Finally, i manage to upload another chapter, though i don;t know if anyone still remember this story... please don't kill me for the late update

Warning: There will be a sex scene in this chapter (i don't think that's a rape, but still...)

Please enjoy =)

"That's fine with me. Come on Naru-chan, we shall continue with your desserts after this." Neji smirked as he rested his arm on the blond's shoulder, while the blond only lowered his head and nodded shyly.

"Sai, find us a suitable place and we shall continue our conversation there." Sasuke hissed to his personal secretary with his eyes glued to the pale hand on the blond's shoulder. Hiding his feelings under his cold mask, Sasuke could feel his knuckles cracked a sound or two, itching to punch a specific sadistic face.

Four people sat down at a quiet corner, with Neji smirking, Sasuke glaring, Sai looking at the situation with interest and the blond lowered his head awkwardly. People (fan girls) who passed by are awed with the formation of two handsome, high ranked employers aka the semes (?) and two gorgeous looking secretary (the ukes…..?), a very eye candy scenery indeed.

The awkward silence continued until the clever secretary (Sai, of course) smiled as he opened a bottle of red wine, poured a glass for his employer, before moving to the others. Neji smiled as he took the glass, "Uchiha-san, for the profit that we shall earn in our future collaboration and for the fate that string us together here, let's have a toast." While Neji took one gulp till the end of the glass, Sasuke was glaring daggers at his so-called 'project partners'. Being in the business field for so many years, especially those years under training before stepping into the Uchihc Corporation, Sasuke was very sure that he saw sarcasm pooled in the deadly pale orbs, taunting his Uchiha pride to the very end.

At the same time, Naruto was looking at the raven haired secretary who sat too-close-for-comfort. Looking calm at the outside, the poor blond was literally banging his head to the wall mentally.

Ohmygod ohmygod, I am so stupid! How can I not realize that Uchiha Corp. is the one that is collaborating with our company! To make thing worse, I am a secretary, the president's personal secretary for God's sake and yet I didn't know of this! I guess it's a bad choice for Neji-sama to select me as his secretary after all….

In the poor blond's heart, he could feel a little sour, a little anger, but not as much as the bitter taste that filled both of his heart and mouth.

But…. Hey! Who am I? I am Uzumaki Naruto for God's sake, and I shall not be so easily effected by that son of a whore again!

Remaining such positive thoughts, the dull eyes that are glued to the nice marble floor slowly brighten and become livelier. Smiling sweetly, the blond turned to the long haired raven next to him, "Neji-sama, didn't you just mentioned there's some details that you would like to discuss with Uchiha-sama?"

Seeing that poor looking kitsune that sprang back to life, Neji only returned the smile; his large, warm hand petted the silky locks in approval. As he turned back to the Uchiha, Neji changed from the oh-so-gentle-and-loving-husband mode to the I-am-a-professional-businessman mode.

"So regarding the proposal that I have received two days ago, I think that it would more beneficial if we…"

"Hmn, I think that should be sufficient for now. I'll send you an improvised proposal by the end of this week. " After discussing for more than half an hour, both of the party finally reached an agreement. Despite hating the Hyuuga, Sasuke considered himself a professional in his work, where he won't let his personal feelings to effect his work, well, at least not that much that it will cause them to lose their profits.

"Well then, I'll make sure that our part will be improvised by adding more details as well, may we have an enjoyable partnership." Neji held out his hand.

Glancing at the hand with distaste (mentally of course), Sasuke also held out his hand and replied sarcastically, "I am very sure of that, considering that I have a very talented and capable secretary afterall, don't you agree with me, Naruto?" Reaching out his hand, Sasuke scoped the slightly shocked raven into his embrace, taunting the blond with a mocking face. Compared with the shocked blond, Sai quickly get into the act, encircled Sasuke's waist with both of his hands, looking submissive.

"I… I agreed. How can you compare such a beautiful and hardworking person with me? Actually I didn't help much with our president, I think that in the entire world, Neji-sama is the only one who thinks that I am good enough for my current position….." Naruto whispered out bitterly. If you only think that I manage to climb out this far until I reached this position by just seducing with Neji-sama and sleep with him, then…. So be it, I don't care anymore.

