oscar grabbed the guy by his jacket and pulled him close.
"Oh god! Please don't kill me! Here! Take my money! Just leave us alone!" The man cried as Oscar looked at him and was mad.
"Look, I don't want your money; I just want to ask you something! Do you two remember me at all? I'm that monkey who used to read poetry and give rants on people. It's really easy!" Oscar said as the two looked at him and thinked for a bit to which they nodded yes as they were scared. The girl then remembered and was a bit surprised.
"Oscar? Oscar the monkey right? You used to be on some story two years ago. What happened to you?" The girl said as Oscar cheered in glory as he found someone who remembered him.
"Finally! See I told you someone will remember me! Now let's get back to making that episode!" Oscar said as he drops the guy and smiles as he walks back to the door. The guy gets up and looks at her.
"How the hell did you know about him?" The guy asked as she stared at him.
"It was easy since the poster for the show was right there on the wall." The girl said as she pointed to the poster which showed Oscar's face as he held a book. The couple looked at each other and ran off. Oscar slams the door and goes back to his chair as the crew begins setting up for one last chapter.
"What the hell is going on?! I thought they cancelled your show Oscar!" a voice said which made Oscar turn to see DeepDarkDebt09 walks out the shadows and holds a phone which he shows to Oscar. "Dude it's done. Why are you still here?"
"People still remember me. I'm not going to give up like you did two years ago. I'm going to keep going till at least someone still remembers me." Oscar said as Deep grabs his shoulders and slaps him.
"Look, I'm sorry you're forgotten and that I've not written in so long but we have to move on. I have other things to do then this." Deep says as Oscar stares at him.
"No… Keep trying, people are still reading this. Review or not, be happy someone is still reading this. Now… let's get the mail and read what poetry we should do for this chapter." Oscar said as Deep was about to reject the order to have Oscar place his hand over his mouth.
"Look… I'm just a character who was made from you to make people laugh and smile at your attempted humor and crappy jokes. Now how about you shut up and give me a chance to at least try. You can go backstage and have your alone time but I… want to do this. Now get me that mail now. Thank you." Oscar said as Deep shuts up and gets the mail for him. Oscar calms himself down and gets prepared as he sits down on his chair, lit up the fireplace, places his pipe in his mouth, fixes his ascot, and smiles as he opens his book and gets the letters.
"Hello everyone… I'm sorry for the rude interruption we had… I'm Uncle Oscar, but call me Oscar. Today… I'm going to read you some poems and talk about them with my somewhat comedy jokes that my creator made. If you'll excuse me, I'll open my first letter which is from RedEyeWarrior… sick name I would say. It's a letter about Pop which is made to bash him! Oh goody good! That man needs some help with all those child murders or "accidents" he calls them. Now lets read this in a form of a rap as you people do." Oscar says as he picks up a microphone and spits out beats and wears some gangsta clothing and rocks out to the beat.
Uh huh…. Uh huh yeah…. That's about it…
Pop! (What!)
Pop off ta hell!
I knew ya well!
But as a dad
You are bad! (Nu-huh!)
You kill Cub to much (No I don't)
With his deaths involve such (*Pulls out a long list of deaths as it hits Pop's feet*)
You're a low life piece of trash! (*Pops backs away*)
With all the pain he has received
How the hell he was conceived?! (*Oscar steps up and looks at Pops*)
A man came and had fun with your wife
When you found out that she became pregnant with that man she gave birth and ended that ended her life (*Pops is shocked*)
Was it Prostitution?
Was it Adoption?
Was it Surrogacy?
Out of all these which are the one that fits the most?!
The first one as it did as he came from a different Host!
'Cause nobody would
In their right mind let you
Become a father at all
Go fall of a wall. (*Kicks Pops to the wall*)
So you can endure the suffering
That you've inflicted upon your offspring!
Even Lumpy! (*Lumpy turns around and points to himself* "Me?" "Yeah!")
Would be a better father than you!
If Child Services came and took Cub away
I'll watch you cry as you did this as this was your fault for the price you had to pay… (*drops the microphone and walks away as Pop falls to his knees and cries*)
"Well that's a wrap on the first poem everyone! I hoped you liked it. And thank you Red Warrior, it'll be a great single once it comes out in stores. Now for our next poem is from none other than Sandman! Holy crap! I thought you were dead?! Now his poem is called… The Gay little Oscar… Beautiful… I'll get my costume for this one.
*comes out in a bathing robe and looks at everyone and talks like a girl*
There once was a gay man
Who wanted a pink tan (*disrobes and wears a pink suit that covers his body*)
His mother was a Jew
His father was A Hebrew (*looks at the camera* "Entering racist zone aren't ya? What's next? Heil Hitler?")
He was a gay little cunt ("Not nice for the little kids to hear Mr. Sandman")
He liked to lick up man gunk ("Weird fantasies you seem to have my weird friend")
But for important most of all
Oscar was a gay faggot
All in all ("Best rhyming! Where did you get it from? Lil Wayne?! Hahahaha!" *Starts clapping and begins dancing to the Harlem shake with other crew members*)
Oscar finishes the dance and takes the suit off and looks at the camera. He smiles and winks at it and pulls out another letter.
"Thank you for your love letter Sandman. It was beautiful and touching. Now for our next poem which is from I'm a guest, Deal with It. Lovely name by the way, it's another poem dedicated to the crazy nut… Nutty." Oscar said and smiled.
Ode to Nutty
This Poem doesn't rhyme
But I don't give a crap ("Starting off wonderful guest!)
Helen Keller can't speak
What's up with that?! (*A historian comes in to talk about Helen Keller as Oscar pushes him out the door*)
I like Nutty better than all you Idiots! ("Deal with it!")
Candy is better than a monkey ("Talking about moi?")
Or a shotgun
Or a man that speaks in helium
The things I say make no sense ("Totally")
Damn those Pixel sticks ("PIXEL STICKS!" They are wonderful! Pixel Sticks! They're so Magical!")
"That is the third lovely poem for today. Now we have one last poem before this all goes away… It's from Brony1Delta… Is this have to do with…" Oscar said as he looks at the camera which goes up and down. Oscar takes a deep breath and looks at the camera seriously. He raises his fist in the air and says…
"Bronies rule! Bronies United and show everyone the power of friendship and magic!" Oscar yelled with excitement and blast off in the speed of light with rainbows shooting out his ass as he flew away.
Everyone dies (*Record scratches as it goes to silence and Oscar falls to his chair* "Well that ended quickly")
Others continue
Just leave it be
That's Life
Destruction follows
Just like a lost puppy
We can't stop it
Are you scared? (*Oscar looks at the camera and says nothing after that*)
Oscar walks up to the camera and says his final good byes as everyone packs up and sends the final edits to the production to publish the final chapter. Oscar takes off his reading clothes and says nothing and throws it in the closet. He cries and leaves the building… and never looks back.
"I'm Oscar and this was a fantastic time together... me….and maybe you if you're reading this. I hope you enjoyed my jokes and my antics… I hope to see you all soon in the past… I hope this chapter did something for all of you. Take care everyone and have a wonderful day. I love you all and I'll miss you. This is Oscar once again… signing off…one last…time…" Oscar says ad the camera turns off.
The End?
Well this may or may be the last chapter of this series but we may never know. But for now, Oscar gave his best and showed what he could do and may come back with something anew. If you want to post poems or rants he can do, go ahead and he'll read them and see what he can do to make them feel lifelike and fun. This is DeepDarkdebt09 signing out and coming back with more stories soon. Review and good bye.