I do not own any of the TVD characters. This is just an idea I got ages ago, but could never bring myself to actually write this, but finally, here we go. It's male/male, and incest. So if you do not like, then there's this red X in the corner. :)

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask

I want to exorcise the demons from your past

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.

Chapter 1.

Most of the day was taken up by the preparations for the Halloween party. It was Elena's idea. She insisted on spending her Halloween like any other teenager would. At a house party with two vampires, a witch and her history teacher, vampire hunter. The thought amused Stefan Salvatore to no end.

He had spent about 3 hours shopping for decorations, sweets, costumes, and whatever else was needed for the party with Elena. Stefan, of course, wasn't about as enthusiastic about it all, as Elena was. She was floating around, not walking. At least, that's what it seemed like.

At the end of the trip, they were still looking for Stefan's costume. Elena bought one for herself, but refused to show what it was, insisting that Stefan waits patiently until the were going through yet another shop filled with various costumes. There were vampires, zombies, pirates, pumpkins (honestly, what was so scary about pumpkins?) and even clowns.

"I FOUND IT." Elena exclaimed happily, pride and joy clear in her voice. She skipped towards him, holding a costume in her hand. He seriously had NO IDEA what the costume was. It was not a vampire, not a zombie, not frankenstein... It was a simple black robe with some kind of a herb on it. It was red and golden, with a lion on it. "What is this Elena.?" In her other hand she was holding some kind of a stick. "Is that.. a wand.?"

When they arrived at the boarding house, Damon refused to come out of his room under the excuse of not being ready just yet. Stefan was forced to go and get changed into his costume whilst Elena sat on his bed waiting. After 10 minutes, of looking at the ridiculous robe and the wand in his hand, he walked out of the toilet. "How do I look.?" He asked, whilst Elena had a weird expression on her face. As if she was in pain. No, she was holding back the laughter.

"You look great." She said after a while, when she seemed to have control over the sudden fit of laughter she was about to have. She grabbed a marker from her purse, walked up to him and drew something on his forehead before he could even begin to object. As she backed away, she took a good look at him and immediately burst out laughing.

After Elena's fit of giggles and laughter which lasted about 10 minutes, Stefan was forced to go downstairs and start putting on the decorations in the living room, whilst Elena changed. She purchased a sexy, tight, red devil costume. She also had the horns which glowed in the dark, and altogether it looked great. She curled her hair that morning, so the horns really did look great. She put red lipgloss on her lips, checked herself in the morning once again, and satisfied walked out of the toilet and then Stefan's bedroom.

As she headed for the staircase she had a weird feeling she was being followed. She looked back, and frowned. No one was there and just as she turned back something - or rather SOMEONE - PURRED at her. "Are you trying to seduce me with that costume.?" Came the aroggant voice of Damon Salvatore, who was dressed as a... Elena looked him up and down. He was wearing black denim jeans, black boots, black t-shirt, black cape, he had plastic fake fangs and fake - or at least she hoped it was - blood trailing down from his mouth. "You're a vampire.?" She asked referring to the costume of course.

"Your knowledge of things never ceases to amaze me, princess." He shot her a grin, and was about to add something when they heard Stefan, who was now standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Sorry to interrupt but we've got guests coming any second. We need to get this sorted. " Once Damon's eyes settled on Stefan, he burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

Stefan looked Damon up and down and frowned. "Is he a vampire.?" Elena nodded, before grabbing Damon's cape and dragging him downstairs, whilst he tried to calm himself down. "Yeah, Damon, I'm Harry Potter, Wingardium Leviosa, Avada Kedavra, get over it." The younger brother was looking very serious as he said that, and that resulted in Damon having another fit. It was hard for Elena to stop herself from laughing but Stefan looked too cute.

Then there was the doorbell.

"I'll get it." Muttered Stefan, and was off. Damon was dragged into the kitchen. "You're helping me with the sweets and drinks. " The vampire moved to stand behind her, his hands on her hips, his lips dangerously close to her ear . "Anything for you princess. By the way, that costume of yours... It has a weird affect on me." She could feel his hot breath on her skin, it was giving her goosebumps. And sure enough she could feel his erection. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Damon, behave." She said, stepping away from him, and grabbing a packet of sweets.

