Bonsoir! (it's almost 10 PM in France, so...)

I would like to thank MidnightStarr for correcting my first chapter. I think I'd never post it if you didn't read it before... So, thanks a lot!

That's a real challenge for me to translate my story into english.
But I hope you'll like it anyway.

It's a Blackwater story, but this one means a lot to me for many reasons.

First, it came from a dream. A vivid one. And I wanted to write it so I could share it with Blackwater lovers. That's why I translated it (because there is way more Blackwater stories in english, and way more Blackwater fans as well!)

I also wanted to know if I could really make it (I mean writing all of a story in english). I have a long, long way to be good, but I'll try to do it better.

And the last reason, but not the least, is because I love the main character.

All this story is from Casey's POV. Don't worry, you'll know who she is sooner that you'd expect.


Casey's POV

For me, la Push was a little paradise, but also the worst place to spend my holidays. I loved spending my time on the beach,hanging out with my cousins or annoying my uncles, but none of that could really make me forget how much I missed my Mom.

I hated being away from her, not being able to call her as much as I wanted. My mother and I were like Siamese twins; Identical and Inseparable.

I loved living with my Mom. She was harsh, but fair, and with this touch of madness which made our lives unpredictable. I couldn't count how many time we had moved on an impulse of her's.

My grandmother kept saying that a child needed stable surroundings and to not be constantly forced to move wherever the wind blew. Mom always replied that it was only bullshit.

It was one of the many reasons why Mom hadn't come back to La Push. She'd only lived suffering and misery while she was there, and she literally hated the place. The only positive thing that had happened in La Push for Mom, was meeting my father. (The other reason for her not coming back), and the fact that she got pregnant... Quite unexpected.

The relationship between my father and I was still tense. I loved him as much as I loved my mother, and even more. There was no one compared to my Dad. Nice, caring, brave, loyal, a bit annoying when he didn't take himself seriously, but so adorable that you could only laugh at his antics. My mother said that I had inherited his horrible sense of humor.

But I couldn't stop blaming him for letting her go without saying anything. Or even trying to make her stay.

Mom told me all I needed to know about la Push's little secrets. She was a shape-shifter, like my dad and my uncles. She hated the word, but it was better to her than shewolf, especially when she was the only one of her kind, and the only one without an imprint.

Imprinting... Leah Cearwater's biggest problem. She fell in love with two guys – my father included – and the two of them imprinted on other women.

I couldn't understand how two people who loved eachother so much, like my Mom and Dad, didn't end up together. I mean, the only way to not know those two were smitten was to blind and deaf yourself!

My mother hadn't met anyone after leaving la Push, and my father... Well, he'd hoped on seeing her romantically some day. He'd been thrilled when he found out she was pregnant and had planned on living with her. He'd promised never to give up on her or her child, but then imprinting caught him.

Mom was alone during her entire pregnancy. She gave birth in the bath tub, assisted by my Uncle Seth, and nearly died... While the one who was supposed to be there for her played hide-and-seek with his imprint.

She knew she couldn't fight Imprinting alone, and she didn't want me to become as bitter as her if I had to witness my father ignoring me. So she decided to leave, and he let her go.

When he realized he was miserable without her, he tried to get her back. But she refused.

I saw my father for the first time when I was 3, then I had to go there during all my holidays, the following years.

I did everything possible to see him as often as I could when I was in La Push, but there was one person who did everything possible to not make it easy for us.

Renesmee Cullen, aka the Snow Queen. My father's imprint.

This girl or woman, whatever... I'd had enough of her up to here.

Not only because she prevented me from having a full-time father, but especially because she took a malicious pleasure in monopolizing him when I was around. She always had something to show him, to ask him, to make him taste ... Or, when he was with me on the rez, it was essential that he bring her back something. At first it didn't bother me too much, but when she asked him to come back to her because she had sprained her ankle and she couldn't go hunting without him, I just lost it.

Seriously, How could a super gracious and almost unbreakable half-vampire twist her ankle? Most of all, of all people who were around her – including two doctors who could easily treat her, by the way – why should it be my father who had to take her hunting? He didn't even like that!

Seth - who refused to let me call him uncle - made me realize that Nessie was afraid of me because I reminded her constantly she almost lost her beloved Jacob for the benefit of my mother. She had been seriously ill when my mother was pregnant with me. She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep and was severely weakened. Bella - another phenomenon - had begged my father to watch over her precious little girl, which he did.

Strangely, she felt better right away when my mother had left La Push, and my Uncle Quil said that Renesmee had done everything possible to persuade my Dad into thinking that he would suffer less if he let us go..

Nobody loved her on the rez, except my dad. Even that douchebag Sam Uley (I won't waste my time saying why I don't like him) would've preferred my parents staying together. Everyone tried to make my Mom come back, hoping that her presence would sway Dad off his precious Cullen, but trying to persuade my mother was like trying to push a big triangle through a small square hole. No chance of working.

So I began annoying my future stepmother... My father couldn't stop complimenting me in front of her, and I didn't bother to speak about my mother in front of her. I'd go with my father to the Cullens' and I'd impose my presence. I would openly criticize her way of being, doing, dressing. I tried to push her to her breaking point, but this hybrid was fucking tough. She'd always keep smiling in front of my father (nice way to make people think she was the perfect one while I was always sulking) and she'd try to antagonize me when Dad had turned his back.

