Even though I didn't get but 1 review, I decided to post the 1st chapter anyhow...maybe then I will get more reviews! I do not own VA!

Chapter 1


"Love fades, mine has." Those words were pure hell ringing in my ears as they repeated themselves in my head. What the fuck? With a heavy sigh, I laid my head in my hands. I was sitting in the corner of my cell on the floor and I was still requesting that the only to see me was my father. How could I let them see me weak like this? Everyone thought of me as a badass…the American female equivalency to Dimitri. Dimitri. The man who, still to this day, holds my heart. I can't let go of him as easily as he has me. What is really fucked up is that all I can do all day is sit here in this tiny fucking cell and think. Think about him, think about that day in the cabin, think about my fate. With a frustrated growl, I flung my head back against the wall, not giving a damn about the pain. Why can't I just let him go? Why does he have to have such a damn part of me captured in his revived soul that I can't break free of my thoughts of him and just wallow in my own self-pity? At least it would make it a little more bearable.

With nothing better to do, I allowed myself to slip into Lissa's head for the third time today. She was in her room with Adrian and Christian. "Has Abe found anything yet? He made it sound like it wouldn't take long at all!" "Princess, I am sure he is doing everything he can to find evidence that Rose is innocent. We just have to have some patience." Huh. I didn't even know Dimitri was there. Please don't look at him, please don't look at him. Of course, she turns around. My heart melts as I am forced to look into his deep brown eyes that I had gotten myself lost in time and time again. That's it. I am getting the hell out of here.

Back in my cell, I retreat back to my "bed". I swear it should be illegal to keep people this way. Between the hard-ass bed and the food, or rather lack there of, it should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. Then again, if I were truly a murderer, I guess I would deserve as much. "Rose, here is your breakfast. Sorry I can't bring you something better." Mikhail is awesome. I just wish he could actually get me a donut or something! "Thanks." Yup, small talk at its finest. The smell alone sets my senses in a spiral. Suddenly, there is an overwhelming urge to vomit as I hurl myself over to the toilet. "What the hell is that shit? I have been in here for days and have eaten the same thing and this hasn't happened before." With a concerned look on his face, Mikhail let himself into my cell, not bothering to even close it behind him. "Rose, what's wrong? Are you alright or do I need to get the doctor here?" I couldn't find my voice to answer him, afraid I would hurl all over again. So, I lay down on the floor of the cell to press my face against the cool concrete and waved him away. Reluctantly, he retreated with a promise to check on me every half hour so long as his shift lasted.

I decided to let sleep have me. Hopefully, I would feel better when I woke up. Instead, I found myself back at the academy. "Adrian? Where are you?" Looking down, I noticed that I was wearing the same damn clothes I was in real life. "Not putting much effort into this are you? Adrian?" I look around, but find nobody there. "I am sorry, Rose. I am trying I really am. Actually, I am surprised I was able to do it at all." Out of nowhere Lissa appears. "Holy shit, Lissa! You did it!" I ran over to her and threw my arms around her. I didn't think I would be so happy to see her, even like this. I was just so damn proud that she finally fuckin' did it! "Lissa, you did it! You made it to my dreams! Listen, I really need to talk to you. Can you come right away? I will tell Mikhail to let you in. Just please, come alone." "Sure thing, Rose. Hurry up and wake up!" With that I pulled myself from my "nap" and called for Mikhail. I told him to go ahead and let Lissa in as I needed to talk to here privately. I knew he would understand.

About ten minutes later, Lissa comes running down the hall. As she skidded to a halt, the air stirred and the smell caused my stomach to heave. I ran to the toilet once again, vaguely aware of the sound of my cell door opening. Concern washed over me through the bond and I felt someone pull aside my hair and rub my back lightly. The after shave I smelled irritated me. I knew in an instant who it was comforting me and I couldn't help but groan into the toilet. "I'm sorry; they wouldn't let me down here without another Guardian. I had to bring him," Lissa thought. Dimitri helped me off the floor and led me over to the bed. I didn't want to leave his arms, but I knew how he felt. He made his choice….Love fades; mine has, echoing in my head once again. Lissa sat down next to me and gave me a strange look. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" "It's your aura. There is something odd about it. I'll have to ask Adrian what it means."

"What are you talking about Liss? What's wrong with my aura?" She cocked her head to the side with a thoughtful expression. "I am not sure. Like I said, I need to talk to Adrian about it. You know that I am kinda new at this." I let out an exasperated sigh and along with that, the nauseous feeling returned full force. I ran towards the toilet, barely making it on time. "Fuck! Why does this keep happening to me? I swear, if I have food poisoning from this shitty food….." This time it was Lissa holding my hair back and comforting me. "We better get going Rose, the guards are starting to look at us weird and I think our time is up anyways. If you will let me, I will try to come back later and see how you are doing." I nodded, not sure of what would come out of my mouth. She then whispered in my ear, "I will try to smuggle some real food in for you." As I started to throw up again at the thought of food, I heard the cell door open then close behind me. This has been one fucked up day.

Groaning in defeat, I made my way back to my cot. Why do I keep throwing up? Seriously! I lay back breathing slowly to try to relax….then I felt the strangest thing. There was a fluttering in my stomach…like tiny little butterflies were trapped in there. "What the fuck?" I waited to feel the uneasiness I had been experiencing all day, only to feel nothing more at all. Since I felt ok, I didn't want to stay awake any longer. Sleep has become my new best friend since I have been stuck in here. Not that we weren't close before…but it helps to pass the time more quickly. I know that sometime very soon, it would be time for my trial…..the end of my life all together.

I recognized the scenery around me. It was the apartment Lissa and I were staying at when we were caught and taken back to the Academy. I was sitting on my old bed. Lissa came and sat across from me on her bed. "Rose, I have talked to Adrian and we know what is going on." "Well, then tell me!" She shifted uneasily to try to get more comfortable, while fidgeting with her fingers and looking down. "Are you sure you didn't have sex with Adrian or any other Moroi? I mean, you may have been drunk or compelled or something." I rose an eyebrow at her (yes, I finally got it…no thanks from Dimitri). "Lissa, I was a virgin until the night in the cabin with Dimitri. That was the only time I had ever been with anyone at all in that way. Why?" She stood up and started pacing around the room. In frustration, I flung myself back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Rose, I don't know how to say this and I don't know how it is possible, but…." "Just get to it already," I groaned in true Rose Hathaway style. "Rose…. you are…. pregnant."

So, let me know what you guys think! :)