I decided to make this just a two shot thanks for reading.

When morning came Joe awoke first but didn't notice the paper. Kevin was still asleep so he used the bathroom and went downstairs to see if his brother was okay.

He didn't see the moody boy downstairs though. Joe looked all over and put on a puzzled look.

"You punishing him again already?" he asked Sandy who was making pancakes in the kitchen.

She turned as she put the pancakes on a plate. "No Joseph, can you go and see if he's awake? I want to apologize to him" she asked and Joe shook his head.

"I can't because he's not up there and if he's upstairs or downstairs…" Joe said.

He turned and ran back upstairs before finishing his thought. He saw the note that time on Nick's bed and sat on the bed to read it.

"Oh no, Kevin get up now" Joe shouted and hurried over to Kevin's bunk bed and shook him hard.

"Go away Joey, it's the weekend" he muttered.

"But Nick ran away last night" Joe said and Kevin fell out of the bed and jumped to his feet.

"He what?" he asked and took the note. "Mom…Dad" He then yelled running downstairs with the note and Joe behind him.

"You find Nicky?" Sandy asked and Joe shook his head.

"No because he's gone" Joe said hysterically.

Sandy took the note and paled. "Nicky…my poor sweet Nicky" she muttered and began to sob.

"Don't worry mom, Joe and I will go searching now" Kevin said and she nodded. "Your father will help and I'll stay here in case he decides to return, take your phones" she said and both nodded.

Kevin and Joe soon left and Joe suggested they go to Stella's.

"She could help us look, six eyes is better than four" he suggested and the two ran to her house.

Stella immediately was in. "Of course I'll help find Nick, I can't believe he ran off" she said as she got on her sneakers.

Kevin nodded. "Me neither and when we find him I'm gonna make sure he knows he's loved" he said.

The three walked a bit and looked everywhere they could think of but after a half hour passed they had looked inside most of the buildings. They called their parents but they had no luck.

"If you don't find him in another hour, we'll call the police" Sandy said and everyone agreed.

They went back to the firehouse and stopped in front to talk.

"Where could he be? You think he hitchhiked or something?" Joe asked getting scared.

Kevin shook his head. "No, Nick gets mad but he hides when he does he doesn't talk to strangers or go to places he doesn't know" Kevin said.

Stella then snapped her fingers. "Then we should go to places for children like a park, he could just be hiding in one" she suggested.

"I don't know many parks here except that one by the high school dad took us to a week ago" Joe said and Stella grinned.

"Do you know where it is Joe?" she asked and he nodded. "All the way down there" he said pointing down the sidewalk.

"Let's go" Kevin said and took off running with the other two right behind him. The three didn't stop till they got close to the school and then they caught their breath before entering the park.

"Search everywhere" Stella said and they split up. Joe found him right away still in the bushes.

"Nicky!" he screamed as he found the sleeping boy and the others hurried over. Nick awoke to his voice and rubbed his tired eyes and shrunk back when he saw them.

"You…you found me" he said. Joe dove into the bush and tackled him in a hug. "Of course Nicky, I was so scared" he said and to his surprise Nick hugged back.

"Nicholas!" Kevin shouted climbing into the small space. Stella stood outside not wanting to get dirty.

"You both came for me? I thought I wasn't wanted" Nick asked and Joe shook his head.

"Just because your not the youngest anymore don't make you any less special, I think you're the coolest child ever" Joe said.

Kevin nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry you felt so bad Nicky, if it'll help I'll do anything you want, I don't want you to leave either" he said.

Nick hugged both his brothers tightly. "Thanks, maybe you two could help me and we could form a band together" he suggested and both nodded.

"Sure, that'll be fun" Kevin agreed. "If it'll make you stay I'll do whatever you want" Joe agreed too.

Nick was surprised to see Stella waiting. "You came for me too?" he asked and she nodded and ruffled his hair.

"Sure, all three of you are my friends" she said as Kevin got out Nick's stuff.

They called their parents as they walked and Tom and Sandy grabbed Nick when they were inside.

"Don't you ever do that again Nicholas Jerry Lucas" Sandy scolded as she hugged her child.

Nick hugged her neck and nodded. "Okay mom, I'm so sorry, please don't hate me" he begged.

Sandy scooped him up and carried him to the couch and held him on her lap.

"I don't hate you my baby boy, I am sorry I didn't realize all of this was so hard on you" she said and Nick shrugged.

"I don't really mind the house and school that much I guess I just didn't like Frankie being your baby" he admitted and Sandy kissed his cheek.

"All four of you will always be my babies and none of you will ever outshine another in my love" she said and Nick smiled.

"That's good" he said. "But I will be punishing you Nicholas, you'll lose your drums and karaoke for a week as well as desserts for running away and scaring me" she said.

Nick pouted but nodded. "That's fair…can I go hold Frankie now? I haven't since the hospital and I…I think I should be her big brother too" he asked.

Everyone smiled and Tom lifted Frankie from her playpen who was watching everyone amused.

Nick still sat on Sandy as Tom put Frankie in his arms. "Hi princess, I'm so sorry for not liking you, you really are cute" he told her.

"Nuh nuh…Nuh icky" Frankie gurgled and Nick gasped. "Did she just say?" he asked amazed.

"Nicky" Frankie said and Nick smiled and kissed her cheek. "Yes I am Nicky Francesca, you really are smart" he said amazed.

Joe and Kevin sat by Nick and grinned. "So that's what Frankie wanted to say, she wanted to say she loves Nicky" Joe said and Nick grinned.

"And I love Frankie" Nick declared and tickled the baby making her laugh.

"Nicky, Juh oh ey, Kuh ev ey," she gurgled and though she didn't get it perfect all three were proud that Frankie knew who really loved her.

After that Nick's bond with the princess just kept growing stronger.