Fading Dream Pt. 7

Man, this was supposed to be done at Christmas, then I got badly ill. But here it is, last day (or first day, if your GMT or more) of the year, Fading Dream is DONE. Not quite sure what next. Probably updating stuff.

Samus's log.

Stardate: Twenty-five of the Twelfth, Thirty Fifty.

Galactic Federation Headquarters.

Entry Thirty-six.

It seemed like forever and a day ago now since Siria was born, yet I remember it all as though it happened only yesterday. Right now, she's happily opening presents with Adam – a tradition which is called "Christmas", apparently. I've never been around for this "Christmas", so all this decorating, bright colours, and general cheer...it's all new to me. I don't think the Chozo ever celebrated this tradition, so it must be a human thing. Personally, I don't get why we are celebrating. Madeline explained it comes from a really old Christian tradition of celebrating the coming of their Saviour, which she said happened over three thousand years ago now. After that, I was left really confused. I knew very few people in the Federation who were religious, so how had this religious festival evolved into this cheerful celebration for all? It was really vexing me...

...Until Anthony came to see the three of us, that is. He was dressed in this ridiculous red and white outfit, with a long, fluffy white beard and black boots. Never had I laughed so hard and so long in my life. He gave Siria a parcel, the very same one she has just finished getting into as of this moment, bid the three of us 'Merry Christmas' and left, presumably to go give gifts to everyone in that ridiculous outfit. I smiled as he had exited, realising that it didn't matter how the tradition of Christmas had evolved. If you wanted to be a part of it, then nothing was going to stop you. This was later proved only moments before we came back here and I started this log, when we went to find something to eat, and I saw even alien species cracking Christmas jokes with one another...

Well, Adam and Siria are asking me to join them now, so I'll have to end this here. I'll finish this off later, when both of them are asleep.

Christmas...I guess I'll have to learn as I celebrate it, won't I?

After putting four year old Siria to bed and watching her drift to sleep, Samus quietly left the quarters to go meet Adam, who told her he would be waiting in the corridor for her. She had no idea what he was planning, but knew he was definitely up to something, considering he had also told her to put something warm on as well. As she pulled on her long, green jacket and walked to the designated meeting point, she felt the soft touch of a hand grabbing her arm. Without needing to turn around, Samus knew who it was.

"Adam." She whispered his name, remaining completely motionless, forcing him to gently turn her around.

"You took your time. I was starting to think you weren't going to come." Adam cupped her cheek, proudly bowing his head so he could kiss her on the lips.

"Siria insisted I read her one of the stories from that book of myths you gave her before she went to bed, and the one she wanted me to read was fairly lengthy." Samus explained herself quickly.

"Oh, it's all right. I knew you'd turn up eventually." He let out a chuckle. "You are never far from a good mystery, after all."

"Speaking of which, why do I need something warm on?"

"Because, Samus, you and I are going outside."

"Down into the city?" Samus was taken by surprise. Despite having lived much of her life in the Federation Headquarters, never once had she ventured down into the city. And now Adam was taking her down there himself! "What about Siria?"

"Don't worry, I arranged it all beforehand. Madeline said she'd watch over her seeing as she has the day off. So just relax!" Adam held out an arm for her, a grin spreading from ear to ear.

Slightly unsure, Samus took his arm, linking hers through it, and the pair of them walked side by side, heading down to ground level and towards the city.

In very little time, the pair had made their way through the streets of the city to a surprisingly quiet and large park that wasn't too far from headquarters. Neither had spoken much during the journey. The only conversation came about when Samus asked Adam why it was so quiet in the park, to which he explained it was because of an invisible, sound suppressing force field that had been placed around the area. Her question answered, silence soon resumed, and it wasn't long before they made their way over to a bench that overlooked a lake for a rest. They sat there without saying a word until Samus started shivering and pulled herself closer to Adam, who surprised her by pulling away.

"I told you to put something warm on, didn't I?" He teased her.

"I didn't expect it to be this cold out here!" She protested in reply. "C'mon, Adam, I'm freezing here."

"Oh all right. Because it's you," He tugged his jacket off and wrapped it around them both, before kissing her softly on the cheek, "and I love you, I suppose I can share this once."

She punched him lightly for being silly, but she didn't miss his smile, and she was soon snuggled right up close to him. He put an arm around her, drawing her closer to him, and Samus leant her head upon his chest so her ear rested over his beating heart. Its continuous hum relaxed her further.

Never have I felt safer. Nothing could hurt me here...

"What are thinking about, Lady?" Adam's voice cut her mind wandering short. She glanced up at him as he delicately rested his head on her own.

"Oh, nothing really." The bounty hunter let out in a contented sigh, smiling at the fact he had addressed her as 'Lady', something he hadn't done in a serious context since...since the Bottle Ship ten years ago. Had it really been that long now? Another sigh escaped her lips, something that didn't go unnoticed by her companion.

"Well, something's got you thinking." He continued to poke at her, and Samus knew from previous conversations similar to this that he wasn't going to drop the subject any time soon.

"I was just thinking...about us, really. All we've been through, together and alone, and now here we are, sat on a bench, overlooking a frozen lake. I've never felt more safe, more at peace, in all my life."

Suddenly, a daring, almost devilish, smile appeared on Adam's lips. "You up for a bit of ice skating, Samus?"

Her eyes widened in shock and she pulled away from him. "Are you insane? We'll fall straight through!"

"No we won't. I asked the park ranger to check the ice."

"So that's where you were when I was putting Siria to bed!"

"Among places, yes." Adam pulled his coat back over himself, before rising off the bench and offering Samus his artificial hand. "You coming, or not?"