Stefan opened the door, and there was Bonnie and Alaric. Bonnie, he noted, was dressed in a colourful dress that ended just below her knees. She also had wings attached to her back. He guessed she was a fairy or something along the lines of it. He had no idea how that was supposed to be scary but.. yeah. He then let his eyes rest on Alaric. He looked him up and down and grinned. "Van Helsing.?" The guy beamed, he seemed pretty excited for once. "I thought a vampire hunter would be kind of scary to you, and since it's Halloween..." He trailed off, still grinning. Stefan stepped aside then and let them in, before closing the door shut. "Happy Halloween. Would you two mind giving me a hand in the living room with the decorations.?"

"Not at all, but first I'll put the food in the kitchen." Ric said and only then did Stefan notice the sweets and bottles the guy was holding. He nodded to him, and let him go off, whilst him and Bonnie headed back to the living room and resumed putting on the decorations.

Bonnie kept staring at him and it was distracting him. After few minutes of that, he stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "Bonnie, you're staring."

"Sorry, but...Are... Are you Harry Potter.?"

Damon wasn't about to give up. As Elena was leaning over the counter to grab the bowl that was on the other side, he walked up from behind, and leaned over as well, just to help her get the bowl, whilst grinding against her. "Damon..." He heard her say, although her voice was not as harsh as it should be if it was a threat. He smirked. Of course, she was attracted to him. Who wasn't.? He leaned down so that once again his lips were very close to her ear, before whispering. "You like it, don't you.? Potter just doesn't do it that way does he.?"

And that was when Alaric cleared his throat. He had been standing there for a while, but he was too .. shocked (?) to move, or to speak. Elena tried to move away from Damon instantly, but all she did was move against him even move. He was too damn strong. "DAMON." She said, her voice deadly this time. He obeyed, with a smirk still on his face. "RIC.!" He greeted the man and leaned back against the wall. "Or should I call you Van Helsing for the night.?"

About 15 minutes later, all the decorations were up and the food was ready on the table. Everything was set. The lights were off, the only light coming from the fireplace and the candles that were situated around the living room. Elena had to admit, it a damn good piece of work. The shadows the decorations gave off were scary, but a good kind of scary. The kind of scary she wanted to feel on Halloween.

Alaric sat down beside Bonnie who was sitting beside Stefan. Damon came in with the bowl of popcorn and sat down beside Ric. Elena had no choice but sit in between the Salvatore brothers. She grabbed some popcorn from the bowl that Damon was holding, and then Stefan spoke. "Let's start with scary stories." Of course, Damon had to butt in. "Sorry to tell ya, little brother, but even the scariest story would be hilarious if it was told by Harry Potter. I'll let myself start."

The older brother gave the popcorn bowl to Elena, and no one objected to his offer of starting. Everyone knew that the scariest story would come from Damon. He had all the attention on him before he even started speaking.

Then Damon began. He was whispering, and his eyes were narrowed. "Every year in the fall, the family of a young guy Henry and he himself would visit his cousin Lauren, Uncle Bill, and Aunt Jenny. He loved his cousin Lauren; they were very close. Even though she was two years older, than him she was like a sister. " Bonnie and Elena shifted uncomfortably. They both moved closer to the males sitting beside them; Alaric and Stefan. "When they got there, the first thing he did was go to his cousin's room and put his bag on her bunk bed. But after some searching, he couldn't find Lauren anywhere.

"She's in the back yard playing with Sammy," his aunt called out from the living room where his parents were getting settled. Sammy was Lauren's dog. He was a big golden retriever who always wore a red collar. When Henry got outside, him and Lauren hugged and went back inside, with Sammy following them through the door. They ate and played - all the fun stuff they usually did. " Stefan raised his eyebrow slightly.

"Is it actually going to get scary.?" The look Damon gave him was a death glare. Stefan shut up immediately and his older brother continued.

