I don't own anything that maybe used in this story.

Mikoto Uchiha was hoping through the trees of the forrest of death with a frown on her face as she thought "Where is he and what is he doing in here."

30 minutes later Mikoto came to a sight that froze her in place for a moment before she screamed "Naruto."

On the floor of the forrest of death was a passed out 4, year old Naruto...with blood coming from his eyes.

A puff of smoke drew her attention and the next moment her eyes went wide and said "Kushina." in a gasping breath.

Kushina smiled sadly and said "Hello Mikoto." as she looked down at the form of Naruto and said "My poor, poor, little one." as she went to rub the hair away from his face but her hand passed through his body as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Mikoto eyes went wide eyed and activated her sharingan and frowned as she saw that Kushina was a bunshin and said "What's going on, who are you and why are you pretending to be Kushina."

Kushina said without looking back "4 years ago, on October 10, when I was talking with you, the elder who was walking with me was taking me to where Minato was so that I could give birth to my son...the reason she was taking me to where he was, was because he was my husband who I secretely married...and because I was the 2nd Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune."

Mikoto eyes went wide as Kushina turned around and said "I was taken to a small temple that was outside of Konoha with seals all around it. The reason was because Mito Uzumaki Senju, wife of the Shodaime Hokage was the Kyuubi 1st Jinchuuriki and when she gave birth to her only son the Kyuubi tried to break free of her just like it tried with me."

Mikoto asked "Is that why Kyuubi attacked Konoha, because it broke free."

Kushina said "No...right after Naruto was born...a man in a spiral mask attacked the elders and took Naruto hostage...he forced Minato to rescue Naruto while he kidnapped me...he broke the seal holding the Kyuubi and controlled it to attack Konoha...Minato fought the man and he told me that the man claimed to be Madara Uchiha."

Mikoto said "That's not possible. Madara died fighting the Shodiame Hokage."

Kushina said "I know...all I can say for sure is that he wore a black cloak with red clouds on it, a spiral mask, and had a sharingan in the only eye that was visible. It could have been a transplant like Kakashi but I don't know...after Kyuubi broke free of me I was dying. Minato was able to rescue Naruto and then came for me. I don't know how he brought Kyuubi back to where I was but he summoned the Shinigami and sealed the Kyuubi into Naruto...along with my soul so that I could see my son and part of his soul...and for what." as she began to cry.

Kushina said "For those fucking villagers...so they could attack and abuse him...so they could hate him...do you know how painful it is to watch those things from your only childs eyes and not to be able to do anything about it...they...they stab him in the eyes Mikoto...the last thing he saw was the snearing faces of the villagers who was let in his room in the orphanage by that woman who ran it...ANBU and members of the police force saw this but once they saw him they turned the other way...it was to much for me to handle...I...I made a deal with Kyuubi."

Mikoto eyes widen and said "What do you mean...what did you do."

Kushina said "What any mother would do to protect her child...anything and everything possible...I convinced Minato to help me and we made a deal. We offered Kyuubi revenge against the man who used him to attack Konoha...Minato also offered to take Kyuubi place inside the seal which would allow Kyuubi soul to go into hybernation like it has in the past and leave Naruto body. In exchange for his freedom he would use his chakra to help save Naruto life and enhance Naruto other senses to help replace his lost sight as well as leave his chakra inside the seal...Kyuubi agreed also to stay hidden for 200 years to regain his lost chakra also so that way the world would think of him as dead instead of trying to track him down and reseal him...Right now Minato is giving me some of Kyuubi chakra to use this bunshin body so that I can speak with you when I detected your chakra signature and heard your scream...please Mikoto...please...I beg of you...I know you helped him already by breast feeding him so that he wouldn't starve to death but please...please protect my son...as one mother to another...as my best friend...please." as she was on her knees bowing to Mikoto and crying as her voice was filled with pain and anguish.