She'd cracked up only once in front of him. The day I'd talked about their nonexistent intimate life.

My father had wanted to have a discussion with me about sex, when Keenan, Jared's and Kim's son, had invited me to the theater. It was fun to see that he was worried about something that would have no chance on occurring in the Rez.

"Relax, Dad!" I said carelessly. "I won't have sex with Kee. I mean... Ew! It's like having sex with my brother! Or if you sleep with Nessie! That's way too gross!"

He turned pale and she trembled with rage.

"What would be 'gross' in the fact that your father and I could be intimate? Miss-Highbrow asked me dryly.

"Besides the fact that you are a few months older than his daughter and that you aren't of age yet ? I replied, rolling my eyes.

"I wasn't old when I had you, CC ." My father said.

(CC is a nickname my Mom gave me to annoy Dad. It reminds him that I'm a part of the Clearwater family, and not the Blacks because he gave up on her before my birth. She refused to recognize him, even if his name was on the birth certificate. And I have to confee that I do love the nickname; I'm a total tomboy!)

"But you didn't change Mom's diapers and you weren't been her babysitter for seventeen years before you slept with her ..." I replied proudly.

He'd scratched his head, uncomfortable. Apparently I'd hit a nerve. I knew he'd promised Bella and Edward that he'd wait till the little Princess reached eighteen before he played rollercoaster with her, and Renesmee wasn't pleased about that. I had the opportunity to add fuel to the fire.

"Sorry, but I think it's creepy and gross. When you kiss, I feel like calling social services, So if you're ready to go to the second base..."

"Who do you think you are?" Snow-White got mad. "You have no right to judge my relationship with Jacob! It's only between him and I! If you don't appreciate us being together, feel free to leave! You might as well go back to your hole with your silly lost mother!"

"Enough, Ness'. CC has the right to say what she thinks and what's bugging her. And don't you dare say anything bad about Leah in front of her or me, hear me?" Dad growled.

Loch Ness hadn't said a word and went crying in her mother's skirts. For the first time I won one of my many battles. I knew that despite everything that could exist between my father and she, despite Imprinting, my mother and I really, maybe could come first.

And then, fate - or rather my grandmother - gave us a chance to realize my greatest dream: to spend my summer vacations with my my parents, together.

After eighteen years of playing cat and mouse, my grandmother had finally agreed to marry Charlie Swan and she insisted that Mom be her Maid of Honor. Of course, Bella and Renesmee were upset but that just made it more enjoyable for us.

Mom had asked Seth to pick us up at the airport, but I made sure that my father came instead. I was hoping he wouldn't let Super Leech ruin my plans. But, of course, it was too much to ask.

We waited for two hours at the airport before seeing Seth, who was obviously as unhappy as me. He took my mother in his arms, motioning to me that he'd explain later.

"Damn, you're still the same, Sis!" my uncle wondered. " I haven't seen you in what, fifteen years? And you're still the same as you were when you were still living in La Push!"

"It is not for lack of trying to grow old, bro, but I can't control my bad temper and I phase too often to age." Mom sighed.

" Well! It doesn't matter, now that our lil' CC can phase ... "

I quieted him with a sudden gesture. Mom couldn't stand that. She blamed herself for not having been able to preserve me from what she saw as a curse. I found my ability quite nice. I was the worthy heir of my father, and at least it was safe to rip his imprint's head off if she annoyed me too much. Not sure if it would be very clever, but it would relieve us all, though ...

Seth took us to the Reserve, where the whole pack - that bastard Sam Uley included - we waited impatiently. They were all shocked that she had not aged, and she had to explain that she couldn't control the changes long enough to grow old.

Aunt Emily - Alias Miss Muffin - had prepared a buffet in honor of Mom, who did not seem particularly pleased with the attention, although they both buried the hatchet after my birth.

We stood for a moment at the party, before mom decided to slip away and drag me toward the cliff.

"Some things never change" Mom grumbled. " It's been 18 years since I left, and Emily's muffins are still disgusting!"

"You're harsh, Mom! I noticed slight progress over the last two years." I retorted, died of laughing.

"Then they had to be worse than in my memories" she giggled "I don't see why she insists on baking muffins. When you're not good at it, you're not good at it. Period. Why does she have to persist in this way?

"Because the guys find it good." I shrugged.

"These dudes are sinkholes with legs! You give them a ten-days-dead old cow to eat, they'd find a way to tell you the meat is extra-tender and the best that they've ever eaten!

I laughed louder, imagining the scene.

"It's good to be home, anyway." She confessed. "I missed those idiots... And it's strange to see Claire all grown-up ... She's a beautiful young woman now. When I think she had Quil wear a princess dress for her third birthday!"

"And yet, you didn't see what she inflicted on him on her eighth birthday!" A voice sneered behind us. Mom shuddered.

" Hi, Dad!" I beamed, rushing to hug him. "You're late."

"Sorry, kid, but I had something to settle with Nessie before coming." he excused himself before turning to my mother, who had still not returned. "Long time no see, Leah..."

"Not long enough, obviously" She whispered.

I smirked inwardly after seeing the effect my Dad's voice had on her. He smiled, too, and I could stake my life on it then; Renesmee was probably writhing with pain in her ice castle.

I'm looking for a Beta Reader to help me for the second chapter... If you're volunteer, send me a PM! (I'll bake good cookies and send them from France!)
I'd like to have your opinion, whether you like this chapter or not, so please... Review!
