At 10 minutes to 7 Tenten and her father Dustin stood in front of a hill in the Uchiha district and Dustin said "Are you sure this is the right place Tenten."

Tenten nods and began to walk forward and Dustin eyes widen as Tenten disappeared into the side of the hill before she poked her head out and said "Come on dad. We don't want to be late."

Dustin swallowed hard a moment before following his daughter.

As they walked down the tunnel he said "I hope they have some light to see down here."

Tenten giggled at that and said "It's amazing down here, just wait and see."

A few moments later they came to the end of the tunnel and Dustin eyes widen as he saw the inside of the cave was glowing with multi-color lights and Tenten gasped "Beautiful." as she looked around.

A female voice said "It is isn't it." causing both to turn and Tenten said "It's you."

Dustin said "Kushina, is it really you."

Kushina said "It's good to see you again Dustin."

Dustin said "But...your suppose to be dead. You were supposed to have died when Kyuubi attacked."

Kushina bit her lip and said "There are things about that night that would be best left for talks later. Mikoto is finishing up dinner and Na...I mean Kashou is working on the last of his Kata's right now over there." as she pointed to the left.

Dustin and Tenten looked where she was pointing and they saw Kashou standing on top of a small pond moving through a few Kata's of taijutsu though Dustin had heard the partail name Kushina started to say and comfirmed his suspicions.

Dustin said "He seems to have a natural grace to his he who I think he is."

Kushina just nods while looking at Tenten who was following Kashou movements with her eyes and Kushina said "Mesmorizing, isn't he."

Tenten nods not really paying attention and Dustin who had an amused look on his face coughs and said "So how did he get here. I mean..."

Kushina said "Mikoto found him in the woods right after his birthday. He had been attacked severly and left for dead and someone had blinded him with senbon needles." causing Tenten to gasp while Dustin frowned.

Kushina looked down and said "Because of what happened the day he was born I wasn't able to be there for him...I begged Mikoto to take care of him for me and she agreed to and became the mother to him I never could be."

Tenten said "You his mother."

Kushina closed her eyes and said "Mikoto is his mother...I was the woman who gave birth to him."

Tenten was confused and said "But..."

Dustin said "Leave it alone Tenten. There are things you are just to young to understand. If you look you can see Kushina regrets not being able to be there for him when he was younger but she's here for him now."

Kushina said "As much as possible...Looks like he's finished. Come on, let's head inside. When Mikoto gives a time to be there for dinner she meant be there at that time." as she lead them into the house.

As they 3 approached the house Kashou who had stop his chakra on his feet that kept him on top of the water and he fell into the water.

The sound of water splashing caused the group to look at Kashou who was climbing back on top of the water and Kushina shook her head and said "That boy sometimes seems more fish then..." as she let what she was saying trail off.

When Kashou got on top of the water he took off his shirt and squeezed the water out of it and Dustin blinked while Tenten blushed and Dustin said "Exactly how much training does he do Kushina. I don't see any baby fat on his body...hell, I've seen Chunnin with less muscle defined bodies."

Kashou who had walked up said "Usually at least 7 hours a day for physical excercises." as he slung his wet shirt over his shoulder.

Tenten gaped at him and said "7 hours just on physical training. I don't think I do that in an entire week outside of the accademy."

The door to the small house opened and Mikoto who had already taken a deep breath to yell stopped and said "There you are, welcome, wel...Kashou...get some dry cloths on."

Kashou looked sheepish and said "Yes Mother." as he entered the house.

Mikoto said "Sorry about that. Welcome, please come inside." as she held the door open and Tenten blushed as she walked in and saw Naruto back side that was nude as he was dressing in another room but had left the door opened and Mikoto slapped her forehead and said "Kushina..."

Kushina said "Say no more." as she walked toward the room where Kashou was and slammed the door closed behind her.

A few moments later Kashou came out with his mask still covering the bottom half of his face and said "Sorry about that. I'm use to living alone and it didn't occur to me others would see me changing. I am sorry for any uncomfortabilities I might have caused."

Dustin said "It's alright, Tenten when I was potty training her would run through the shop without her pants on screaming she did it."

Tenten blushed bright red and screamed "DADDY."

Kashou blinked and turned his head to the side and said "Mom, mother...what is the reaction she has. Her heart rate has increased while her breathing stop momentarily and her body seem tense somewhat."

Tenten blushed even more while Mikoto said "Forgive our son's actions please Tenten. He is pretty good at reading human emotions by the reactions they cause that he can detect but I guess the situation where someone is emberrassed never came up in his training. Sorry."

Tenten bit her lip and said "Alright...I'll forgive him...but only if you tell me an equally emberrassing story so that way if he ever breaths a word about that to anyone I can pay him back."

Kushina said "Oh Dustin, I love your daughter, she just like her mother, beautiful, smart, and cunning."

Dustin face that was smiling slowly lost it smile and Kushina saw this and asked "What...did I say something wrong."

Dustin looked at Tenten and said "My wife passed away durring the Kyuubi attack."

The mood of everyone became somber and Kushina said "I'm sorry."