Mikoto was shocked to hear and see what she was and she said "Please stop Kushina...I will do all I can for your son. I promise you as one mother to another to do everything I can for him as if he was my own son."

Kushina sniffed as she set up and said "Thank you my friend...I'm almost out of time. I don't know if or when I'll be able to speak to you again. Goodbye my friend." as she disappeared.

Mikoto looked at the form of Naruto and said "Well I guess the first thing I should do is get you wounds treated and cleaned up." as she bent down and gently picked him up.

Time skip 2 years later.

Itachi Uchiha walked beside his mother Mikoto through a cave and said "Where are we going mother. Why did you ask me to come with you. What is this place."

Mikoto said "This is a special evacuation shelter that my father built back durring the 2nd great Shinobi war. He made this as a place for the children of the Uchiha clan to go to hide to ensure our clan survived if Konoha was attacked."

Itachi said "I see...so you are showing me this so that in case our village is attacked someday I can make sure the next generation lives."

Mikoto was silent a moment and said "That is a bonus of coming here today...the other is in front of us...come on out. It's alright, this is Itachi, my eldest son, little one."

Itachi blinked and looked at his mother then looked forward toward the front of the cave an was suprised when a figure appeared coming out of the roof hanging upside down.

Itachi on closer inspection notice that there was a small ambush point in the roof where a full size adult could hide before he notice that the person who was hanging upside down was blond hair and wore a pair of sunglasses.

The figure said "Itachi was surprised and then confused...and now he's confused and agitated."

Mikoto laughed lightly and said "Yes little one, your getting better at reading people...so are you going to hang upside down all day or can we head on to your home. All that blood going to you head can't be good."

The figure flipped in mid air and landed on the ground right side up and said "Come mother, ni-san." as he turned and started to walk away.

Itachi was wide eyed and shot an accusing look at his mother who said "Adopted...I adopted him 2 years ago as a request from his birth mother who was my best friend. I never cheated on your father."

Itachi eyes softened and said "I see...why does he live here then and not with us."

Mikoto smiled slightly before continuing after the figure and as they came to a huge cavern she saw Itachi eyes widen as there was a huge field standing before him with trees and grass, a river with birds and deer, and a few other animals like rabbits. Just then the room was covered in a rainbow color before going back white and Itachi looked up at the roof of the cavern and saw a huge crystal coming out of the sky.

Mikoto said "My father was very skilled with earth jutsu. He also spent a long term mission with a cave explorer who was studing cave crystals. He learnt how crystal reflect light and he had some cut special that would take sunlight that went into a small hole several miles away and bounce around and amplify before bouncing again several more times until it reaches that crystal up there which lights up this entire cavern. Besides myself and my father. You and the little one are the only people who have ever seen this place."

Itachi said "Amazing."

A voice from behind him said "Yes it is." startling Itachi who turned and saw the figure right next to Mikoto.

Itachi said "Hello. I am Itachi Uchiha." as he offered his hand.

Naruto turned his head slightly to Mikoto who said "It's alright little one. He won't hurt you."

Naruto snapped his finger and moments later shook Itachi hand and said "I am Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Uchiha."

Itachi said "Your..."

Mikoto interupted him and said "I think I should explain something before you go on Itachi. You see, my best friend was Kushina Uzumaki, your godmother. Naruto is her only son. He is also the only son of the Yondaime Hokage. You might remember when you were younger I would disappear for several hours a day. The reason was because I was going to see the Sandaime and was breast feeding Naruto here because I was one of the only women in the village who would feed him. I did it because I suspected who his mother was but couldn't prove it...until 2 years ago. 2 years ago I went to check on him since I wasn't able to on his birthday and I found he was missing from the orphanage. I used my Sharingan to try and find him and I did find him...beaten nearly to death inside the forest of death...Naruto...would you mind removing your glasses."

Naruto said "Yes mother." as he slowly reached up and took off his glasses and Itachi gasped as he went wide eyed seeing the pale blue eyes and said "Your blind."

