Fading Dream Pt. 1

Here we go,another Metroid fanfic! Not oneshot this time.

She stumbled after him, begging for him to stop, but he would not listen. As the doors shut, she threw herself at them desperately, but it was too late now; they were locked, and could only be unlocked from the inside. She began to pound on the doors like they would break just from her force alone, however, the doors refused to budge. Still, she kept on pounding violently, and screaming his name, until he finally turned around to face her again.

"No objections, right Lady?"

She raised a blue, Zero Suit covered hand from behind the glass at him, initially a thumbs up. With a bitter expression on her face, she quickly inverted it. He merely nodded at her, a hint of a faint smile etched on his features, before turning away, gun raised, to face whatever foul threat awaited him through the other door which had been slowly opening behind him.

She watched him walk away, her bitter expression now turning to despair. She felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she would not allow herself to cry until she was sure he was gone. Finally, the doors he had walked through shut, and she knew he was gone forever. It was only then she screwed her eyes shut and allowed herself to cry a single tear.

"Unlike you, I'm no galactic saviour. But I can save you..."

Samus awoke; the dream that had been haunting her the past few nights fading once more to the back of her mind. Underneath her hand, she could feel her pillow was damp, indicating, much to her dismay, she had been crying, the one thing she had sworn to herself not to do. He wouldn't want to see her like this. But, her mind reasoned, was it really a terrible thing cry? She had just lost one of her closest friends after all, which was reason enough to grieve.

Samus felt the tears forming, but she quickly blinked them away, pushing off the bed she was laid in so she was sat upright. Her sapphire eyes gazed at the bedside clock, which showed her it was still night, one in the morning to be precise. She was about to let herself flop back onto her bed, when she found her gaze wandering to something placed on a desk opposite her. Rising slowly, she walked over the retrieve the object – a Federation soldier's helmet, with a fading white '07' painted on the front of it, near the top.

Samus took the helmet in both hands, staring at it for a moment. It was the only physical memory she had left of him, which saddened her greatly. She felt the tears forming again, but this time, she had no power left to resist them. Hugging her former commanding officer's helmet to her chest tenderly, Samus bowed her head and let her tears spill out. She cried until she felt a pair of comforting hands resting on her shoulders, one gloved, and the other made of cold metal...