Dustin shook his head and said "It's not your fault."

Kushina looked down and said "You know how I said I couldn't be there for Kashou when he was younger...the reason is the day he was born was October 10th...the Kyuubi was released from a seal it had been locked away in since I was 8 years old...a masked ninja attacked me and my husband and released the Kyuubi from the seal that I was charged with guarding...It was my fault the Kyuubi was released because I wasn't strong enough to stop it."

Tenten frowned and said "It wasn't your fault. It was the masked man fault. I don't blame you. I'm sure you did your best."

Dustin said "She's right Kushina. You had gave birth which any woman can testify is tough and you also had to fight in combat against an enemy ninja and try to fight the Kyuubi...besides, I know who your husband was and I know that if it wasn't for you and your husband then the Kyuubi would have taken even more lives then it did."

Kashou frowned behind his mask and said " mom and mother informed me about why they asked you and your family here today...before they tell you why I want to tell you a story. A true story...As you heard my mom tell you she was tasked with guarding the seal that held the Kyuubi and she was attacked and the seal holding Kyuubi was released...what you don't know is the Yondaime did not kill the Kyuubi like most of the village believes...he instead sealed the Kyuubi inside a new seal at the cost of his life...the seal was stored on the Whirlpool heir the Sandaime was talking about today. The Kyuubi was sealed in him when he was just a baby. The boy's name is Naruto Uzumaki. When that happen Naruto became what is known as a Jinchuuriki or a human sacrifice. The Sandaime passed a law saying no one who did not know about the sealing was aloud to speak about it so I could get in big trouble if you tell anyone what I just told you but I need to know what do you think about Naruto. Be honest."

Tenten frowned and looked at her dad who said "Go ahead dear. You can speak what's on your mind."

Tenten looked down and after a moment said "I help dad do sealing at our shop. I use sealing myself...I think Naruto would be a scroll and the Kyuubi would be what ever weapon was sealed in the scroll."

Kashou smiled behind his mask while everyone else at the table did also.

Kashou nods slightly toward Kushina who had a proud smile on her face and said "You are a very smart young lady Tenten. Your mother would be proud of you...When I meantioned I was the one guarding the last seal of the Kyuubi...I was trying to say I was it's Jinchuuriki just like Naruto is now...The seal of a Jinchuuriki is weakened when a woman gives birth and the masked man knew this and attacked us at my weakest moment. My husband was Minato Namikaze Uzumaki, the Yondaime Hokage and my real name is Kushina Uzumaki. Since Minato was an orphan when we were married he took my clan you might have figured out Naruto is my son which means..."

Tenten eyes widen and looked at Kashou and said "Your Naruto."

Kashou said "I was...I've changed my name to Kashou Wan Uchiha."

Kushina said "But the story of the sealing of the Kyuubi is a little bit different then what we told you and what everyone else believes...Minato summoned the Shinigami to help seal the Kyuubi away but he sealed the Kyuubi soul inside the Shinigami while sealing it's chakra as well as mine and his soul inside of Naruto...I told you that someone had blinded Kashou here with senbon needles. The reason they did that is because they couldn't tell the difference between him and the Kyuubi. The Sandiame Hokage lost a lot of respect from me and my husband because he lied to the people of Konoha about certian very important facts about the Kyuubi being sealed and why it attacked in the first place. He knew Konoha was weakened and he thought other villages might attack so he told the entire village and then passed his law that no one was allowed to speak about it so that way other villages would fear that we would break the seal killing Naruto on thier village if they messed with Konoha...I told you I couldn't be there for Naruto when he was younger...the reason was because Naruto can only actually use very little of Kyuubi chakra. We think it's about 1/10 of his total chakra reserves worth of Kyuubi he is actually able to use. When Naruto was blinded and he was found by Mikoto Naruto just barely had large enough chakra reserves for Minato and me to use Kyuubi charka to create a simple bunshin for less then 3 minutes which I asked Mikoto to take care of Naruto for me when I couldn't."

Mikoto said "Which I agreed to. Over the years the amount he could use has grown which is why Kushina hear is able to make a kagebunshin body now...but we can't tell everyone the truth about what really happen to the Kyuubi because if we do the idiots who can't tell the kunai for the scroll will attack Kashou...As far as Kushina, Minato, and me are concerned, Naruto Uzumaki might as well be considered dead. Names don't mean anything. If we can give him a normal life then we will let everyone in the world forget Naruto Uzumaki...will you keep our secrets."

Tenten nods and said "Yeah, I can't imagine what you all must have went through but I know a parent would do anything to protect thier children...I nearly got killed once when I tried to help dad in the actually lost his leg when the shelf I had knocked over would have crushed me had he not shove me out of the way."

Kashou blinked and said "No wonder your chakra feels so wierd. Your leg is a puppet leg, isn't it."

Dustin said " what now."

Kushina said "Dustin...with everything you have learned...will you keep our secrets and be willing to trust us."

Dustin said " and Minato were 2 of my best friends...You saved mine and my wives get us together and broke into that prison in wind country I was held in to rescue me...I trust you with my life and my daughters life and I would never betray your trust."