Naruto said "Yes. Someone durring the attack stab me in both my eyes with a senbon needle. Mother here believes the reason I am blind is because there is no blood in my eyes as the actual damage to it was healed but the eyes have special chemicals that are sealed in the eye. These chemicals act as a focuser. It is also these chemicals that are the source of your clans bloodline since you have an extra set of chemicals in your eyes then normal people do." as he put on his glasses.

NOTE:Don't know if it's true but I thought that since the magnekyou sharingan caused blindness and every time they use it thier eyes bleed I thought that would explain it.

Mikoto then explained what happened between her and Kushina and what happened to Kyuubi and she continued "...and so after I picked him up I brought him here and began to nurse him back to health. I then began to help him as best as I could and between the visits Kushina would show up and help we were able to start training him. As you might have notice before he shook your hand he snapped his finger. Thanks to the enhancement Kyuubi made to him before he left, Naruto can now see soundwaves. Soundwaves bounce off objects and when they get back to him he is able to see what is there."

Naruto said "I am also a sensor so I can detect chakra and I am able to smell and track things with my nose. Also while I meditate I can enter my mind where mom and dad are and dad taught me an S-rank jutsu that Konoha recieved from Suna. It's called Windtracker. It's a jutsu that Suna hunter nins use to track missing ninja. It allows me to see objects within 20 ft of me while moving myself because the wind generated by me moving acts like a soundwave also."

Mikoto said "He's only been learning it for a year now and as his chakra control and chakra amount increase so should his range."

Itachi said "I see...so why have you brought me here today mom."

Mikoto said "Because I wanted you to meet your new little brother...and be here when he officially become a member of our clan."

Itachi eyes widen slightly and said "What do you mean mom."

Mikoto said "You know of Hatake Kakashi."

Itachi said "Yes, the only man with a sharingan who is not an Uchiha."

Mikoto said "Yes, when he recieved that eyes your father was pissed and demanded his death. Minato refused and the Uchiha clan nearly caused a war within the village over this until a compromise was reached. The compromise was the Kakashi had to turn over all his clan belongings, give up his clan status, and that if any other person recieved a Sharingan from an Uchiha member then that person would become an Uchiha automatically and would fall under the Uchiha clan rules no matter what the Hokage, council, or any clan said...for the past 2 years while I trained Naruto, I have been developing a jutsu and today if I am right about what I believe is wrong with Naruto eyes then I can return to Naruto what was taken from him." as she took off Naruto glasses and began to flash through some handsigns and placed one hand over her own eyes while also placing a hand over Naruto eyes and said "Doujustu Genesis no jutsu." as chakra covered both her eyes and Naruto's eyes for several moments until Mikoto began to pant.

Naruto said in an unsure voice "What just happened mother. My eyes feel funny."

Mikoto said "Open your eyes slowly little one."

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and screamed "BRIGHT." as he covered his eyes again.

Mikoto said "Oh, I'm sorry little one, here." as she placed her hand over his eyes and said "OK, slowly open them again. Get use to the small amount of light in my hands first."

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and winced at first before his eyes began to adjust and he said "It's still to bright."

Itachi said "Naruto, close your eyes. I have an idea."

Naruto asked "What is your idea."

Itachi said "Kyuubi enhanced your senses. What if he tried to fix your eyes and enhanced them also. Kyuubi was an animal and may have gave you night vision. Lets go back into the tunnel where we first met and see if you can see then."

Naruto nods as he closed his eyes and began to move a second before he started to turn the right direction for the tunnel.

A few minutes later they were in the tunnel and Mikoto said "OK, one more time little one, try and open your eyes slowly.

Naruto slowly opend his eyes and blinked several times and said "I...I can see." as he brought his hand up and opened and closed them several times in wonder before he began to look around the tunnel.

