I suck guys, and I know it. Sorry for how long it's taken me to update! I suck. :( This is probably the last chapter:

Chapter 12

Hermione was quiet for the rest of lunch, and Harry kept on sending her disbelieving looks. He couldn't believe that she had just done that! He kept on staring at her and shaking his head in disbelief - he couldn't help it.

When they got into the Great Hall, Harry was surprised to see Michael already sitting at the Ravenclaw table. He looked at Hermione, who had seen him too. She nodded firmly to herself and marched up to where he was sitting, only to turn to the Gryffindor table and look down at Fred and George.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor! Each!"

Fred and George gave each other bewildered looks, but then shrugged and went back to their food. Hermione looked at Michael, who was staring at her, and nodded in a rather salute-like way. Harry groaned and went up to her as she sat down a bit further down the table, next to Ron. He hesitated before sitting down with them.

"What did you do that for?" Ron asked Hermione. Hermione's firm look disappeared and she pouted.

"I honestly don't really know..."

"You took points off of your own house and you don't really know?" he clarified.

Hermione frowned at him. "I can't just not take points off of them because we're in the same house!" she cried.

"So you do know why you took points off then?"

Hermione opened and closed her mouth, and Harry cut in.

"Long story," he explained shortly. Ron gave him an odd look and Harry then hid his face behind his goblet. There was an extremely uncomfortable silence, and Harry felt the horrible need to fill it with small-talk. Don't say anything, don't speak, whatever you say will be stupid. "So, I forgot to ask you guys, Ron, why were you so pissed when you got back to the common room last night?" There. Ron stared at him, disbelieving, and Hermione winced next to him. "I mean, before you, you know..."

Hermione let out a gasp of recognition.

"Oh!" she said. "That!" She looked at Ron and raised her eyebrows, and his mouth formed another 'O'.

"Oh, yeah! That!"


"Well, we were just ... taking," Hermione said. "And then we were interrupted."

Harry thought that that sounded odd. Ron was pissed because they were talking and then they were interrupted...?

"Um... what were you talking about?" Harry asked slowly.

Ron and Hermione exchanged looks.

"We were talking about... about..."

"The weather," Hermione put in, and Ron nodded.

"Yeah, that. It's been really rainy lately..."

"It's sunny today," Hermione observed.

"Yeah, but it was raining yesterday, and it's gonna rain again tomorrow, by the looks of it..."

"See?" Hermione said to Harry matter-of-factly. Harry frowned, but decided that it would be best to leave it. They would probably end up arguing about the weather anyways.

"Who interrupted you?"

"Michael Corner," Ron answered. Hermione nodded, and Harry's brain processed the information - but Hermione got there first.

"Wait, what?" she asked Ron.

Ron blinked. "You were there..."

"I know I was there..." She looked at Harry.

"He said that he was in the Hospital Wing all night!" Harry said.

"He lied!" Hermione gasped.

"Why would he do that?" Harry wondered aloud.

They both sat in silence as Ron watched them, confused.

"What are you talking about?" he finally said definitely. Hermione looked at him, lost, and opened her mouth to speak, but she closed it instantly and looked at her food. Both boys exchanged confused looks at Hermione's actions but then Ron choked loudly on a piece of chicken he had been devouring. Hermione patted him on the back and Harry watched, confused, and nearly didn't notice a red head sit down next to him.

"Oh, grow up already," Ginny snapped at her brother, and Harry jumped so hard the contents of his goblet fell onto the table, soaking his chips. "Oh, not you too."

"Me?" Harry asked innocently, and then he noticed his lunch. "Uh..."

"People are going to think that I'm an abusive girlfriend," Ginny sighed, getting food for herself.

"Girlfriend?" the trio asked together, some louder than others... 'some' meaning Ron and Harry. Ginny glared at Ron, which made him recoil, but said nothing to Harry... in fact, he thought that he saw her blush a bit.

Hermione did not seem at all happy with this, and she watched Ginny carefully through annoyed eyes.

"He knows, you know," she finally said. Ron, Harry and Ginny's head shot up to look at her. Hermione stared at Ginny. "Michael."

Ginny laughed loudly.

"OK. Thanks, Hermione," she said, and she went back to eating her lunch.

Harry and Ron exchanged confused looks before it became awkward again.

"Well... I'm going to class," Hermione finally said. Ron nodded.

"See you there- Ow!"

Hermione grabbed his arm and yanked him up. Ginny stifled a giggle.

"Why are you so strong?" Ron asked Hermione as she dragged him away. "You're a girl- OW! Sorry. Shouldn't have said that. Kinda machist, if you look at it, really."

"Exactly," Hermione praised him smugly.

"You don't have to worry about being an abusive girlfriend with Hermione around," Harry said before he could stop himself. Ginny stared at him in amusement, and he couldn't stop himself from grinning.

"How long until they're together?" she asked, turning away from him finally.

Harry thought about it.

"I think... I think that they might be." Harry frowned and stared at his friends as they left the Great Hall.

"Have they told you about it?" Ginny asked, intrigued.

"No... that's why I said 'I think'."

"Well, you might be right... what about us?"

Harry froze and looked at her, but she was cutting her food, at ease. He put down his knife and fork - she was too close to him and it was giving him butterflies, and he wasn't hungry anyways.

"Are we going to be a couple?" she clarified, putting down her knife and fork.

"Whoa," Harry said before he could stop himself, surprised at her ease of pronouncing those words. But when he looked at her he saw that she was turning slightly red.

"You're not answering and it's making me nervous," she said, avoiding his eyes.

"Sorry!" Harry said quickly. "Yeah, sure... if you... want us to be?" He decided that that sounded wrong as she raised an eyebrow at him. "I-I want us to be," he said.

Ginny beamed at him, but instead of saying anything to him, she turned around and shouted, "Oi, Michael!" The Ravenclaw looked away from Cho at them, and the people surrounding them looked on, all informed of the Ginny/Harry/Michael triangle. Harry was too bewildered to move, less alone hide. "We're over!"

Harry blinked in disbelief as Ginny turned back to her food, looking rather pleased with herself.

"I feel really bad for having caused that," Harry finally mumbled in disbelief, glad that he wasn't Michael. Ginny looked up at him with a slight hint of anger in her brown eyes.

"Oh, don't worry, you didn't cause it, he did, the dirty ba-"

"Whoa," Harry said again. She stopped from swearing and smiled.

Ginny didn't kiss Harry.

Harry didn't kiss Ginny.

They kissed each other.

And neither of them ran away - this time.

Not sure whether to do another chapter, and if I do it'll probably be really short and... well, nothing important really.

Hope you guys liked it!