"Will we be able to watch a cool surgery?" 8 year old Matthew asked as he sat in the back of the rental car Sam was driving through the rainy streets of Seattle.
"We'll have to see" Addison said with a slight laugh.
"Is Uncle Richard ok?" 10 year old Emily asked worriedly "Cuz even though Uncle Derek is the best, what if he wasn't feeling himself, because sometimes I don't feel myself and I don't dance as well as I can or spell or…."
"Uncle Richard is just fine" Addison said softly "I spoke to him myself before we got on the plane, the surgery went well and he can't wait to see us all, I promise you Emily"
"Ok" Emily said biting her lip a little, Addison let out a quiet laugh that only Sam heard.
"What?" he smirked.
"She gets the worrying from you" she smirked back.
"And Matty gets the surgery high from you" Sam chuckled.
"Mom, does it ever stop raining here?" Matty whined.
"Not really" Addison said with a laugh "It's not like you've never seen rain before Matty, it rains all the time in New York"
"But not this much" Matty sighed.
"Suck it up little man" Sam laughed "We're here now anyway, we won't stay for long because it's getting dark, just for half an hour to say hello and then we're going back to the hotel for some sleep ok?"
"Ok" Matty and Emily sighed, they all climbed out of the car, Sam took Emily's hand as Addison took Matthew's while they crossed over to the hospital entrance, they brushed themselves off as they stepped inside.
"Sam, look" Addison said nodding over to the seating area where Derek stood with a much younger woman, obviously flirting with her as they got ready to leave.
"Wow, so there really is an intern, I thought Sloan was screwing with us" Sam muttered with a smirk.
"Me too" Addison smirked back "Hey kids, look who's over there" she said gesturing to Derek.
"Uncle Derek!" Matty exclaimed loudly, he shot forward and ran straight for him, Derek turned around just in time for him to run straight into his body, he groaned a little at the impact.
"Matthew Bennett that can't be you" he said with a soft laugh "The last time I saw you, you had less teeth missing" he said looking down at Matty's grin.
"I lost another one!" Matty said excitably "Uncle Derek why did you move here? The rain sucks dude"
"The rain does suck and you have been spending too much time with your Uncle Mark little dude" he said tickling him a little.
"They still have that stupid boy day that you used to go on" Emily said rolling her eyes a little as she stood with her arms folded.
"There she is" Derek said with a soft laugh, stepping towards her and hugging her tightly "Look at you Emily, you're growing up way to fast, you'll be a teenager soon enough" he teased.
"Oh god don't age me yet Derek Shepherd" Addison said with a soft laugh as her and Sam approached him "Come here" she said hugging him tightly "I've missed you"
"Missed you too Addie, thanks for coming, Richard will be glad to see you"
"Only because I'll be able to calm Adele down when she gets back here" Addison laughed.
"True" Derek smirked "Sam" he said shaking his hand and giving him a slight hug "It's good to see you"
"You too" Sam smiled.
"You grew your hair" Addison mused "It's very, Russell Crowe" she smirked.
"Um, thanks?" Derek laughed "I haven't really had anyone to nag me about it since I moved out here, no sisters hanging around, no fake sisters either" he said nudging her.
"Shut up" she said dryly "If it wasn't for us you'd still be living like a med school student….like Mark" she laughed.
"Well some things never change" Derek chuckled.
"Uncle Derek, is she your girlfriend?" Matty asked seriously as he stared up at the nervous looking intern.
"Oh god, yeah uh, sorry" Derek stuttered "Sorry" he said turning to her "Guys this is Meredith Grey, Mer these are my old friends from New York, Addison and Sam Bennett, I told you about them right?"
"I should hope he did" Addison smirked.
"Uh, yeah" Meredith nodded "He did it's, it's good to meet you"
"You too" Sam smiled "We'd love to stay and chat but we wanted to drop in and see Richard before these two have to get to bed so, maybe we could have dinner or something before we leave?"
"That sounds great" Derek smiled "Well, I told the nurses to expect you so if you go up to the 3rd floor nurses station they'll take you to him"
"Right" Addison nodded "Ok kids, say goodbye to Uncle Derek, we'll see him tomorrow"
"Bye Uncle Derek" Matty said giving him a hug.
"Bye Matty" Derek said ruffling his hair a little.