"When it got close to bedtime, they went and got a glass of water from the kitchen. They came back and put Sammy under the covers to sleep with them and turned out the lights. They weren't that sleepy, so they just talked and told ghost stories. They finally dozed off.

At about midnight, Henry was shaken awake by Lauren because she heard something. It was like a dripping sound or water running. His cousin got out of bed and made Henry come with her to see what it was.

They went outside to see the water running from the hose. She turned it off, muttering that she must have left it on earlier.

They got back in her room and saw Sammy was still asleep, because the lump under the covers was right where they had left it. They both slipped in and let Sammy lick their fingers. Henry smiled and fell asleep.

They both woke up around 2 a.m. to the sound of dripping water again. Only this time, it wasn't coming from outside - it sounded like it was dripping in the kitchen. Lauren was too scared to go by herself, so Henry went with her.

The kitchen was pitch black. The sink was running just slightly, so they turned it off. The kids got the feeling that someone was watching them, so they ran to Lauren's room with the chills running down their spines. They hopped in the bed with Sammy, both a little scared, so they got the dog to lick their fingers because it tickled and comforted them. They dozed off again and stayed asleep for while this time.

They woke up to the dripping sound again. Henry was freaking out, so he reached for Sammy, but he wasn't there. He shook Lauren awake. " Damon stopped and looked around at all the listeners. He still had their attention and the pause made them even more wary. The females were basically pressing themselves into the boys now. It made Damon smile evily. After a second, he continued. "They both went into the dark bathroom and turned on the light. They didn't scream, they just stood there in shock. Sammy had been killed, his body hanging from the shower.

Henry slowly turned to look at the wall. In Sammy's blood, it was written, "PEOPLE LICK FINGERS TOO!" " He saw Elena and Bonnie shiver, whilst Stefan and Alaric had their mouths open. Success. He grabbed the bowl of popcorn and ate some. After a minute of silence Elena swallowed hard and spoke in a shaky voice. "Maybe... we should take our minds off the scary stuff for a while.." She suggested and Bonnie nodded her head eagerly.

"Let's play truth or dare." Was Alaric's suggestion and nobody objected.

Then there was the argument because nobody wanted to get up and get a bottle from the kitchen. Damon just couldn't be bothered but after a few minutes of that, he just got up and headed for the other room.

He walked in with a sigh and didn't even bother to turn on the light. After grabbing the empty bottle he was about to walk out, but instead got an idea. 'You're such a fuckin' dick, Damon.' He thought to himself, before screaming in sheer horror.

The reaction he received was the one he expected and wanted. Everyone came running into the kitchen in panic, wondering what was wrong. "DAMON, ARE YOU OKAY?" He heard Stefan scream, but as they came in through the door, they saw Damon in the middle of having a fit of laughter.

"Dick." Muttered Alaric, and he received frowns and almost everyone cursed at him. It was too funny though. "You should have seen your faces!" Was his excuse.

Once everyone got over the fact that Damon was dick, they were once again seated on the floor of the Salvatore's living room.

"Bonnie, is there any way you could ... I don't know, cast a spell or something, so that we're sure that no one cheats..." Elena's eyes rested on Damon as she spoke the last words. He frowned slightly, before sending her a grin.

Bonnie nodded slightly. "I need a red candle and thyme." As quick as a flash Stefan was back with a red candle and thyme. "Thank you."

The witch lit the candle and burned three thyme leaves, before whispering, her eyes focused on the flame. "For those who want the truth revealed, Opened hearts and secrets unsealed, From now until it is now again ,After which the memory ends. Those who now are in this house,Will hear the truth from others' mouths.'' She then opened her eyes, and the flame went out.

"Let's say if someone, theoretically, lied, what would happen.?" Damon spoke, not in a whisper anymore. Everyone locked their eyes on Bonnie.

"You'll suffer pain."


"Unimaginable pain. I wouldn't try it." Everyone nodded, even Damon seemed to be .. scared.? Well, he did know what the witch was capable of.

"But.. how does it make you tell the truth.?"