The raven orbs slight widen in shock as they locked with the bitter azure ones. Before the Uchiha can mutter a second word, Neji quickly hugged the blond, whispered loud enough for both Naruto and Sasuke to hear, "Not only as your employer, but also as your….. important one, I won't allow you to degrade yourself like this. People who haven't taste you before won't know how sweet and delicious you are…."

Gasped at the last sentence, the blond blushed and titled his head up to look at the smiling raven. Neji-sama, you are too good at cooperating and acting out like that, you should become an actor instead! After tensed for a few second, the kitsune slowly recover. This is only an act anyways, so it doesn't really matter if I play with the fire….. right? Right.

Tilted his smaller body slightly, the honey colored arm rested on the broad shoulder, while his hands hugging the pale neck, "Neji-sama, how… how could you say that out loud while we are at public~~" Neji gave a 'sincere' apology smile to the pouting blond, wishing to kiss the daylights out of the sexy lips. Naruto laughed mentally as he secretly glanced at the raven with the corner of his eyes, mocking and scolding the Uchiha with the nastiest words that he can ever master.

Hmnp, serve you right, Uchiha Sasuke!

The onyx orbs that used to be cool and bottomless turned bloody red in an instance as the raven angrily pushed away his secretary, and roughly grabbed the poor blond from Neji's embrace.

"You damn whore, how dare you hugged someone else in front of me?" Sasuke barked as he added more force on his grip to the delicate hand, ignoring the questionable looks around them.

"Let go of me, you teme! I am not your belongings anymore!" Naruto shouted, forcing the tears back from the pain on his wrist.

"Fuck YOU!" Hearing that the blond has the guts to cut loose their connection finally snapped the last straw. Blinded by anger, Sasuke once again raised his hand and aiming at the blond's cheek.

A deep voice suddenly interrupted, "Uchiha-san, don't you dare to land your hands on MY secretary. Even though we are in a partnership right now, but I don't think you have the authority to simply hurt MY IMPORTANT employee." Within a second, Neji gently pulled at the blond, making him to rest on his chest while circled his waist protectively.

After a good few seconds of glaring at each other, Neji walked away with Naruto after bid the raven farewell. While the said raven only stood there, looking at the fading figures as they walked towards the exit, raven orbs so cool and bottomless like a hell pit.

"Erm, Sasuke-sama, are you alright?" Sai asked, before his hand can reach and pet Sasuke's shoulder, Sasuke turned away and sat back on the table, emptying the bottle of red wine in the same manner of emptying a bottle of mineral water.

I must be out of my mind to be so concerned about Naru-chan. What he said was the true, I have already abandoned him, and now, he is only a worthless ex-pet and I, Uchiha Sasuke have tons and tons of beautiful new pets waiting for me to fuck them. A mare Uzumaki Naruto is nothing to me.

Silently looking at the bound-to-be-drunk president, Sai only let out a small sigh. He has been checking and investigated all of Sasuke's lover secretly, and this of course included Uzumaki Naruto. All that he could conclude is that Uzumaki is definitely different compared with the other pets. The sole reason would be he is the only one staying with Sasuke for more than a month; in fact, their relationship lasted for three years. Although, during that time, Sasuke still fuck with his other pets, Uzumaki's position still remained the same. It's like Uzumaki is a safe home, once Sasuke is tired of playing with others, he will eventually return to the one he likes the most, which is Uzumaki.

Not even Sasuke himself realized that how important Uzumaki is in his heart. No matter where he goes, either traveling with his other pets or for business trips, Sasuke never fails to buy some souvenirs for the blond. No matter how late or tired he is from the trip, the first thing Sasuke will do is to find Naruto and give him a passionate French kiss, and yet Uzumaki is also a big moron for not realizing that sasuke's heart is so full with him that no one can replace him as Sasuke's lover.

A moron who doesn't know his feeling for another and an idiot who didn't realize how important he is to the person he loves. If it's usual, Sai would shake his head and pity the said couple, but right now, all he can do is to suppress his big fat smirk. This is exactly what he has been waiting for.

