Yay I am so glad that people are still reading :) So I already posted the next chapter even though I wanted to wait a bit. And yes, the last chapter was supposed to leave you a bit confused... And yes, this chapter does clear that up.

"You are a prisoner of the CIA for the moment, Miss Morgan," she said.


"Please, don't make things any harder. Just stay put–"

"Like I have a choice." I interrupted her, but she ignored me.

"And wait until we get things ready. I will see you later." Then she closed the door behind her and locked it.

I probably had time, so I started wondering what I could do and more importantly, what this could be about.

Options a Prisoner of the CIA has when having

no clue why they're arrested

A list by Cameron Morgan

1. Try to break out and run

2. Try to at least get out of
my handcuffs which had
been left on my wrists

3. Yell and scream

5. Do what I was told until they
got me out and then fight and

I was pretty sure that this room was absolutely break-out-safe and that I would probably die if I tried to run, so options #1 and #4 were no good. Getting out of my handcuffs wouldn't help my situation and possibly make me look like a threat, so option #2 wasn't any good either. Yelling and screaming would tire me out and even if someone heard me, nothing would happen, so option #3 was ruled out. And that only left what I least wanted to do:

5. Do what I was told.

Unfortunately, I wasn't told to do anything for 46 minutes and 32 seconds, when the door opened again. I backed away into a corner and sat down. Then the door opened. It was the woman from before. "Come on Miss Morgan. We need to speak with you."

"And I don't suppose you'll tell me why you locked me up like a prisoner?"

"Just come," she said. Again, two guards stood on either side of me and she walked ahead. No one said a word. She opened a door that said Interrogation Room 6, and motioned for me to come in.

There was a metal chair in the room, with a handcuff attached to each arm, and two in the front for the ankles. There was a voice analyzer on a table, and a mirror on a wall, which was clearly one-way glass. I wondered who was behind it. She led me in, and she pointed at the chair. Feeling helpless and cold, I sat in it. Immediately, one of the guards cuffed my ankles, and while the other one held me in an iron grip he un-cuffed my hands from behind my back and put each of my wrists in one of the handcuffs attached to the chair, so that my arms were crossed. Then they went to stand by the door, and she sat in the far more comfy-looking chair across from me. "Will you tell me what this is about now?" I asked.



She waited and didn't say anything.

"What?" I asked again, clearly more annoyed than before.

"You already know what this is about, Miss Morgan."

"I really don't."

She rolled her eyes, but then she looked at the voice analyzer again. "Hm," was all she said. After a pause, she continued. "It appears that you really don't know what this is about." She stopped again and looked at me. I was starting to want to squirm, but stayed calm. These were just interrogation tactics. "We treated you like a prisoner because we had to investigate if you had any plans and if you were being followed."

"Why? You didn't do that with anybody else!"

"Miss Morgan, you had three trackers on you when you walked in here," she said.


"Should I repeat myself?"

I ignored her irony. "Did you just say that I had three trackers? Do you know what I've been doing in the last few weeks?"

"In fact, I don't. But I am aware that you've been running from the Circle of Cavan. Is this correct?"

"Yes!" then it dawned on me. "I thought they had just followed me, but if I had trackers… But they took a while to find me!"

"We need to know why you had trackers."

"I didn't know," I said quietly.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is! Where were the trackers anyway? And instead of locking me in a cell, shouldn't you do something about them?"

"The trackers have been disabled Miss Morgan."

"Oh." Yes, that's how stupid I sounded. "Where were they?"

"Shouldn't you know?"

"I think we've established that I really don't know. Which is also why these cuffs are not necessary."

She scoffed. "One of them was in your smaller intestine."

"Does that mean I ate it?"

"Yes Miss Morgan, it certainly does."

"I didn't know."

"The second one was in your bloodstream."

I don't know if it was the cold or the news that the Circle had inserted something into my bloodstream, but a shiver shook me. "And the third one?" I whispered, almost not wanting to know.

"Your spine."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you have a lot of explaining to do." I was about to say something when she explained, "About what happened after you were taking from the Gallagher Academy."

"Sure. Do you mind unchaining me? And moving to a more comfortable room?" She raised an eyebrow. "Look," I said, my voice slightly sharper than I had intended. "I have been on the run for three weeks, trying to get away from the Circle of Cavan and back to school. I have gotten very little sleep, and since the last time I slept, my friend was kidnapped by said terrorist group, which apparently has put trackers in my bloodstream, digestion system, and spine. You know what school I go to, who my parents are, and that I am hunted by the formerly mentioned terrorist group. You know as well as I do that I don't work with them or against the CIA. So is there really a necessity in keeping me like this? I can assure you that I am absolutely willing to give you all information I have, because it will help against the Circle." She raised both eyebrows. "Unless you are convinced that I have been brain washed to feed you false information, please understand that these are seriously bad circumstances for me and do me this favor."

