Ok so after long hard consideration I've decided to repost this story after all you all were so great at giving me feedback on it and then I just pulled it from your clutches. Now the story is back and this time it's going to be fully edited and perhaps somewhat juicier. Please don't forget to review to let me know what it is you think, just keeping in mind that these are not my characters but our dear Stephanie's I just toy with them haha. Enjoy!

Leeann Minton

The First Day-

Every time I look back to the first time I met the Cullen's I can't help but see them the way they really were, not what I thought them to be. I remember seeing them walk in each there own "couple" however, at the same time not quite for they were a family, that was obvious. At least to me it was, to everyone else they just thought it was weird that adopted brothers and sisters could be so well attracted to one another. I remember Edward walking in last the only one not yet taken. When I first saw him I never thought that he and I could be, though I very much wanted us to. My stars it was like I had just been introduced to a finer way of life. Little did I know the extent of commonalities that Edward and I had.

"Oh my gosh have you heard about the new students?" Jessica Stanley demanded of me at lunch.

"I think just about everyone has Jess."

"Well, yeah obviously, but is it not weird the way they are paired up I mean my goodness? Have you seen them yet, talk about freaks, except of course Edward, the golden haired one, oh my he is fine, and he is the only one not hooked up with someone else."

She trailed off not getting the reaction she wanted from me obviously and began discussing it with some of the other girls at the table, ones that were more in likely to care. I wasn't really that interested in the whole idea of boys mostly because I just thought the guys at the school were far too immature. I finished the last bit of my lunch and pulled out my notebook beginning to write something down more in likely the beginnings of a story. Then they walked in, "Bella, Bella look that's them," Jessica said shaking my arm violently, causing me to scribble over what I had just written down. I frowned at her as I lifted my head to look in the direction she was pointing.

I saw none of the other Cullen's my eyes were only for Edward. I seemed to loose my breath in that second. Jessica hadn't lied he was so good looking and I found myself drawn to him instantly. Which was to say not like me in the least I tended to go for personality over looks, but there was something about him that just made you want to scream take me now. Him and his family sat down together at an empty table none of them seemed to have brought a lunch to eat. They sat down and seemed to sit in mostly silence. I couldn't take my eyes off Edward and I guess he felt me starring because he looked up towards me a few moments latter and didn't stop looking his face was calm at first then it quickly turned to one of near anger with a hint of confusion if I was reading him right. I put my face down not being able to figure it out and continued with my story. I didn't look up again, how he could look at me like that he didn't even know me, and it wasn't like I had done anything to hurt him just by looking. I pushed it to the back of my mind and continued working on my story.


That first day I met Bella was one of the worst and best days of my life. I hadn't wanted to go to Forks, Washington; I much preferred the icy cold of Alaska. For there we never had to hide we could be exactly what and who we were. However, Esme and Alice were both high tuned at getting me a partner, someone to spend eternity with, and after Alice's vision in which I met and fell in love with a human by the name of Bella Swan who was to become her best friend. That was it, it was settled we were going to Forks.

I said look at her not glare like a freaking murderer.

Alices' voice rang in my head much higher pitched than the incessant babble from the many humans all around another important reason for which I did not want to be here. Alice was the one that insisted we come here to Forks and insisted we enroll in high school… again. She insisted we do it her way because, as always, Alice can be pretty goddamn insistent when she wants to be. She said this would be good for me. She was as determined as Esme to make sure that I found my partner. Of course it didn't matter that I wanted nothing to do with this absurd scheme. However what I wanted rarely mattered. I hated not having any control of my life especially since I so much enjoyed holding it over everything else.

I had seen her vision as clearly as she had and I didn't like it for there were two ways it could end with the Angel human dead or with her standing as cold as I had for the last century or so. It wasn't fare to force anyone to this fate that I was doomed with and I wasn't about to do that just to please Esme and Alice, I would hold back until they gave up and moved us back to Alaska. My mind was a chasm of questions at this point. Love? As if such a thing truly existed for me. And did anyone ask me if I wanted this? What the hell am I supposed to do with a mate? Beside the obvious, I mean. I'm not exactly a sociable creature. I enjoy my space and my solitude. I live for my music because it's the only form of silence that I get. I suppose that comes with the territory when you have the freakish ability to hear the thoughts of everyone around you.

Because I am a sociopath and I never leave well enough alone, another flaw of mine, I try again to tune myself with the angel's thoughts. And again I get nothing but silence. It alarms me a little because I've never encountered a person that I couldn't discern. It completely unnerves me. But a smaller part of me, the part that is obstinate and selfish and influencing, entices me with the curiosity to wonder. What would it be like to talk with someone and not know what they are thinking? How do I begin to proceed in any direction of conversation without my obtrusive ability? And the blessed silence. How would it feel to spend time with someone and not have their thoughts bombarding there way into your mind at every moment?

"She's human Alice still a child I can't do this to her, destroy her life, a life that is sure to be filled with so much more than what ours is." I said to Alice without giving away any movement to my lips, to be discerned by human eyes.

Her name is Isabella Swan. She prefers Bella.

I absorbed that bit of information and refused to comment further. It didn't daunt Alice at all.

Change is inevitable Edward.

