I really truly don't own Harry Potter, no matter how much I wish it will never be… (sigh)

All the times Marcus saved Hermione…

The first time…

It was after Ron's spell for Draco eating slugs backfired on himself (little fool).

That night Hermione was walking in the corridors after curfew. Pucey had stupefied her, and was about to crusio her. When Marcus walked into the corridor. Seeing what Pucey was about to do, he cast a slumberosis on him (instantly putting him to sleep). Reviving Hermione he escorted her to the Gryffindor dorms. Reaching the fat lady's portrait. He stopped. "Granger, Show some concern for your wellbeing. don't wonder the corridors at night by yourself. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Flint, thanks." Hermione replied before heading into the dorm.

The second time…

It was during the Death Eater attack after the quiditch match.

Stupid Potter and Weasley, lost her during the stampede. How could they be so careless, with her. Sending a curse at death eater before they cursed her. Running up and grabbing her arm he started running with, the whole time looking for Potther or one of the Weasley's. Finally spotting Potter he stopped. "Potter is right there. Go and stay with him. Watch your back stay safe promise me Granger promise." Marcus said softly pushing her towards Harry. "I promise." Hermione answered before turning and running towards Potter. He watched her for a minute before turning and running to help fight the death eaters…

The third time…

During the finale battle.

Marcus was sending flying at every death eater he saw. He had find Hermione, he just knew Potter and bumbling no good Weasley, wouldn't be able to protect. And he saw her, his heart stopped when he realized who she was dueling, he couldn't move he was frozen in horror she was to far away. This time there was no way he could get to her in time to t save. But started running as fast as he could any way. His heart started beating again when he saw mrs. Weasley come up and take her place. He followed her as she ran towards were Potter was facing of he who must not be named.. Just then out of the corner of his eye he saw Pucey raise his wand in the direction of Hermione. With out even thinking he lifted his own wand and sent the killing curse right were Pucet;s heart was….

The fourth time…..

Hermione's and Ron's wedding day.

He didn't know why he came. Maybe he just wanted to terrorize himself. Maybe he wanted to prove he was insane. But he really came because she asked him to. No matter how much it hurt him to have to watch her marry another man. He would just to make her happy. That was all that really mattered her being safe and happy. So he sat on pew looked at Weasley thinking that he was one lucky guy. Then the music started and Hermione floated in. Marcus watched as she slowly walked down the aisle. She looked so beautiful. When she reached where Weasley was she took his hand in her. The next Marcus remembered was the priest asking if any one objected, he stood up and yelled "I do!" Hermione stared at him for a minute before gathering up the skirt of her dress and running. Straight into his arms. A few minutes went by and Marcus looked up and saw Ron relieved expression…..

Three months later…

Hermione's and Marcus's wedding u

Marcus was getting nervous. "Don't worry mate she will be here." Ron whispered.

Just then the music started and Hermione floated down the aisle, but this time towards him. He smiled. After the vows were spoken. He kissed her and whispered "finally"..

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