Mikoto smiled and said "Thank you...As you saw earlier there are a great many things we have not been able to teach Kashou yet...He still needs to work on being cautious around large crowds in order to keep from blowing out his ear drums again, he needs to learn to be able to get around Konoha and know where locations like the library, grocery store, resturaunts, and other things are...With what happened recently with the rest of my clan I'm going to have to spend a lot of time in either council meetings or trying to help Sasuke recover from the genjutsu torture he was put through and help Itachi recover from his injuries...I'm not abandoning Kashou but he is going to have to become more independant...that is where you come in Tenten."

Kushina said "What we would like is to offer you a deal...Since your mom isn't around there are going to be several things as a young woman and kunoichi you are going to need help in understanding. With your permission Dustin, Mikoto and I would like to offer to help Tenten with her training as well as female issues in exchange for her helping Kashou to adjust to getting around the village and also help him at the accademy because we know that several issues are going to come up with people wanting to see his face or trying to pick on him because of his condition. We've trained him for everything we could but there will be times things we couldn't have prepared for will pop up...we would like Tenten to be there to help him when we can't."

Tenten said "Your wanting to sort of make us partners. I help him when he needs it and you help me when I need it."

Kushina said "Basically yes."

Dustin said " are growing up and will have to make decisions for yourself...just like I let you decide if you wanted to join the accademy to become a kunoichi I will let you decide if you want to do this."

Tenten said "But what about helping you after school and..."

Dustin said "Tenten...Your only able to help me 3 hours a day during the week and on weekends right now...If you want to train durring the week and help Kashou and help me on the weekends then I don't see any problems but it's your choice."

Tenten looked down and then looked at Kashou and bit her lip and said "I want to see your face...If I'm going to help keep your secrets and help you then I want to know what is going to drive the other girls crazy with trying to figure out."

Kashou reached up and grab the mask covering the bottom of his face and pulled it down causing Tenten and Dustin to gasp.

Tenten said "What happened. Your face is..."

Kushina said "When Kashou went to find out why Mikoto and Itachi hadn't came to visit like they said they were going to, in order to hide his identity he cut his will understand in a moment." as she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The next moment Kashou face started to glow red slightly and the scars on his cheeks began to heal and when the red clow disappeared there were 3 whisker like scars on each cheek.

A moment later Kushina appeared in another puff of smoke and said "That is what his face really looks like...people see the whiskers and think it's because of the Kyuubi when they are actual birth marks he was born with...most likely because of the Kyuubi being sealed inside me."

Tenten frowned and said "Don't cut up your face again."

Kashou said "Why is it every female I know have that same tone when I do something they don't like."

Dustin smirked and said "Get use to it kid. Women do it to every guy."

3 shouts of "HEY." was heard and Kushina said "Anyways I need to know do you accept Tenten."

Tenten said "Yes...My dream is to prove kunoichi can be just as good as Shinobi. Having you both help me will make reaching my dream easier."

Kashou got a confused look on his face and Mikoto said "I know that confuses you son but not everyone has as much respect as you do for kunoichi and you haven't met fangirls yet. Because of them kunoichi are often seen as weaklings or as sex objects."

Kashou said "Well that's dumb. I rather fight dad and Itachi at the same time then fight either of you."

Dustin said "Smart thinking kid."

Kushina said "Well in that case I need to set up a few things...We can't risk this place being discovered. This cave is Kashou home and place of solitude where he can train privately and where Minato and I can come out of the seal. This is also where we will mostly be training you Tenten. To keep you from being followed here...both of you...I have placed a seal where I first met you both tonight. It is a summoning target seal. I want your permission to place a small seal on each of you that when you activate it, it will bring you here. If you would let me I can place on on your left wrist that will bring you here and one on each of your right wrist that will cause you to be summoned to a place inside your family home. Where ever you place the matching summoning seal I will place on a scroll before you leave. This will allow Kashou to be summoned to your shop in the morning and allow you to travel here to train when your not spending time in the village. That way you won't have to walk here and can't be followed."

Dustin said "Sounds similar to Minato Hiraishin seal."

Kushina said "Basically it is."

Dustin said "Alright, I agree."

Mikoto said "Can you only give me the one to summon me here and give me a scroll to summon myself to someplace in the Uchiha district away from here. Until Sasuke has recovered and is able to accept Kashou then I don't want him being able to come here. This place was created to save my family, not be a place to destroy it."

Tenten said "Sure, that will save us time and will make sure if he accidently blow out his ear drums again then he won't be at the hands of some random stranger again."

Kashou said "I agree...though I only was at your hands because of me being stupid and amplifying my ears so I could hear your heart to tell me if you were telling the truth since we had originally got off on the wrong foot."

Tenten said "You were listening to my heart." with a glare.

Kashou asked as he tilted his head to the side "Why are you glaring at me like that."

Tenten said "Just wait little man. I'm going to show you exactly why you don't try to spy on a woman like that." as she crossed her arms with a huff.

Kashou asked "What did I do." in a confused tone.

Dustin thought "You are doomed boy, doomed." while Mikoto and Kushina smirked at each other.