Just a short, overdone drabble-thingie. I don't own anything, and god I wish I had more inspiration, so that pathetic little things like THIS would stop coming out.

Time is merciless.

It doesn't wait, it doesn't stop. It knows no pity, or mercy, or any kind of emotion. It isn't cruel, it's just there. Never-changing, and never-stopping.

It reminds me of you, a bit.

My time flows differently from the others, and that is why to me- time is cruel. After all the fighting, all the effort- all the wishing, I finally had a home. I had friends, somewhere I belonged, a wife…Everyone was there, next to me.

And fifty years later, I suddenly realized why you always said youkai shouldn't have relationships with humans. It wasn't because you found it disgusting, wasn't it?

It was because you realized what would happen once you got attached to them, and a bit of that lovely time went by.

A full hundred years later, I was completely alone again, barely any older than I had been before I met them.

Time is merciless, I realized, as I sunk to the ground and wept- Yes you asshole, I actually fucking cried. The same thing happened to you, didn't it? Weren't you also forced to watch that little girl you cared so much about grow older and older, knowing she'd slip between your fingertips and die, and that you could do nothing about it?

Tell me, brother, did you cry?

Of course you didn't, you're like time after all. You never change, you always remain. That's the one thing I actually really fucking love about you; I know you won't fade before me. I'm a hundred percent sure that I'll be able to laugh at you when I die, laugh as I leave you with absolutely nothing. It'll be many, many years before that though, cause I refuse to let someone kill me. Only the hand of Time will be the one to bring me down.

No, you never change. Yet you did, Sesshoumaru, you changed. Just a bit, just the tiniest bit, and for the better I suppose, since you became just a bit less of a cold-hearted arrogant prick- but you changed. I can't stand it. You weren't supposed to.

In my entire life, you've been the only thing that remains. The only constant factor. Everything else was chaos, and fire and fighting and just a whole rollercoaster of change and emotions, but you were still there, always the same. Always silent, always there.

Actually, my beloved older brother, I think it's the only ting that's kept me going once I realized what was going to happen. You.

So now I'm closer to you, and we fight more- but we also talk more, and we even managed to have a conversation without getting angry last time, and I'm finding your company quite…Enjoyable, now that were not so eager to drive a sword through each other's guts anymore. Actually, you must've somehow realized something as well, right? You're not attacking me anymore (well, not with real killing intent anyway) so maybe…Ah well.

Thing is, this has made me realize that the next centuries, which I'll probably spend by your side, since you're the only one I can trust on- depend on, when it comes to not-dying before me, maybe won't be so horrible after all. Maybe I can actually learn to enjoy them…Yeah, hell, I think I can.

Time is merciless, but seeing as it pushed me towards you…

I'd say time can also be quite fun.