My third fan-fic. Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, Lily and James would never have died, Sirius would be a frog animagius and Pettigrew and Snape would've been gay.

Chapter 1- A train to a new world

"Lily, wake up!"

Sounded like a distance drifting noise…. Ah, sweet sleep….

"Lily, wake up!"

Hang on- what isn't a drifting noise…. It's getting closer…. And it seems so real….


Someone yanked my covers off and I woke up with a start.

I looked to my right and groaned. "Tuney, what are you doing in my room at…" I glanced at the clock. "Six thirty in the morning? Six thirty, Tuney!"

She tapped her foot impatiently. "Lily, it's September first!"

I rolled my eyes and fell back onto my pillow. "Go back to sleep, Tuney. September first isn't until tomorrow. You can't lie to me about that." I've been keeping track of how many days are left until September first.

"No it's not you freak," she spat at me. I groaned again and turned to the calendar beside my bed.

"Look at it, Petunia! It says September first, okay? So don't wake me up until tomorrow because today is still September f- wait, what?"

I looked again. Yep, definitely September first.

Petunia was smirking. "Be ready in half an hour." And with that, she left my room.

I stood there, stunned for a second, before going to wash my face and brush my teeth, realizing what was happening.

It's September first- it's finally September first! I'm finally going back to Hogwarts!

Happiness filled me as I showered, got dressed, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I'm going back to Hogwarts! My final year at Hogwarts!

And this time, I'm going back there as Head Girl.

Of course, thinking about Hogwarts also had me thinking about Potter and his group of prats. Stupid arrogant toe-rag who only thinks about himself….. Girls always swooning over him…. Always causing trouble and hanging out in broom closets…

But they definitely weren't going to ruin this year. This year is MY year, and NO WAY are they taking it away from me.

Two hours later, I was lugging my trunk into the train. After I'd done that, I went back to my parents to say my last farewell.

"Oh, Lily, we're so proud of you!" My mother tried to squash me to death. Petunia rolled her eyes.

"Mom- can't- breathe!" I choked.

She let me go and wiped a tear from her eyes. "Oh go on, Lily."

"Bye, mom, see you for Christmas!" I called, as they left the platform. Then I walked towards the train.

I barely took five steps when I heard my name. "Evans!"

I gritted my teeth. That could only be one person. Someone worse than Potter.


I spun around and saw him coming towards me, with Potter trudging by his side. Great, I barely survive ten seconds before I'm invaded.

Black grabbed me and gave me a bone crushing hug. "It's good to see you, Evans!"

I wriggled free from his grasp. "Let go of me, Black," I snarled. Then I looked at Potter. He was unusually quiet. Usually he takes advantage of opportunities like this to ask me out.

"Hi, Lily," he said, smiling.

I stared at him. He had never said my first name before. It….it was said with so much passion, such…..commitment. It was really…..sweet…

Hold up, Lily- stop thinking like that! Don't forget- this is POTTER here!

Just then, Remus came towards us. Remus was one of the Mauderers I actually could cooperate with. Then again, he still was a Mauderer.

Sirius beamed and gave his mate a big, monster hug. "Moony! It's been too long! How have you been, mate?"

"Good," he said as soon as Black had let him go. "What about you, James?"

He smiled weakly. "Coping."

Wait- coping? What kind of answer is that?

"I met Professor Dumbledore on the train," Remus told him. "He says that you should go and meet him in the heads' compartment later, together with Lily. Oh yeah-" he turned towards me. "Congratulations on getting Head Girl."

Thanks, Remus," I smiled. "I'm guessing you're the new Head Boy?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Don't know who it is, though. But I'm glad I didn't get it."

I didn't ask questions. I knew all about Remus's…. time of the month.

"Anyway," he continued. "We better get a compartment. Coming?" he turned to the two dimwits beside him.

"Oh Moony, we'd love to share a compartment with you!" Black exaggerated. Potter rolled his eyes and the both of them followed Remus onto the train.

I blinked. Did Potter just blow off an opportunity to….ask me out?

Then someone squealed behind me, "Lily!"

I turned around. "Alice!"

She ran to me. "Oh my god, it's been so long! How was your summer?"

"It was okay," I told her. "You?"

She snorted. "Okay, my arse. Seriously, Lily, how do you expect me to think your summer was okay when you constantly sent me five letters a day about your sister Petunia and that whale?"

I grinned. "I use my mouth. Isn't that how you speak?"

She groaned and I laughed.

"Hey, have you noticed Potter?" I asked abruptly. "It was weird- he had one-too-many opportunities to ask me out just now, but he only said one word: coping. I mean, what was that about?"

Surprisingly, Alice dropped her gaze to the ground. "Yeah, I've been meaning to speak to you about that."

"Huh?" I said, not knowing what she meant.

She shifted her feet uncomfortably. "Lily, don't take this the wrong way, but…can you….stop being so harsh to James?"

Did she just call Potter 'James'? "Why?"

"Just….lay off him, please? He's had a pretty bad summer," Alice wouldn't look at me in the eye.

I looked at her closely. "Did you guys start dating?"

Alice stumbled back a few feet. "What- no! You know I only love Frank!"