But still, he can't be careless. From tonight's situation, even an idiot (well, minus Sasuke and Naruto) can see that the raven still have some feelings towards the blond. It looks like Uzumaki is quite a competitor after all. But, with his beauty and intelligence, there's nothing that can stop him from being Mrs. Uchiha (…?). By only using a few tricks here and there, he is sure that he can easily kicked Uzumaki out in no time. By then, he can easily take Uzumaki's place and become Sasuke's precious ones. Even though Sasuke has loads of pets outside, but he don't really care, after Sasuke is tired 'playing' outside, he will definitely return home, return to his embrace.

Today after following Neji-sama to the fifth meeting with Sasuke, Naruto finally let out a big sigh. 'Finally it's over, how tiring' the blond though as he walked at his usual route to home. At first Neji-sama planed to invite him over for dinner, but due to feeling very tired, Naruto rejected his invitation and decided to go home, take a warm bath and sleep instead. Having to face that damn Sasuke for the past few weeks exhausted the poor blond both mentally and physically to no end, but since this is part of his job, he has no choice but followed Neji-sama to all of the meetings.

But then thinking the sour expression pasted on his face every time they met, Naruto felt a bit happy. Haha, serve him right! Today I 'accidently' poured water on his suit, let's see if I can step on his foot, hard, next time.

But unknowing to the dense and defensive blond, a luxury sports car has been tailing him the entire time. Sasuke's glare hardens as he looked at the smiling blond. What the heck possibly make the blond so happy? Don't fucking tell me it's that fucking Hyuuga!

Finally reaching his apartment, the blond hummed as he fished for his keys and unlocked the door. Suddenly a strong force pushed him from behind, making him falls on the soft orange carpet of his living room. It happened so fast that Naruto didn't even manage to scream for help. Blue orbs widen in fear as the raven quietly locked the door, removed his shoes and walked towards him, with the look of a predator looking at a prey.

Trembling in fear, Naruto looked at the taller man cautiously. With every step the raven took towards him, he moved a step backwards. Until his back finally reached the wall, the poor blond asked with a trembling voice, "You….. you….. why are you here?"

Now only he realized that how much he feared for his ex-lover.

"Why can't I be here? Don't you dare to tell me only that Hyuuga can come here!" Taking a big step, Sasuke finally stood in front of the poor blond, sandwiched Naruto between him and the wall.

Noticing that the blond has been avoiding his gaze, the raven glared as he grabbed the blond's chin and forced him to look at his direction. Hissing in pain, then only the blond realized something.

Why am I afraid of him? Didn't I have decided to change from the old me?

Dedicated, the blond tried to struggle to break loose of the raven's iron grip, "Let go of me you jerk! According to who that I am afraid of you?"

Ignoring his fruitless attempts, Sasuke moved on to his second question, "Why are you struggling so much? Have you slept with that Hyuuga?"

Naruto gasped as he looked at the bloody red eyes. Is…. Is Sasuke still concern about him?

He was about to deny until he remembered how Sasuke treated him like a piece of trash…. My heart hurts, a lot…

"Are your eyes only for decoration? I am already his ever since the first day we met! You better leave before I-"

A slap landed on his left cheek with a loud 'smack'. Ever since he split out with Sasuke, this is already the third time that bastard hit him, unlike when they were together, Sasuke never land his hands on him.

Icy blue eyes glared at the raven, laced with tears, "What gives you the authority to hit me again this time? Didn't you say you dislike those who are dirty? Then why the hell are you still interfering with my personal life?"

With his hand still trembling with anger after slapping the blond, Sasuke quickly grabbed the smaller man, dragged him to the bedroom and threw him onto the bed. With a growl, Sasuke climbed on top of the blond, kissing him roughly.

"What…. What are you doing? Stop! Get…. Get off me!" The blond cried, punching and scratching the larger figure on top of him.

"Don't you like to sleep with other man? Aren't you a dirty slut who openw your legs to any man? If that's the case, then let me satisfied you." The raven hissed as he started to get rid of the blond's clothing forcefully, ripping e inner shirt in the process.

I have never ever being out of control like this! Even know that he has been touched and dirtied by other men, I still can't help myself but to be attracted by him…. I wanted to dominate him, to enter his body and make him mine again and again.

