Easy Lover

She'll Get a Hold on You Believe It

I don't own Final Fantasy, it belongs to Square Enix.

"It's about time you got here." a white and camel clad Lightning Farron greeted Oerba Yun Fang at her door.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Traffic was a bitch and trying to get a cab was like looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks." Fang said. "So, you gonna let me bring my bags in or what, love?" Lightning looked awkwardly at the floor. It seemed as though the Pulsian goddess packed an awfully lot of things for an overnight trip to Bodhum. "You're glad I'm here I can tell. I see you smile. Is that the best you got?" Fang's comment made Lightning laugh. "Now that is what I came here to see!" she stepped around Lightning, letting herself in. She sat her large and very full purse down on the tiled entrance of the house along with the other bag slung over her shoulder.

"My god, would you just look at this! You have the fuckin' ocean in your backyard for god's sake! I mean this is...it's unbelievable." Fang marveled at the ocean out the back windows of the townhouse where Lightning and her sister Serah called home. Beach property in this Resort town was a premium and Lightning was fortunate to call this particular property home thanks to a little thing called rent control. However, she owned the property now; but if she ever wanted to rent it to vacationers she could. Lightning Farron was sitting on a gold mine in the middle of paradise. "Don't you ever get nervous about all this glass?" Fang asked moving closer to the back of the townhouse.

"Why should I be?" Lightning asked making her way across the room and pulling open the sliding glass door before Fang could beat her to it.

"I don't know...what if you're naked or somethin'?" she just had to wink when she said that didn't she? Ocean air rushed in causing the blinds to flutter. Fang didn't wait for a response from Lightning. She walked out onto the back deck to feel the salty breeze caress here skin. "Wow...so much sand out there. As far as the eye can see, I'd say."

"So, what are you in the mood for?" Lightning asked her putting her elbows on the weathered banister beside Fang. She could smell Fang's fruity hair as the breeze blew Fang's scent toward Lightning. Fang shot emerald eyes full of temptation at Lightning.

" I can think of several things." Fang said not allowing her gaze to falter.

"Good, because I think you'll like what I have to offer." Lightning answered, disappearing back into the house. Fang felt her heart flutter a bit as she watched the rhythmic crashing of the tides onto the sands before her. Lightning returned almost as quickly as she had disappeared. "You're favorite, right?" she said almost smiling at Fang. Fang put her hand over her mouth in excitement. She was quite tickled.

"Would you look at this! Farron, Farron by the sea...would you come out and play with me?" Fang said laughing with delight as she caressed bronze fingers over the clear bottle of liquor. She took it from Lightning, cradling it in her hands more tenderly than she would have cradled a newborn. It made Lightning turn as pink as her own hair.

"Hold on. I'll get us both a glass." Lightning told her as she disappeared again. When she returned she also had at least six bars of chocolate in her hand.

"Oh, you do know the way to my heart." Fang said snatching the chocolate away from Lightning before even taking a glass. Lightning perched herself in one of the high deck chairs and encouraged Fang to do the same.

"Liquor and a pound of chocolate probably isn't the best combination so we can always order some real food later." Lightning said shoving a quarter full glass of pure, clear liquor toward Fang. She watched carefully as Fang swirled it around in the glass, taking in the coconut laced scent.

"Yeah, that's a good call. What you aren't drinking with me? You can't just sit there and watch me swallow this!" Fang scolded her. Lightning laughed.

"Okay, okay! I just wanted to see how you liked it first." she said.

"What's not to like? It's pure liquor...with a side of pink." Fang said winking again. She tipped the glass to her lips. "That's cold...so smooth, coconut...just like being on the beach." Fang continued, running her finger around the edge of the glass and licking the drops of liquor away.

"You want some more?" Lightning asked her.

"Not until you drink yours." Fang said sitting her glass on the wooden table beside the bottle. Lightning did as Fang told her.

"Where's the other Farron tonight?" Fang asked as the distant sun began to slowly creep down the horizon.

"Mmm. She's at Snow's. Big party at Snow's tonight. One of their stupid friends is turning twenty-three or something. She has been there since 10:00 this morning helping him get ready. She's hardly ever here. She will stay over there four and five days a week." Lightning shook her head. "He is such an idiot, just like their idiot friends." Lightning poured Fang another glass as she did herself.