"Just, because it's inevitable doesn't mean I have to go along with it."

Alice rolled her eyes. She made the discourteous gesture seem elegant. "Well, not all of us have to read others minds to know the future."

"You don't know mine."

Bella is going to change your life. I can feel that. She's going to make you truly happy but only if you let her. So suck it up, and quit being a coward.

The bell signaling lunch was over rang, and I knew it was time for Biology, which I remembered after having only scanned my schedule once with my photographic memory. I walked in getting there before anyone and thought it would be best to sit at the back of the class where I was less conspicuous. The room filled up at an even pace and the bell that warned that everyone should be in class rang. I was glad I was sitting alone, or so I thought till a brunette haired girl came speeding in handing a pass to the teacher and breathing a quick apology for having been in the library to print something off. The only seat left in the room was next to me, as she turned in the direction of the class and began walking towards the only empty seat I realized the girl was Bella Swan, the one girl I had not wanted it to be. She had to pass the heater on her way to the desk and it blew her scent to me filling my nose with the smell of Freesia and Spring, I felt the Venom building in my mouth, I tried hard to swallow it back then came the images of me killing her. I felt my jeans suddenly go tighter around me and I looked down grabbing the desk. I was getting an erection now of all times, for goodness sakes was I going to get a break at all. Bella Swan sat down and I pushed my chair as far away as possible. For all I wanted to do was jump at her and drain her dry and say fuck it and take her as well. The only problems were the witnesses, way too many witnesses. Bella glanced at me as she sat down, I turned my head opening up the book on the table and turning it to the page the teacher had asked, not that I was really listening. I just couldn't look at her. I brought my shoulders in hunched and pulled myself closer to the table trying to hide my large bulge that was now pressing against my jeans as well as my face which showed the real pain my throat was in over her blood, like pure fire or lava burning down it.

I could see her from the corner of my eye she was looking at me her head tilted, what was she thinking, damn it? The slight tilt to her head exposed the obnoxious curve of her neck; smooth, creamy and gently sloping. I observed her flesh pulsate right at her carotid artery. I swallowed another flood of venom. She drew in a deep breath and the swell of her chest became more pronounced against her snug pink tank that was under her gray sweater which swept down below where her belly button would be. My stare almost moved from the textbook. However I managed to gain some control so to prevent myself from attacking Bella and stealing her precious virtue. I believe it was the picture of my family sent to me by no other than Alice. Thank you, I said low enough so no one else would hear but her three rooms down. Her thoughts had been on Jasper before my thoughts and plans became so violent and close to coming true. That was the longest hour of my life as the first bell rang I jumped up and ran out before anyone else had gotten out of their seats.


Sitting in class next to Edward I couldn't help but wonder why he seemed to hate me so much, not to mention he seemed to be in some kind of pain the way he was hunched over. I momentarily thought about using my long time unused powers. As a sorceress I could do many things including read minds if I chose though that got quite irritating after a few minutes with every ones thoughts bombarding your mind. I could also levitate objects or myself, and change my appearance and clothing at will. The only power I really ever used on a regular basses anymore was that of changing my clothes. I chose not to use my powers on Edward something told me that if I did I would be opening myself up for a lot of trouble.

The reason I hardly ever used my powers anymore was do to what had happened only seventeen years before. I had been thirty-two when I suddenly woke up the next day a young baby. My mother had thought something along those lines would happen as it always does when you use more magic in one lifetime than you are capable of. Before that I had been used to going from a forty year old to a sixteen year old over night and actually did not mind the change to much after all it gave me back my youth. My mom had been planning on me returning to the baby age and had pretended to be pregnant for ten months; before I woke up practically a new born. She had told her husband of the time, Charlie they were having a baby and he was all ready for it. She pretended to have me at a secret spot because it was what we sorcerers "did." Charlie believed all of it and believed me to be his daughter and even treated me as such I just went with the idea. After all it had been awhile since I had, had a real male role model. Not that it lasted long my mom quickly grew tired of Charlie and moved us to Arizona. When she met Phil I did not like the idea of a new father figure one that I thought would be patronizing of me when I was more than twice his age even if I didn't look it.

I guess you could say I was a little cranky at the way things were going being nearly a thousand and not having ever had sex much less a boyfriend that lasted any period of time. While my mother had been all over the world and had many men within her time, I was feeling a bit left out you could say. She was twice my age and was beginning to worry about me as well that's why she had agreed with my returning to Forks to be with Charlie last year, hoping beyond hope I could finally settle down. I wasn't much for travel but instead preferred to stay in a place with lots of trees and/or mountains, the beach was nice too. I liked to settle in with scenery and write I was a published author of many books and had at least twenty or so pen names for which I wrote under. When you have lived as long as I have you find much time to think, and much more time to write. After my major change of age and having to grow up all over again reliving childhood I decided it was better not to use so much magic especially seeing as I was a child and things were meant to be difficult growing up. I didn't remember much of my old childhood so I tried to record every little bit of it this time so I would remember. After all a thousand years is a long time.

The bell rang and Edward ran out so quickly I truly began to wonder what was wrong, why was he so angry with me?

Now don't forget to let me know what you think the more reviews the sooner I post the next chapter.