When his eyes landed on Mikoto he screamed "MOTHER." as he lunged forward and hugged her as he began to cry and whispered "Thank you." over and over again.

Itachi smiled slightly and said "Try putting on your glasses and lets walk back where we were before since we can see you have some sight. Maybe by using your glasses then you will be able to see normally."

Naruto nods and puts back on his glasses and walked back with the others into the cavern and as they did Naruto mouth opened slightly and said "Beautiful...ow." as he grabbed his head.

Mikoto said "What's wrong Naruto." in a worried tone.

Naruto said "Burns...my eyes are itiching and burning and I'm feeling light headed...like I'm running out of chakra."

Itachi activated his Sharingan and said "Naruto, close your eyes...your sending chakra to your eyes, try pulling chakra away from it and see if it helps."

Naruto closed his eyes and after a few moments frowned and said "Darkness...I'm blind again."

Mikoto covered her mouth as she looked at Naruto sadly and said "I'm so sorry little one."

Itachi said "Naruto, try sending chakra to your eyes again."

Naruto said "What the...I can see...but my eyes burn." as he reached up to his glasses began to rub his eyes and Itachi froze and grab Naruto hand startling him and said "Naruto, I'm going to remove your glasses a moment. I need to see your eyes so it might be bright or painful but please endure it a moment. OK."

Naruto nods and Itachi slowly reached up and pulled Naruto glasses off and Mikoto gasped and Naruto who was wincing said "It's bright, can I close them."

Itachi said "Yes."

Naruto said "Why did you need to see my eyes."

Itachi said "Because...you are now an Uchiha, Naruto. You know have the Sharingan in your eyes."

Naruto frowned and snapped his fingers and took his glasses from Itachi and put them back on and said "What does that...ow, not again." as he closed his eyes and withdrew the charka from his eyes.

Mikoto said "It means we have even more training to do little one. You can have your eye sight for short periods of time when you activate your Sharingan but it draws off your charka quickly which is why you keep getting light headed from running through your chakra."

Naruto nods and said "I can live with that. I thought I never would ever get to see again...that the last thing I ever would remember seeing was the point of the senbon needle before it entered my eyes...but you gave me my sight back. I can live with this."

Mikoto smiled and said "For you, your sight will be just an aid. We will keep the fact you have the Sharingan a secet for now until you are able to defend yourself. Only the 3 of us will know...Itachi, I want you to train with Naruto. The reason is I plan to enter Naruto in the accademy next year and the fact he's blind is going to be known to all. I'm going to take the blame from the Hokage and your father on this."

Itachi turned to her as did Naruto and Naruto said "What do you mean mother. What's going to happen."

Mikoto said "It's adult business little one. The only thing that is going to happen is the Hokage who has been looking for you will be angry until I tell him how I found you near death and blind and I decided to give you protection until you could defend and take care of yourself. As for my husband he will be angry that I didn't tell him but when I tell him that the jutsu that you and I have invented to help restore sight was for the good of the clan to help our clan members to defeat enemies who would use jutsu that blind us so we can still fight making thier jutsu useless then he won't be able to say much."

Itachi said "I will also say that I agreed with this plan mother since I will help train Naruto but the problem is do we have a jutsu that we can pass off."

Mikoto said "Oh, I guess I must have forgot about that. To help Naruto while he was learning to eat, drink, and take care of himself at first I was working on how to teach him and I actually did come up with a couple of jutsu that enhance our other senses so that we can mimic what Naruto does naturally...but for now I think that it has been a very tiring day for all of us. Naruto, I want you to please be careful and not over do it with trying to see. You got a whole life time of sights ahead of you. Don't take things to quickly. Rest and tomorrow we will begin training you more. Either Itachi or I will come see you every chance we get to train with you. Alright."

Naruto said "Yes mother, ni-san."

Mikoto said "And remember to read your lessons."

Itachi said "Read." as he looked at his mother.