"Well, that idiot is going to be your brother-in-law very soon." Fang reminded her. "He's not that bad. Sure, his bark is bigger than his bite but he loves your sister." Fang said taking another filled glass from Lightning.

"I know he does, I guess I just always thought Serah wouldn't choose on her own, you know? I always expected her to seek my approval of who she dated or...married." Lightning said swirling the crisp liquid in her glass around before swallowing it.

"Must be a sister thing. Well, I'm sure Snow Villiers treats your sister just as good out of the bed as he does in it." Fang said. Lightning laughed, maybe that second drink she took made her laugh with less inhibition.

"And I'm sure that when she is over there she spends more time in his bed than she does out of it." Lightning said. "That, however, is pure speculation on my part and I'm not about to ask her."

"I'll ask her. But don't worry today is not the day." Fang assured Lightning.

"You want to go to the beach before the sun sets?" Lightning asked.

"Can we take this liquor with us?" Fang asked placing her now empty glass on the table and trading it for the liquor bottle.

"Oh what lush lips you have." Lightning said referring to Fang's love of clear liquors.

"The better to tempt you with...my dear." Fang responded. Lightning could feel her heart race; not because Fang had slid out of the high deck chair like a black mamba about to paralyze her prey; but because of what had left Fang's coconut tainted lips. Without even thinking, Lightning took Fang's hand in hers and lead her down the wooden stairs.

"Pleeeeease! It will be so much fun!" a whiney voice on the phone begged.

"I am a single father with a son! Girl, do you even hear what you askin' me?"

"But Sazh!" Oerba Dia Vanille pleaded with him. "I'm stuck here in the middle of Bodhum with nothing to do because Fang left me here at this hotel! Come on Sazh!" there was a moment of silence on the phone. "Oh please! Oh please! Oh please! Oh pleeeeeeeease!" Vanille whined even more.

"Oooh no! Don't you go startin' that! You think I haven't heard Dajh do that kind of thing before? A forty year old man going to Nautilus with a nineteen year old girl to play with sheep and chocobos? Vanille, that just creepy!"

"Aww, it's not creepy Sazh! It's not like the sheep are mean or anything! Besides, they're so fluffy! I know! Take Dajh with us! Oh it will be such fun for Dahj! And with me in charge you won't have to worry about a thing! I can take care of Dajh! You can sit back, relax with a flavored slushie, take a nap...oh, oh! It'll be just like sleeping with a babysitter!" Vanille said excitedly. Sazh could hear her clapping her happy little hands in the background. If Vanille could see through the phone, she would see Sazh's head hitting his palm right now.

"I hope to god you not on a pay phone somewhere in public. Okay, you are right about one thing...Dajh would have a lot of fun and I would like to get some pictures of him with the sheep and the chocobos. And...as much as I hate to admit it, he would have fun with you too."

"Does that mean you'll do it with me Sazh!" Vanille squeaked with sheer excitement.

"Hey, hey! Calm down now! Don't you be yelling like that!" Sazh said simply mortified that complete strangers may or may not be hearing her side of this conversation. "Let me fix Dajh something to eat and change his clothes. We'll meet you at the Bodhum train depot in a half hour." Sazh said giving in to Vanille. Sazh had to admit, he couldn't wait to see the look on Dajh's little face when those baby chocobos came begging for food. Thank goodness there was an entire loaf of bread in the pantry for Dajh to feed them with.

Fang looked like some island angel as the waves lapped at her ankles and the ocean air blew dark hair all around her face. She let the bottle hit her lips with grace and it was clear by the fire in her eyes that she had swallowed plenty of liquor. The beach was hardly populated tonight as the sun dipped lower and lower by the minute.

"Here sunshine, don't let me be selfish with the bottle." Fang said handing the bottle back to Lightning. As Lightning put the bottle to her lips, there was a certain sensuality that came with drinking after Fang. Perhaps, it was a bit of empowerment, Fang's way of passing the torch so to speak. "You know, the pink hair makes you look innocent." Lightning laughed at her devilish counterpart.

"You're right it makes me look innocent." She swayed back and forth as the feeling of liquor surged through her. Fang reached out and put her fingers on Lightning's cheek.

"Mmm…all the fun…none of the guilt." Fang said tracing her fingers down Lightning's neck and down her arm until her fingers were interlaced with Lightning's. "You nervous? Holding another girl's hand?" Fang asked as a wicked smile crept across her face.

"Would you be nervous if I said I liked it?" Lightning asked her.