"Stop! There's nothing between us anymore! You can't do this!" How…. How can he be so selfish? Only getting what he wants without listening to others. He was like that in the past, and he is still the same even now….

"I'll show you how we are not related anymore!" Sasuke forcefully kissed the pouty lips, entering his tongue into the warm cavern and tasted the familiar taste that he unknowingly longed.

"No! You…. Hmm, you bas… tard!" After struggling for a while and yet the raven showed no sign of stopping, the blond finally turned to aside and accept the bitter fact that he can't do anything to stop this.

Letting the raven to kiss him as he like, the blond remained emotionless, not responding to the teasing tongue in his mouth. When Sasuke felt that the small figure under him doesn't struggled anymore, his heart, unknowingly to him, swelled with happiness. The rough kiss slowly turned into a gentle and passionate one. Kissing, sucking and licking the sweet lips of the blond never bored the raven. This sensation, this taste, only his Naruto has such perfect, sweet and addictive lips.

Now, the rage inside Sasuke's mind and heart has faded, replaced with only the thought of re-tasting the delicious blond in front of him, and marked him as his, again.

Slowly, moving from the lips to the long, delicate neck, then to the sexy collar bone and finally to the pair of pink perky nipples.

"Ahh!" The blond blushed in embracement as the moan escaped from his mouth. He can't believe that even after all this time, his body still respond to Sasuke's touch.

Sasuke smirked as he keeps on sucking on the delicious nipple in one side, while both of his hands are fondling, groping and squeezing on the soft rounded ass. After a while, the blond gasped as he can feel a finger, coated with saliva trying to enter him.

Ahh! It hurts! Unknowingly to Sasuke, that place has not been used for a while, so it hurts when the raven handles it not-so-gently. A finger slowly added to two, then three, scissoring while moving in and out of the tight entrance. It hurts so much that the poor blond has to bite his own lips in order to prevent any moan to escape from his mouth.

On the other hand, Sasuke can feel that he is already at his limit. After thrusting his finger a few more time in the tight entrance, the raven rested both of the blond's leg on his shoulder; then trusted into the blond in one move.



Both moaned at the same time, only that Sasuke moaned out of feeling good, while poor Naru-chan's out of pain.

Looking at the small face that twisted with pain, Sasuke gently lay some butterfly kisses on his face while whispering sweet nothings. Only Naruto, only with Naruto that he knows how to concern about other's feeling, and not only fuck until his heart content. While gently sucking on the blond's lips, Sasuke moved in and out slowly, until the blond get used to it, then only he started to growl and moved rapidly with strength and force.

"Ahh…. Haahh~" As the pain slowly faded away and replaced with pleasure, Naruto started to moan out loud, his hands unconsciously wrapped around the raven's neck. Sasuke closed his eyes as he savor every single moment, thrusting till the end every time. Only Naruto can give him this kind of pleasure, only Naruto can make him feels so heavenly good. But then when he thinks of this beautiful body has been used by other men, his eyes turned bloody red as he thrust into Naruto hard and rough.

"Ah! You…. agnnnn" Finally can't bear with the pain, the poor blond sobs between the moans. Yet, Sasuke who eyes are blinded with jealousy didn't realize how suffering the blond is. If he was not this mad, he wouldn't make love with Naruto in such a rough way, after a few more thrust, Sasuke growled as he emptied his seed into the warm entrance.

"Ahhh!" After Sasuke, Naruto also followed suit and came.

"Hu….." Lying on top of Naruto, the raven closed his eyes as he savored the incredible feeling of coming inside the blond's body. After a few minutes, Sasuke smirked as he turned the poor Naruto around, back facing him before entering the tight hole again with his awaken member.

Naruto gasped for air tiredly as he let the raven to do whatever he wants, he is already used to Sasuke's long making love sessions. And this time, Sasuke is even more lustful then before, even when the clock strike three, both of them are still moaning and rocking on the poor bed.


There you go, as usual, please do comment and pointed out if there's any error or typo here and there.\

As a big thanks to those who like and still remember this story, i shall upload another short one shot by tomorrow as my token of appreciation, until the.