"Alright, I can see your point," she said, and took off the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. My short time as a CIA prisoner was luckily over. "I think that part is over, but we weren't sure if you were aware the trackers were there. Well then, let's move." She stood up and one of the guards opened the door. She led me down several hallways, and then into a far warmer and more luxurious room. "This is my office," she said and pointed at a chair that looked tons more comfortable than my last one. Still, the guards went to stand by the door. I also noticed a similar "mirror" as the one in the last room. "Now please, do tell me about what happened," she said.

"The Circle of Cavan invaded the Gallagher Academy on October 23rd. During the fight, I passed out and I don't know what happened. Me and Amanda Smith woke up on November 4th – well she might have woken up the day before, I'm not sure – and she told me that we were in the town she had grown up in." She didn't stop me once while I told her the story, and took notes throughout. I told her about everything: the people in the town, the shops, the stories, HappyFace13, how we found out it was the Circle's HQ, the man in the flashy car, Tom, Mr. Goode, every detail about how we ran, the tails we had, the FBI, and finally the way Mandy was kidnapped.

"Thank you Miss Morgan," she said and then stood up. I shook her hand. "Please follow me to the hospital wing."

Of course. They still had to get those trackers out of me, even if they were deactivated.

I had changed into a hospital gown that felt really unflattering and exposing, when mom walked in. "Oh goodness Cammie!" she came and hugged me. "Are you okay? If I'd known… I never would've let them…" she sounded horrified and angry.

"Is this about them putting me in a cell?"


I squeezed her once more. "It's okay."

Then her look became worried again. "Cam, they told me about the procedures. They will first locate the tracker in your digestive system and remove it. It will be the easiest one to remove. Then they will locate the one in your bloodstream, and either remove it or wait until it possibly moves to an easier place – even though they said it's lucky that it hasn't clogged a vein yet… It's probably programmed not to do that. We will see about the one in your spine… They're not sure yet how to proceed. Either way, you will wake up before they attempt anything with that one."

They wheeled in a bed. "Please remove your clothes and lie down, Miss Morgan," one of the nurses said. I did as I was told.

"Love you honey."

"Love you too mom."

They wheeled me through the hallway and in front of a large elevator. One of the two nurses stroked my hair. It felt odd. We went into the elevator, where several other people stared at me, so I closed my eyes. Then they moved me into a hallway with large, metal doors with windows. They almost looked like the cell doors, only the windows were round and didn't have bars. It still felt unfriendly.

We went through a door, and one of the three doctors held the sheets so that I could climb onto the other bed with some privacy. Then he put a needle that was attached to something with an entrance for a vial into my hand, near the base of my thumb, and inserted something in it. Then he and another doctor moved me further away from the door.

"Think of something positive" the third doctor said, "and you will dream of it." I was surprised, but tried to comply. I thought about Bex, Liz, Macey, and Josh. They were safe to think about. The room started spinning. Shouldn't I be falling asleep? Should I say something?

When I woke up, something was blocking my mouth, but I was too busy trying to look away from the too bright lights, and before I knew it, I could open and close my mouth again. "Everything okay?" One of the doctors asked me.

I nodded, because my throat hurt and I didn't want to talk. Then I smiled, hoping to make them happy.

I transferred to another bed and was rolled away by two nurses. Just as we came out of the elevator, I smiled at my mom. She walked back as I was wheeled to my room. I went back into my own bed and pulled on my own pajamas. They gave me something to drink, and she stepped outside.

Long after I was done with my drink, she and the doctor walked in. Both looked a little worried. "We removed the tracker from your intestine, and also the one from your bloodstream, which was luckily just by your left arm." I smiled. I had noticed where they had closed it again. "We also located the one in your spine." The doctor's voice was grave. It is lower than we thought." He paused, and mom looked down. "We cannot immediately perform a surgery like that, so we will have to wait a few days. However, the further the device moves down, the bigger the possibility of you being unable to walk after the operation."

If I couldn't walk, then I couldn't run. And if I couldn't run, they'd get me again. I looked at my mom in fear. "Isn't is possible to just… not do the surgery?" I asked.

He shook his head, but my mom spoke. "I've spoken to the Director, honey. The risk is just too high. We've decided that we'll get it out of you in four days, but to avoid it going any lower you're not allowed to stand up, okay?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice. Then I took a deep breath. "Will I stay here?" the room suddenly seemed too small and claustrophobic.

"There's no need for that. We'll go back to Gallagher; the operation can just as well be done there. You'll just remain in bed."

I felt a tiny bit better. Okay, it was more than a tiny bit. Way more.

"Let's go," she said and a nurse brought the bed with wheels close again so that I could move onto it.

No longer in prison but in serious danger... If you had the choice, which one would you rather be in? Well, hopefully you'll never have to make that choice. I'm so happy people are still reading, so happy reviewing!