"Bye" Emily whispered as she hugged him "I miss you Uncle Derek"
"I miss you too sweetie" Derek said as he reached down and kissed the top of her head "I'll come to New York and see you all soon, I promise"
"Will you come for christmas?" she asked as she looked up to him "Cuz we always spend Christmas together"
"Do you really think my Mom and sisters would let me miss Christmas Em?" Derek smirked.
"No" Emily giggled.
"Then I will definitely be there for Christmas" he smiled "Go on kiddo, go and see your Uncle Richard, I'll see you soon ok?"
"Ok" Emily smiled giving him another hug.
"Have a good night man" Sam said patting Derek's arm a little.
"Don't doing anything I wouldn't do" Addison said hugging him and kissing his cheek.
"That doesn't leave me a lot to not do" Derek smirked.
"Shut up" Addison said dryly "Get out of here pretty boy"
"Goodnight Addie" Derek laughed "Come on Mer, there's a steak out there with your name on it"
"It was nice to meet you Meredith" Addison said with a polite smile which Meredith nervously returned before Derek took her hand and led her away, Sam and Addison ushered the kids into the elevator and they headed up to the third floor.
"I should've known" Derek smirked as Addison walked towards him the following day in her salmon scrubs "That took you all of….11 hours" he chuckled as he looked at his watch.
"Richard called, they've got a case of TTTS that was supposed to be going to a different hospital but they couldn't get anyone specialized, so here I am" she sighed "Luckily my kids want to spend the day with him and Sam is going to have a little time to explore Seattle and find us a place for dinner tonight, if you're up for it?"
"Of course I am" he smiled "I can't wait to catch up with you all"
"We all miss you" Addison said with a small smile "But I understand why you left, Richards offer was amazing, and you seem happy here, I heard the nurses arguing over who gets to work with Dr McDreamy today"
"Oh god" he groaned before laughing "You're going to tell everybody about that aren't you?"
"Oh, absolutely" she laughed.
"So, what do you think?" Derek asked quietly as he stood with Addison at the coffee cart.
"Of?" she said as she paid the cashier and they walked to look out of the huge window, leaning against the glass barrier.
"Meredith…what do you think of her?"
"She seems, nice" Addison said with a small smile as she sipped her coffee.
"But…." he smirked.
"Your sisters will tear her to pieces" she laughed "Derek she's younger than you, she's got these big 'ooh he's a brain surgeon' eyes and you started out as a one night stand"
"They don't, they don't know that do they?" he stuttered.
"You told Mark what do you think?" she snorted "Derek she seems nice, and I can tell that you like her a lot, but you know as well as I do that if she doesn't impress your family, it won't last"
"She's different than the other girls Addie" Derek said quietly "I was drowning in New York, just going through the motions y'know? Meredith she, she's like coming up for fresh air, she's a mess, her life is a mess, she has, mommy and daddy issues that rival yours and that's saying something"
Addison rolled her eyes and swatted his arm "She's a mess but, when it's just me and her, when we're together, she's fresh air Addie and I really, I'm really falling for her" he said with a small smile "So please just, make sure you let my sisters know that ok?"
"Ok" she said softly.
"And Meredith isn't that young, she's 32, she traveled Europe before med school" he smiled "So the age thing, it's not really a big deal"
"Really?" Addison said with a raised eyebrow "Well that's one less thing for people to pick on you guys over" she said with a slight laugh.
"It's not like I'll be taking her home yet anyway, we've only been dating for 3 months and meeting the family is probably top on her list of things not to do"
"I guess that's true" she nodded "But you have to come back and see us, New York's not the same without you, and don't let that get to your ego too much"
"I'll try" Derek smirked.
"It's been nice hasn't it, seeing Derek here" Addison yawned as she cuddled up to Sam "He seems different, happier."
"Yeah, he really does."
"Mommy?" Matty said tiredly as he walked into their part of the hotel suite "I can't sleep with this storm"
"Come here baby" Addison said, patting the bed, he ran over and climbed in between his parents, snuggling into his Mom.
"I can't sleep either" Emily said as she too walked into the room, Sam shuffled over and she climbed in next to him. They all fell asleep cuddled in each others arms.
The End.
A/N: As I said in another post, I haven't updated any of these stories in over 6 years! So these stories don't have the original endings because I can't remember what they were! Hopefully someday I'll start posting new stories again haha!