Naruto said "Yes. Mother and I came up with a way I can read anything written by sending my chakra like a river over the area where it is written and since the paper and the ink have different qualities I can focus on lowering my chakra output to just enough where the words just appear to me bath in chakra."

Mikoto said "It also works another way. Say you just wrote a scroll and wrapped it up and left. Naruto can come in shortly later and send his chakra over the table top and read what you wrote which could give him the ability to read enemy plans after they were drawn up without the enemy knowing he has them."

Itachi said "Impressive."

Naruto said "Thank you...but you should see my taijutsu."

A couch drew both thier attentions and Mikoto said "Don't get to arogant Naruto. Your good, but there is always someone bigger, stronger, faster, or smarter."

Naruto said "Yes mother." in a more somber tone.

Mikoto smiled and walked over and kissed Naruto on the forehead and said "Get some rest. Tomorrow your training continues."

Naruto said "Yes mother, it was nice meeting you ni-san."

Itachi said "It was a pleasure to see you also Naruto-kun."

Mikoto said "Well lets go then, bye little one." as both her and Itachi left.

Naruto sent chakra to his eyes and looked around one last time before he shut them off and thought "Thank you mother." as a tear rolled down his face.

1 year later

Naruto set in the cave where he had lived the past several years and thought "Somethings definately not right. Mom and Ni-san hasn't been back for nearly a month. Even if it's bad weather at least one of them should have come by to see me before that since I was suppose to start at the accademy sometime soon...I guess I have no choice but to leave and see what's going on...I'm nervous...it's been so long since I actually left this place...tonight...I'll leave tonight."

Several hours later Naruto was dressed in a pair of black pants, a blue shirt and a black cloak that was pulled over his head with a mask that covered the lower half of his face as he exited the cave and sent chakra to his eyes a moment to see the night area around him before he stop the chakra and snapped his finger and a moment later seeing the area was clear he began to walk away.

A little bit later Naruto found the Uchiha district and he frowned and thought "Silence...everything is so...silent here. There is no one here...why though. Mother said there was over 100 Uchiha so where are they."

As Naruto walked he began to sniff around and frowned and thought "Blood...old blood...A lot of it also." as he decided to send chakra to his eyes again and began to look around.

After a few minutes Naruto frowned as he saw all the dried blood on the ground or in the houses and as he exited one of the houses and walked into the street and after a moment said "You can come out. I know the 4 of you are there."

4 figures jumped around him in a diamond formation and the one in front of him said "Who are you and why are you here."

Naruto said "I'm looking for someone. My name is Kashou Uchiha and I am looking my mother."

The four figure tensed and one said "How can we be sure that you are an Uchiha."

Naruto smirked sending chakra to his eyes and looked up and said "Sharingan." as he looked at the person in front of him and saw a ANBU in a INU mask.

Inu tensed and said "It appears that he's telling the truth. Where have you been. Who is your mother. Are there any other survivors."

Naruto frowned and said "What do you mean survivors. What exactly happened here. Why is there so much blood on the ground."

Inu said "You mean you don't know."

Naruto said "Know what."

Inu frowned and said "I hate to be the one to inform you of this but 3 weeks ago the Uchiha clan with the exception of you and Sasuke Uchiha were all massacred by Uchiha Itachi."

Naruto frowned and closed his eyes and all the ANBU tensed as they felt chakra coming off of Naruto a moment before suddenly it was gone and Naruto said "Your wrong. There are 2 other survivors. I can feel mother and Ni-sans chakra signature. Thier alive." as he took off running.

Inu said "Quick, follow him." as he began to run after the figure.

20 minutes later Naruto followed by the 4 ANBU came to the Uchiha shrine and Naruto frowned as he entered the room and began to look around and Inu said "Where are they."

Naruto said "Thier chakra signature is below us..another cave maybe...I don't know how to get to them but they are directly below us...maybe 20 feet...Ni-san chakra signature is weak...everyone be quite and don't move." as he began to tap the tiles with his foot. after checking several he stopped and said "This one...it's hollow."

