"Giotto, do you think I should confess to Kyoko?"
"…Sure. Just as long as you feel happy and comfortable, you should." With that, I gave him a forced smile.
From that moment, I knew that I have to let go. When the first time I saw Decimo, I fell for him. I have not seen such a person with an extremely pure, innocent and kind heart like his. It seems that the world has forgotten the meaning of true mankind. But, what was replaced, was the concept of money, corruption, selfishness and greed.
The first time his caramel eyes stared at me, my heart has melted. His smile, his scream, his blush. Every little thing about him had me captured.
I was like a brother to him. Sometimes, I would come out of the ring to look at him sleeping, sometimes having a bad dream about his role or sweet dreams about his friends and him.
He had reminded me so much of myself. But it hurts me so to see him having a bad dream.
It was all my fault. If I hadn't created such a fuss, he wouldn't have to bear the name as the Vongola Decimo. All these were too heavy for him to carry, for his innocent, pure heart. After seeing him like that, I would plant a small kiss on his forehead, and his frown will morph into a sweet smile, as if telling me that he finally found someone to comfort him.
He caught me watching him once. Of course, he was scared and did his usual adorable scream. I tried to slip back my ring, but he wouldn't let me go. He would tell me that he had a bad dream. He believes me, he trusts me because we share the same heart. But maybe not. I never knew what could make him happy, pineapples, tunas, sushi, cherries or cookies? So I offered to help him with maths. Like a teacher, when I saw him unhappy, I would tell him what's wrong and relieve him from his darkness.
When there are lightning, he would be afraid. Every time, I would wrap my cloack around him and sleep with him like a brother. I wanted to hug him and kiss him, but I couldn't. I didn't want to scare him, or taint his pure heart. The furthest I can go without scaring him is kissing his nose tip. He would giggle and say "Oh Giotto-san, you're just like an older brother to me! Arigatto!"
A brother. I couldn't have done more to him. What am I, was a phantom, dwell within a ring. And what is worse, is that I couldn't undo the bond within us. The blood relationship...
"Oh Giotto, are you okay? You look so pale! Did I make you feel uncomfortable talking about truuuuue luuuurrrve?" said Tsuna in such a cute silly way so that I would laugh.
But instead, I hugged him close and told him "Decimo. Follow your heart, do what you want. Go to her." He didn't seem to understand my action, but he smiled and ran off to find his dream girl.
Sometimes I wonder, why didn't I stop him and confess? What makes me being out powered by such a fragile girl? Why didn't I just go off, kill that girl so he is mine?
The answer would be "because I love you too much." I was afraid to see him hurt, afraid to see him unhappy. If sacrificing my love towards you would bring you happiness, I would gladly do it. I am nothing compared to you. I would do anything to make you happy.
If that thing I can do is to let go, I would.
For you and no one else, Decimo.
Ti amore.