Dislaimer: I don't own Bleach, all the characters used here belong to him.

Author Note: It's AU. So no Shinigami and it'll deal with Vampires. Don't expect me to put them as angels.

Warning: Blood, death, yaoi, slash (consenting only now)

Someone has accepted recently to correct my text. I've done a lot of mistakes with first version in fact. '-,-

Deep thanks to Aizen_No_Otome from BleachAsylum to have accepted to correct me. :)


He was enjoying all the despair. He was wishing to see more blood. He wanted some of his own men to kill other people just for his own pleasure and theirs. They needed something. They were wishing things. They didn't come just for taking over this town but to taste what was in this town.

They didn't enjoy normal food. They didn't like it. It was like some ugly and tastelessly soil. It was like some rotten vegetables or fruits they remembered from when they had been Humans. They had been. Simply. But they weren't anymore. They were above all of these stupid creatures. They were pets or rather animals which Aizen's men were supposed to eat and savor like every fine food.

He watched as one of his men, Ulquiorra flew and caught a crying girl, separating her from her mother. She was frightened at what he might do to her. He killed the mother in the blink of an eye, for she was just an annoyance to him. He wanted to eat his meal in peace, unbothered by anyone. He smiled at his master, flew back to their castle. Little Orihime (according to her mother's calls) was screaming for her mother. Then the screams stopped. Ulquiorra had activated his powers. She was calming now. Now, she felt as if she were safe in his arms.

Then, she would grow in their castle, and become as beautiful as any princess. One day, she would be one of the most dangerous Vampire in the world a day. She would be Ulquiorra Schiffer's chosen one. They would be a perfect couple for anyone. Orihime would have one of the most appealing yet disgusting powers: rejecting. She would have enough blood for her whole life by using a single Human.

Ulquiorra Schiffer had been called Ishida Uryû in his human life, his former life. He had been a doctor's son and was supposed to follow this father's example when he grew up. But Aizen Sôsuke had come. He had acted as if he was deeply wounded. The young teen (he had been thirteen that time) had come to his father's office. He had been just curious. Aizen had been targeting just the father but he had found someone interesting in Uryû: his high intelligence. He had killed the father and taken the son with him. Gin had made fun of him this time. He was interested in young boys now?

It seemed that the young boy had been a fancy of his part. He was interested in young boys, yes. He admitted it for once. They were more appealing than anyone. But he found himself looking for special ones. He had been searching for one type of boy all these long years. Unfortunately he hadn't found it. Not yet.

Gin approached. He was smiling as always. He had come with his lover Matsumoto Rangiku. She was one of the most beautiful women in the world. She used ashes to destroy every life, using her body to fool her victims. He had found her in the inner city. She was searching for money for her master. She had been a slave for him. He was using her body too. It was so appealing for a man like this. But she had met Gin one night. She had thought he was a rich man, had felt some hope. Since she hadn't found any money that day, she feared being beaten by this man first with wood then with metal. It had depended partly on his mood and partly alcohol, how severly she would be punished. Gin had told her what he really was. She had been frightened. He was a Vampire. He was a cruel man. Then she had felt a sudden strength running in her blood. She had killed her master.

All her friends were now free, thanks to the mysterious rich man. She and Gin had found nice houses and families to take care of these children. There was no way children could be treated like that. It was unfair and disgusting. Much to the great delight of Aizen, however, the children had all received a good education courtesy of Gin's generosity.

-You haven't found that rare masterpiece yet, Aizen-taichô? It's quite unbelievable. You have always found everything else very quickly.

Aizen watched him quietly. It wasn't the right moment to joke. Hunters could come anytime after being warned by the inhabitants. They would be fast, very fast - even faster than usual. They should leave on time. Urahara and his wife Yoruichi weren't that far. They were always hunting Aizen down. This hunt was becoming boring with time. They had killed half of Aizen's clan already. That would change.

-It's not a good time to make jokes, Gin. You know what you need to do now. I'll find him another day, replied Aizen.

AIzen sighed. It had become a bad joke with time. Would he ever find a good lover to spend eternity with?

Gin had been one of Aizen's fancies, too. He had been found in a noble house, where he had learned piano and violin. At only fourteen. He had been one of the most gifted children Aizen had ever seen. The boy's family had treated him as a slave, and, they didn't know at the time how they would pay king's taxes. Gin had been with Aizen when he visited them. Aizen had visited their home and castle. Aizen had introduced himself as a rich man, but that had been a complete lie. Actually, he was something else, something dangerous. There was no way you allowed a Vampire into your home. After all, they could come back any day. Months later, he had killed them and transformed the young boy into something like him. The two had hated each other, but they had come to know each other. Gin had been Aizen's first mate. and Aizen's clan had readily accepted him. His smile was so appealing.

Then Aizen had become bored of him. Gin had understood that. He was just a part of his clan. They didn't complete each other. They were just talking and agreeing each other points of view. Aizen had found at least someone who was able to understand him, at least to a certain degree. They had both searched for the right lover. Gin had already found someone in Rangiku. Aizen had found Ulquiorra (Uryû at first). They had stayed together some time but Ulquiorra had been a disappointment to Aizen. Ulquiorra was the quiet kind of guy, so he had calmed himself. He had felt a disappointment but he hadn't told him. Thanks to Gin's advice he had searched for a good partner too. He had found someone in the young girl Orihime. They were a perfect match for each other.

-I think it's about time. Gather our men and please be sure no one under Urahara's orders are following us.