Another ANBU said "How can you be sure."

Naruto did some handsigns Inu recognised and as Naruto merged into the ground Inu said "Earth style:Headhunter no jutsu. Stay here." as he walked to the tile Naruto was on and repeated the jutsu.

Naruto appeared in a tunnel with torches that were on fire and Naruto said "Mother, Ni-san." as he began to move down the tunnel.

Mikoto voice said "Little one. Is that you."

Naruto came out of the tunnel and gasped as he saw Mikoto who looked wounded and then saw Itachi who was covered in bandages and wounds and Naruto said "What happened." as he ran over to Itachi side.

Mikoto looked down and said "Itachi and I were about to come get you for your first day of school when these men dressed like ANBU with the kanji of NE on thier mask appeared. They began to attack everyone. Men, women, children. We were right at the edge of the Uchiha district when they got to us and we were forced to fight and we began to lure them away from where you lived. We killed most of them and took shelter in the shrine. They surrounded the shrine and Itachi and I were forced to hide here in the tomb of Madara Uchiha. After that Itachi passed out from blood loss and been in a coma ever since. I couldn't leave him in fear of those men still being around even though I was worried that they may have found you or Sasuke."

Inu voice said "Sasuke fine." as he came walking out and Mikoto stood up quickly grabbing her sword and Naruto said "Mother stop. It's Kakashi."

Mikoto frowned and said "Are you sure little one." not taking her eyes off of Kakashi.

Naruto said "Yes."

Mikoto lowered her sword and kneeled beside Itachi body and said "Are you sure Sasuke safe."

Inu said "Yes but...if what you said is true then someone impersinated Itachi and used the Magnekyou Sharingan on him."

Mikoto tensed and looked at Inu and said "That's not possible. After Madara Uchiha killed the Shodaime the Uchiha clan hid all records of how to obtain that eye in this shrine since his body was never recovered. This shrine is dedicated to his forbidden beliefs and teaching to ensure that no one else will ever follow them. They were all destroyed and all that is left is the general idea of his beliefs which is written on the wall there. No one in our clan knows how to obtain that cursed eye...Sasuke OK thought...right."

Inu said "Yes. He spent a week in the hospital but he's living in an apartment and returned to the accademy."

Naruto said "Mother...my eyes."

Mikoto turned quickly and said "Stop using them little one."

Naruto nods and Mikoto saw his eyes change from the Sharingan to regular pale blue.

Inu looked questionably and asked "What's wrong with his eyes. Who is he and why does he call you mother and Itachi brother."

Mikoto frowned and looked at Naruto who nods and Naruto said "My name is Kashou Wan Uchiha. I am the adopted son of Mikoto Uchiha who adopted and raised me after my parents passed away."

Mikoto smiled slightly and said "Kashou was blinded by bandits when his parents passed away. I created a jutsu that gives him the Sharingan when he sends chakra to his eyes but it has the same effects as your transplant. It sucks his chakra quickly. When he is not using his Sharingan he is blind but we have trained him to use soundwaves to see. He is also a wind element so he is able to use the Windtracker jutsu that Suna hunter nins use as well as he's a sensor. Truth is he can see better then a person who does have eyes. He just does it differently."


Inu said "How does he know who I am."

Kashou said "I see sound waves and while I can see your mask I can also see your voice bouncing off your mask and I recognise it from the Bingo Book...mom, is ni-san going to be OK."

Mikoto said "He's stable but he needs medical attention. I also want the Sandaime to make a public announcement about the truth that Itachi is innocent and the real people who attacked our clan to be brought to justice."

Kakashi said "Right...um...how do I let the rest of my team down here."

Mikoto said "You can't. Only someone with a Sharingan can get down here."

Kakashi said "Can we use Shushin to leave this place. If so I can then get my team to get a medic and come back and help carry him out. I'll also send word to the Hokage to come."

