Title: You Promise
Fandom: Teen Titans
Author: Lynx212
Characters: Robin, Beast Boy
Words: 112
Rating: K
Summary: Beast Boy needs a favor

"You promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise."

"Under no circumstances will this ever pass your lips?"

With a sigh Robin replies, "Yes Beast Boy."

"Pinky swear?"

"Are we gonna do this or not?"

"Ok, ok chill out dude I was just making sure."

"I noticed."

"Well a person can never be too careful. If Cy ever got wind of this I'd never hear the end of it."

"I understand Beast Boy, and I promise you this won't leave the walls of this training room."

A huge grin split the changelings face as he took off in a dead run, morphing into a shaggy green dog just as Robin released the ball.