Gin grinned. It was his favorite hobby. He killed them all the time. It was his task, a nice task for a Vampire. He had killed a good part of Urahara's clan and he knew perfectly that Aizen had that ruthlessness to kill by himself. It was something truly incredible. Aizen was one of the most powerful Vampires in the world. If he were ti do it by himself, Urahara's whole clan would be killed in a night.

Within moments, most of the vampires were on their way out. Gin was still waiting for Aizen. Rangiku, meanwhile, was sleeping in his arms. She loved to sleep. Her power affected her like that. Plus Gin's arms were the safest place for her. Aizen allowed himself a smile. They were beautiful together. There was no way you could deny that. Then they left. Tomorrow was another day for both.

All of a sudden a bright-haired boy, tall and graceful, ran in front of them. His eyes blazed with anger. Aizen's clan had killed his whole family. Aizen's eye was drawn to the appealing youth, his perfect body a tone of thin muscles under blood. The boy had succeed in escaping in Aizen's men. He was holding a knife. Although he was terrified, he tried to act brave. He had seen what they were able to do. Poor creature. Aizen wanted to take him in his arms and comfort him. What was happening to him? There was no way he had the wish to comfort someone and make him happy.

But his smell! Aizen had never before smelled such a perfume. It was unique. Gin laughed softly. He seemed to know exactly what was happening in his master's mind. To himself Gin thought, "This is the one you should spend your life with. It would be a shame if you let that opportunity pass."

-I let you. You join us later, aren't you? Gin answered.

-Just go.

Gin grinned again. He made sure Rangiku was well in his arms and flew to their castle.

Alone, the boy and the Vampire gazed at each other.

-What's your name, boy?

The boy jumped suddenly to stab him in the heart. Aizen had been stunned at first, but he caught the boy's arm just in time. He sent the youngster to the floor. The boy had never felt such a strength before, like a stranglehold on his fist. Aizen drew his face nearer to the boy's, and took him into his arms. The boy was screaming and yelling now, wanting only to escape. He tried to punch his face, but Aizen was far stronger than him. All of a sudden. The boy stopped struggling. He felt as if he were in heaven.

He put the boy on a bed. Then he started crying. It seemed he now had a headache. He remembered that headaches were just an effect of his own power, but he still felt wrong. Illusions. They were incredibly powerful. And for a Human they were hard to bear. The boy would feel Aizen's true power in a short amount of time: seduction. He undressed the boy very quickly. His smell was so damn arousing. He was losing his widely known self-control on himself because of a mere Human. Lots of people would make fun of him because of that. Whatever. The boy was more important. He undressed himself quickly.

He lay on the boy, finally calming him. He managed to make him feel better with his powers again but a Human was fragile. A young boy was the most fragile of all. He didn't want him to hurt because of him anymore. He was far to much precious to him. He was the most important thing in this whole world to him - more important than being the leader of his clan.

He let his hands wander on the boy's body. He ran his lips over the his pale skin and licked all his wounds. They were healing right now. This blood was so damn tasty. The boy felt incredibly good right now. He had never felt anything like that before. This man provoked in him things he couldn't simply control. That was completely new. Suddenly he felt wrong for what he was doing. He started crying a lot uncontrollably. He was in the bed of the very one who had killed his parents. It wasn't supposed to be.

Aizen felt a little disappointed when the boy tried to escape. The boy was resistant? He shouldn't be. He had put an amount of power on him. He was supposed to be calm and moan in pleasure. Then he read in his mind. He had some issues with his own conscience. He didn't want to be in his parents' killer's arms. He wanted only to escape. After he learned his name in his mind. Ichigo. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful boy.

-Calm down... Ichigo.

The boy stopped moving. Surprised, he wondered "How?"

Azien chuckled.

-That is the power of a Vampire, he whispered in his ears. Will you be nice, now? It'll be more appealing for me if you let yourself lead.

The boy abandoned himself to Aizen. He decided to let himself go. It was pleasure and not torture after all.

Ichigo was nicer now. Aizen went softer too. He sucked his neck and bit it slightly. No. It would be for later. The boy moaned. Disappointment? Gin had described something similar with Rangiku. When you met your soul mate it produced always this effect on both. Aizen's hands wandered on his hips and his legs. The boy moved in pleasure on his. He had never felt so good before.

-Please, he whispered.

Aizen couldn't help but sigh. The boy was so cute.

-Sôsuke, simply.

Then they let themselves to be touched everywhere. To be aroused by each other. The boy was asking and him too. He let a finger entered him. The boy ached in pleasure. He wanted more and more. That guy provoked in him reactions he had never felt before.

-More, Sôsuke...

Aizen let another finger. The boy almost screamed. It was so damn good. For both. He chuckled again.


Ichigo felt something else inside him. Not a finger but something else. He felt waves a pleasure every time it hit that point. He wanted more and more.

He felt teeth biting his neck and a more pleasant sensation than before. He felt an unusual strength running his blood. It was like he was coming in Heaven. Yeah, exactly this. He was losing all and gaining more. It was a fire which was burning what you were and water which was helping to build you again.

Soon he collapsed in Sôsuke's arms. Aizen felt the boy's life running far away substituted by something else, something evil. His skin became cold and his body became straight. It was done. The boy opened his eyes again. He was far more sultry than before. He was ready.

-Do you wish to be my companion?

The boy kissed him, deeply.

-Yes, my love...

Later, they joined Aizen's clan. Gin and Rangiku smiled. They were perfect for each other.

Reviews please.