Unable to resist the temptation, she gratefully took his hand and was soon hauled up. This was the most danger she was going to be for a while, so she might as well enjoy it while it lasted. In a few seconds, the couple were dancing (or, in Adam's case, messing around) on the ice. Samus threw her head back and laughed when she saw that he couldn't keep his footing, and effortlessly glided over to him, grabbing him as he fell.

"Still think this was a great idea?" She asked him, kissing him on the lips before he could form a reply.

Even after she broke this kiss, he still didn't form a reply. Instead his gaze was fixed towards the sky. "Samus, look..."

She half expected some playful trick, but when she followed his gaze, she was pleasantly surprised to see snow falling down from the sky. A single flake settled on the end of her nose.

"Oh, this is perfect, Adam! I don't think this could be much better!" Samus exclaimed, gasping in awe. "It is truly wonderful..." She turned her head back to Adam, only to find he wasn't stood next to her anymore. "Adam...?"

She heard a shuffle somewhere below her, and her eyes were soon averted downwards, where she found Adam kneeling on one knee.

"What are you doing?" She raised an eyebrow at him. She had seen some pretty strange gestures in her lifetime, mostly from alien life forms, but this human gesture – at least, she thought it originated within humanity, seeing how she never remembered the Chozo ever doing such a gesture – was one she had never encountered before, and it startled her. Samus was more shocked when Adam began to bow; a gesture she did know. But why did he feel the need to show her respect? That's what a bow normally meant. They were equal, weren't they?

"Samus Aran?" She heard her name emerge hesitantly from his lips, and knew nothing would follow until she replied. Her name was the question.

"Yes, Adam?" The bounty hunter replied, equally, if not more so, unsure as he.

"Will you do the honour of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Adam raised his head at last, his grey eyes meeting her own as he offered her a ring in his hand. Those stern, grey eyes with the faintest hint of silver...

Wait, silver?

No. Tears. He was crying.


Samus's log.

Stardate: As previous.

Galactic Federation Headquarters.

Entry Continuation.

So, where was I? Ah yes. I left by saying that I'd learn about Christmas 'on the job', as it were. I've come to the conclusion that it is not such a bad little festival after all, even if all the decorating and dressing up is a tad ridiculous. Ah well, all part of the fun I suppose, right..?

Samus trailed off slightly as she turned back to look at Adam. He was fast asleep on their bed. His face, she noted before he rolled over, looked peaceful.

Adam. Dozing away in his own little world, probably thinking about what about what he asked me in the park. You know, I've not even given him an answer yet. I suppose he'll understand, but I still feel guilty about it. Why couldn't I answer him there and then? It's not like I have anyone else who cares for me in that regard. Goodness, he's even fathered my daughter. Yet...why...couldn't I answer him?

Samus fiddled absentmindedly with the engagement ring Adam had offered her, which he had left on the desk she was sat at before continuing with her log:

I suppose, it was a bit of a surprise, really. No-one's ever made that kind of offer to me before. Then again, as I said before, he has fathered my child, so...I guess marriage was the next thing on the cards...

Samus stopped talking abruptly, her sapphire eyes locked onto the ring being twisted idly in her fingers.

"What's this...? Chozo designs...?" She brought the ring up to eye level for closer inspection. It was made out of some strange, blue silver metal with the colours of her Varia Suit running through it like veins. There was a bird face emblem which bulged out of the ring. There were also Chozo hieroglyphs engraved in the ring. She didn't remember much of the Chozo writings, but one symbol on the ring stuck out like a sore thumb.

The Newborn. Herself.

Samus gazed at Adam once more. Where on earth had he acquired this?

That was when she noticed the eye of the bird's face begin to glow, and Samus suddenly found herself in a flashback...

"I was just wondering, where I can get some fuel for my ship?" Adam was asking some humanoid reptilian for some fuel.

"If ya got the money..." The creature grunted back at him.

"I've not got anything, though..."

"Then there's ya answer! No, g'way an' stop pesterin' me." The creature jeered, before turning back to another customer.

Samus could see Adam visibly sighing. "I'll never make it back to her...assuming she's still alive, that is. No...she'll be alive! But...I still won't make it back."

"I wouldn't lose hope just yet..." A cloaked figure approached Adam, thrusting two objects into his hands.

"Who...who are you?"

"You seek out our last hope, do you not? Trust me, she is alive, and well." The cloaked figure spoke again. "One object there is your way out of here. The other...I wish you to give it to her when the time is special, and just right."

Adam looked down at what he had been given. One thing was a load of coins, and the other was the very same ring that Samus herself was now holding.

"Wait! You're...!" But as he called after the figure, he found that it had disappeared, and the flashback ended...

A Chozo. A Chozo had given this ring to him. She now had tears in her eyes, and understood now why Adam was crying before.

It wasn't because he was sad, like she thought he was. It was because she was happy. Just as she was now for having been able to see that.

End log.

She didn't feel like finishing that log entry now. All she cared to do was to curl up by Adam's side and sleep by him. Which is exactly what Samus did, leaning her head on his shoulder and placing both her hands on his before resting them on his chest.

"Hey, Adam? You awake?" She whispered gently to him.

"Am now." He replied back, a little groggy. "What is it?"

Samus kissed him on the cheek. "Yes."

"What?" Adam raised a questioning eyebrow.

"To your question in the park. Yes."

A smile beamed from his face as he placed the ring in her hand on her finger, before turning her around and holding her close to him.

"Samus, I truly, deeply...love you."

"And I love you too." She returned the gesture, before he swiftly, yet delicately, captured her lips with his own. As he did so, Samus couldn't help but smile in the back of her mind.

She never thought it would turn out like this after he left her in the Bottle Ship nigh on ten years ago. Not even in the wildest pits of her imagination.

Though perhaps once...in a fading dream...