Bonnie sighed. "When the question is asked, you see the answer in your head. It's like a neon light and you're like a moth. You're drawn to it. If the thing in the question is somewhere around you, you might try and reach for it, depends on the level of emotion you have towards it."

The first person to spin the bottle was Elena, and the bottle stopped. It was Alaric. And of course, he chose Truth.

"Does anyone here take your fancy.?" Asked Elena, a smirk on her face, as her eyes rested on Bonnie for a second then on Ric.

The guy blushed, and if it wasn't for the fact that it was barely visible in the dark, he would probably be even more embarrased. "Yes." He said quietly after a moment. Whilst he said it, he was looking at Bonnie, and suddenly Elena remembered what her witch friend said about the spell. Elena pushed the bottle towards him, and leaned back against Stefan's chest.

Next up was Stefan. "Dare." He said, trying to sound confident. Alaric thought for a minute, before smirking. "Do the Damon Dance."

Damon's eyebrow was raised as he looked at Alaric and then at Stefan. He had a dance.?

"What IS the Damon Dance.?" Asked Stefan, who was clearly in distress. Alaric shrugged, before laughing. "It's something sexual, I presume."

The younger vampire sighed, and got up, before unbuttoning the shirt he had on under the robe, and trying to look sexy all the while. Damon burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. "I never thought I'd see Harry fucking Potter doing the Damon Dance in my living room."

Elena shot him a death glare, and Stefan tried to focus on her and not on his brother. But it was so damn hard. After a minute of the humiliation, he sat down and procedeed to button up his shirt. Elena moved her fingers and started doing it for him though, which earned thema glare from Damon who grabbed the bottle. "My turn."

He spinned it and it stopped on him. "Perfect. Dare. I dare myself to do a way better version of the Damon Dance."

And he got up, and of course, all the eyes were on him. He got onto the table, looking very sexy and seductive. Nobody in their right mind would say that this was not sexy. Damon Salvatore surely knew how to be sexy. He could be any girl's Italian dancing dream.

He ended up lifting his shirt up, and of course, his eyes were on Elena. Provoking her. He was smirking all the while.

"We get it, Damon. You could get a fortune by being a stripper." Stefan commented, sounding defeated.

His older brother jumped down from the table, patted Stefan's head and grinned. "Glad we sorted that out."

Bonnie grabbed the bottle then, and was spinning before Damon even sat down, but yet it pointed at him again. He picked Truth this time.

"What was the one thing that saddened you the most.?"

Elena was pretty sure that she saw Damon Salvatore blush right there and then, but she couldn't be sure. The emotion was gone from his face the second it appeared.

"I was 7, my dog run away."

She saw Stefan smirk, and mutter under his breath just loud enough for everyone to hear. "Gregory, come back. Come back."

Obviously he was mocking his older brother, and Damon didn't like it. "Damon, no fighting. You promised. " She reminded him, because he looked as if he was going to pounce onto Stefan any minute.

Elena got the bottle, and this time it stopped on Stefan. She smiled. "Truth." She already knew what she'd ask him. She always wondered. "What is your deepest desire Stefan.? The thing you crave the most, the thing you would die for, the thing that is right there at the bottom of your heart whispering to you.?"

"What is your deepest desire Stefan.? The thing you crave the most, the thing you would die for, the thing that is right there at the bottom of your heart whispering to you.?"

Right when she said that Stefan felt a weird tug in his heart. Butterflies filled his stomach, but it wasn't because of the woman that was asking him the question. He looked at Bonnie. No, it wasn't the witch either. Could it really be Ric.? He looked at the man and now he was sure it was not Alaric. But .. it had to be someone, or something, since he was being drawn to something or someone at that moment.

"Stefan, hurry, we don't have the whole night." That was the most beautiful, low, husky, deep voice Stefan has ever heard. He turned his head and locked his eyes on the dark orbs that belonged to the one, Damon Salvatore. "Damon."

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask

I want to exorcise the demons from your past

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.

Review please. :)

What do you think.?

The song in the chapter is Undisclosed Desires by The Muse.