"Then why are you sticking up for Potter?" I demanded. This definitely wasn't the usual Alice.

She merely shook her head. "I can't say if he won't tell you, but just…..go easy on him, alright?"

I was still looking at her suspiciously. She sighed.

"Look, Lily, I am not dating James. I would never date James, and it you want proof, you can look at my hand," she said, waving her hand in front of me.

My eyes widened when I saw what she was talking about. I grabbed it in midair and jumped excitedly. "You're engaged? Why didn't you put this in any of your letters? Oh my god I'm just so happy for you!"

She grinned. "Thanks. Now come on, let's get ourselves a compartment."

We walked into the train. My excitement from seeing the beautiful gold goblin-made ring on Alice's hand quickly turned to shock as I saw a compartment filled with the Marauders together with most of my friends: Mary Macdonald, Emmeline Vance and Marlene McKinnon.

What in the world happened to the wizarding world when I was away?

"Ooh, look! Let's go sit with them!" Alice dragged me in too before I could protest.

When we entered, everyone's eyes were on me. Some were hopeful; some were puzzled; some were delighted.

"Evans," said Sirius happily. "How nice of you to join us! Of course, no one can ever resist the charm of Sirius Black." He flipped his hair dramatically and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Whatever you say, Sirius," said Alice sarcastically. The both of us sat down.

I definitely wasn't noticing where I was sitting, because I ended up sitting next to Potter. And if you think that's weird, then the idea of Potter not taking this opportunity to ask me out, not smirking in my face and saying something like, "couldn't resist now, could you Evans?" or not doing some seriously unattractive flirting with me would be just incredulous.

But that's what happened. He did turn to me, smile and say, "Hi Lily." But that was it. No flirting, so mushy disgusting stuff, no….whatever.

And for some stupid reason or another, my cheeks betrayed me and turned pink at those two words. TWO WORDS, Lily! What kind of effect does TWO WORDS have on you?

Needless to say, it is a lot.

Shut up. No one asked you.

I shifted uncomfortably and our shoulders brushed, somehow igniting a spark between us and made me jump a little. What the hell just happened?

Potter chuckled. "What's wrong, Lily?"

There it was again. Lily. The way he said it was like sweet honey, like melted chocolate in his mouth, filling it with sweet-ness and passion. I just loved the way he said my na-

Hold up, Lily! Get a grip! Once again, this is POTTER we are talking about!

I blushed again. Oh why, you cruel and insensitive cheeks? Why? "I'm fine, Potter," I snapped.

To my surprise, I got a lot of annoyed glares from the people in the compartment. Potter, however, was unaffected.

What is wrong with these people? Aren't they sane anymore?

"Guys, give it a rest," Potter said tiredly. "She didn't mean it. Its typical talk-to-Potter style," he joked.

Everyone stopped staring at me. Those who wanted to say something shut their mouths.

Oh, so now they actually listen to him? What, did he get a billion galleons during the summer or something?

Just then I felt the train moving. I stared out of the window and saw King Cross station pass by me in a blur. This was it- I'm going back to Hogwarts!

I stood up and our shoulders brushed again. I felt electricity radiating through my body and blushed again. Stop it, you traitor cheeks!

I cleared my throat. "I've got to go to the heads compartment. Potter, Dumbledore still wants to see you, remember?"

He nodded and stood up. "I'm coming."

"I'll meet you there in a moment," said Remus. "I've just got to tell Sirius something."

"Ooh, what is it Moony? Tell us tell us tell us!" Black chanted. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Okay then," I said. James nodded and we left the compartment.

As if on cue, everyone started speaking.

"She has a right to know!"

"It's James's choice! He's the victim here!"

Victim? What the hell?

I could feel Potter stiffen beside me as we continued to hear their conversation.

"Look, I know he doesn't want people hurt, but if Mary knows, why can't she?"

"You heard what James said! He doesn't want her to be worrying about him as well! We're more than enough!'

I fought down a snort. Me? Worry for Potter? Puh-lease.

"Don't you think it's good that we're here for him?"

"Apparently, he doesn't think so."

"Well, at least it's better than having D-"

"Um guys, you do know that the two of them are still standing at the door, right?"

They turned to see us and jumped guiltily, mouthing apologies. Potter raised an eyebrow at Remus, who got up and head for the head's compartment immediately.

"What was that about?" I ask Potter curiously. Being in the Muggle world sometimes had serious disadvantages.

He shook his head, obviously not wanting to tell me.

I got irritated. "Now look, Potter-"


Many people smirked. I groaned and Potter rolled his eyes.

"Ignore him," muttered Potter. He started walking down the hall.

I had to run to catch up with him. We opened the compartment door and saw all the prefects, including Remus, and Dumbledore already present.

Dumbledore's presence really shocked me. I mean, Remus had already mentioned that he saw him on the train, but I have never had any of my prefect meeting chaperoned by Professor Dumbledore, much less see him on the train. I mean, this was the man who only left the castle to buy sherbet lemon from Muggle stores!

"Sorry we're late, Professor," said James. "We were being held up."