Mikoto said "Yes, that would be appreicated...Can you give us about 10 minutes. I...I want to see my other son privately since I haven't seen him in nearly a month."

Kakashi nods and sushins away and Mikoto turned and said "You used that jutsu Kushina taught you to die your hair."

Kashou said "Yeah. Every hair on my body is now red just like moms."

Mikoto said "Who would have thought that a guy would ever be able to get a good use out of a kunoichi's long term infiltration jutsu...what about your whiskers."

Kashou frowned and said "I've used the seal dad gave me to hide the seal on my stomach. I've also did this to hide them." as he pulled down the scarf and Mikoto eyes widen and said softly "Oh little one...why."

Kashou whose face showed several scars across his cheeks making it impossible to see the whiskers for the scars said "Because I wanted a new life and I knew if I was caught that you would have to tell about me and I didn't want the Kyuubi to cause you or ni-san any trouble. I'll just say the attack that took my parents lifes and my blindness, also caused these scars. Mom and dad don't care about our family name. All they care about is me so we've talked about it and created a new name and a new life...I'll only have this as a reminder." as he pulled up his cloak and Mikota saw the Uchiha symbol had ben cut in half and made to appear to be 2 D's with a red one in back and a blue one in front.

Kashou said "This will be my clan symbol from now on. It shows I am a branch of the Uchiha clan since my children won't have the Sharingan while trying to honor my other parents as well which is why it is slightly different."

Mikoto said "They will have the Sharingan if I teach you the jutsu I used on you."

Kashou said "Maybe...he's back."

Inu walked in and said "I hope I'm not intruding."

Kashou said "No...let's get ni-san some help." as he went to pick up Itachi left arm while Mikoto took his right. Kakashi took his feet and Kashou sent chakra over all 4 of them and they disappeared in a swirl of leaves suprising Inu.

They appeared in the shrine where the other 3 ANBU were as a medical team along with the Sandaime arrived and the Sandaime said "Mikoto...I'm sorry for your loss but I am thankful you are alive as is your son. I'll make a public announcement first thing in the morning to notify the entire village the truth but do you have any idea who those men were that attacked your clan."

Mikoto said "All I can tell you for sure is they had the kanji for NE on thier mask."

The Sandaime said "I see...I don't know who they are..." Kashou flinched as he heard this which Mikoto saw as the Sandaime continued "But I will do all in my power to see that the guilty are brought to justice."

Mikoto asked "Are you alright little one." while placing her hand on his shoulder and tapped a spot she used to calm him.

Kashou said "Just a little tired mother." understanding she wanted him to stay calm and quite.

Mikoto said "Alright...lets get him to the Hospital and I thank you for your kind words Hokage-sama. Could you please bring Sasuke to the hospital. I want to see my other son is safe with my own eyes."

The Sandaime said "First thing in the morning I will have him brought to you as it is 3 am and he is most likely asleep and we need to make sure Itachi will be OK. There is nothing Sasuke can do for him right now."

Mikoto said "Very well but please put a team to protect him because who ever it was that attacked our clan may come back to finish the job if they hear we survived."

The Sandaime said "I'll make sure that doesn't happen. Take them to the Hospital."

An hour later Mikoto wand Kashou were sitting in the waiting room and Kashou whispered "He lied mother. He knows who those men were."

Mikoto said "I know." in a quite tone

Kashou said "What should we do."

Mikoto said "For now, nothing except you rest. Tomorrow we will unite what's left of our family and we train and prepare. I don't want Sasuke to know that the Sandaime lied though. If he lied he must have done it for a good reason, most likely to protect us."

Kashou nods and laid his head on her lap and she began to rub his red hair genlty as he closed his eyes and said "I don't like hospitals mother, the smell and sounds here...confuse me." as he went to sleep.

Mikoto smiled and began to hum lightly to him as she prayed for the future of herself and her children.