Belarusian Disease:

Labelled as a disease most men fear worse than death in several places, might seem a bit odd at first. However, this disease seems to mainly be contracted by women and often their personality will undergo drastic changes. The infected is prone to stalking and obsessing over close relatives in a way that is very unhealthy (for both parts). Expressing little emotion for days for then suddenly burst into a fit of anger seems to also be a common side effect. The inability to swim is, however, for many the downfall of being infected with this disease, as it is an illness that came into being in a landlocked country, scientists have declared that the sufferers will have to be kept away from water, as the sufferer and water can lead to fatal accidents.

Some research has been done on this disease, however any attempts at rehabilitation has proven to be futile. The most effective way to treat the infected seem to be letting the patient be close to her (or his) current obsession. However this is often difficult as the patient's obsession usually wants nothing to do with the patient.

All patients observed so far in research have shown exceptional skills in knife wielding, but no information has been released about this being an official side effect or not


No offence intended...but this was fun~~