Did. Potter. Just. Call. Dumbledore. Professor? Which alien came from outer space and possessed his body?

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Remus rolling his eyes. I shot him a warning glance.

I noticed a gleaming badge in Dumbledore's hand. "Professor, hasn't the Head Boy been chosen yet?"

His eyes twinkled. "He has, actually. And he's standing with us in this very room."

I felt confused, scanning all the prefect boys in the room. I had expected it to be Remus, but he hadn't got the letter…..

Now, if I had got to choose who Head Boy is, I would've chosen someone who I know is right for the job, someone who knows his responsibilities and can keep his head in place. Someone who has had experience within this field before, someone who can handle situations like this. And I thought that Dumbledore had the same kind of thinking as I did.

So it utterly shocked me when I saw him stride over to Potter and hold out the Head Boy badge. Then he topped it off with five words I never thought I'd hear him speak.

"Congratulations, James. You're Head Boy."

My jaw almost dropped to the ground when I heard that.

No. way.

No. Bloody. Way.

How did Potter. James Potter. James sodding Potter. Leader of the Marauders and chief troublemaker, become Head Boy?

Some of the prefects also gasped in disbelief at this. Some stared at Dumbledore like as if he was crazy. Remus, however, was looking simply delighted.

None of their expressions, however, could be compared to the one on James Potter's own face.

"W-wait," he stammered. "T-there m-must be s-some mistake. H-how can I be H-Head Boy?"

Damn bloody right.

Dumbledore's eyes, as usual, twinkled. "Well, James, I have my reasons for choosing to as Head Boy."

Get your brain checked! Something must've infected your brain! How can you make this blundering idiot Head Boy?

Potter looked at the badge in Dumbledore's hand. It was obvious on the look on his face that he was purely disgusted. Either that or he was just shocked beyond words.

"I apologize for not sending it by owl, but I didn't want to show out another easier way to trace you."


Potter swallowed hard and nodded numbly. Dumbledore handed him the badge.

"Your parents would've been proud, James," said Dumbledore softly. "I'll tell them as soon as I can."

He nodded again and stared at the badge in his hands.

I still didn't believe what I was seeing. How did this twit become Head Boy?

"I'll will leave you two now," Dumbledore said softly and left the room.

I looked at all the prefects around us. I realized they were expecting me to say something.

"Right," I said. "Well, I'm Lily Evans, and….um…'re…Head Boy here is James Potter."

Everyone nodded, initiating for me to continue.

"So….. well, first we work on our patrol schedules. You guys can sign up over there," I pointed at a signboard. "You must patrol the corridors once a week, and you must do it with a partner, understand?"

Everyone nodded.

I spend the rest of the time talking to them about how they should help students, and not abuse their power, and stuff like that. I didn't even pay attention to half the things I was saying. Potter was just there beside me, nodding along with everyone else, still staring at the badge in his hand.

"Okay then," I finished. "I'll leave it here for today. Just remember to sign up for patrols and remember the prefects meeting this coming Wednesday."

I left the compartment with Potter at my heels.

"You were really good," he said in my ear, causing me to jump. I hadn't really noticed that he was there.

I blushed. I really wish that they invented a spell that stopped people from blushing. "Thanks."

We walked like that quietly for a while. The silence was driving me insane.

"That's it," I snapped halfway back to our compartment. "Who are you and what have you done to Potter?"

Potter looked at me with an amused expression. "What d' you mean, Lily?"

"You know exactly what I mean," I snapped. "What, you're not going to ask me out? Not even to flirt with me for all I'm worth? Not even going to run your fingers through your annoyingly cute hair?"

What the- Did I really just say that?

Why did I just say that? I detest him, remember? Get a grip, Lily!

Potter chuckled. "Lily, I'm seventeen, now. It's time for me to rethink my actions and responsibilities."

"Then what was with all the muttering, and why would Dumbledore make you Head Boy?" I demanded.

"Well, for Dumbledore choosing me as Head Boy, I really have no idea," he said, shrugging, disgust clearly on his face.

"Then what's with all the muttering? What is it you guys are hiding from me that I can't know?"

He stayed silent, shifting his feet uncomfortably and looking at the ground. "I-I can't tell you, Lily."

"Why not?" I demanded.

He sighed. "Believe me, I want to, Lily- but it's too dangerous."

"Oh, so now I can't take care of myself?"

"I never said that, Lily-"

"Then why, James? Why won't you tell me?"

His head suddenly snapped up from looking at the floor. He stared incredulously at me.

His gaze was making me uneasy. "What?"

"You called me James." There was a question mark in his tone.

I blushed. "And you called me Lily."

He stared at me for another moment, before taking my hand and pulling me towards the compartment.

"But wait- hey! You changed the subject!" I scolded. "Answer me, James Potter!"

He still didn't. All he did was pull me towards the compartment.

So he didn't want to tell me? Fine. I'll find out anyway. What has got James Potter into this… mature stage, and what is everyone whispering about? Why is it too dangerous to tell me?

He doesn't want to tell me, but believe me, I'll find out.

Sucky ending, right? Sorry, I just needed to end the chapter.

You'll find out why James is acting like this soon.


Thanks =)