A/n: Okay guys. This is a story I wrote when I was much younger so the writing style might seem a bit crappy at first, but don't worry, I'm looking it over and making a few changes and I promise that the story will get better and better each chapter so please do not ...I repeat, do NOT give up on this story. Rememeber I promised. And I do keep my promises.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto.

Such Is Life.

Naruto's P.O.V

'Naruto! Come on down…We're going to be late again.'

That's my guardian, Kakashi Hatake. He's really 'funny' and pretty weird if you ask me. After my mom and dad died, I started to live with Kakashi and ever since then we've been late… For everything. It's ironic though; we wake up early every morning and still manage to be late for school. How we do it is beyond me.

I got in the vehicle with my black sneakers in my hand and my hair in a mess. Kakashi had coffee in one hand, briefcase in the other and with his tie loosely hanging around his neck, he jumped in after and we were soon off to school in a rush.


After fifteen minutes I was running down the empty hallways to get to class.




Damn it.

The annoying ring of the bell was heard and then complete silence filled the school.

Maybe I could still make it.

I started to jog quickly down the main hall. Yes! Everything seemed brighter now, the birds were chirping, angels were singing and my class was in full view. I was going to make it on time today and nothing could stop me now…

' Nope. Stop right there Uzumaki.' My trail of thought was interrupted by a very familiar voice. 'That's a detention.'

This was Rock Lee. He was the hall monitor. Creepy, weird, nerdy, annoying, loud, hyper...Should I continue? He is a neat freak and very dedicated to his duties…Did I mention that he had a serious obsession with the colour green and youth? In my first year I had absolutely no idea of who he was, but with the amount of detentions I got since then… I guess you could call us friends.

'But my class is right here.' I pointed to the door that was merely 3 feet away from me. 'I'm not even that far from the door.'

'I know that, but you're not inside either, are you?' he smirked, taking out his note pad and writing me up. 'Not only are you late, you were also lurking around and running in the hall ways.' He stated.

'I wasn't running, I was jogging.'

'Jogging: running at a steady pace.' He said it like it was straight out of a dictionary. 'Is there anything else you'd like to say?' he asked victoriously.

'C'mon… I thought we were friends here.' I tried to negotiate. "Let me off just this once…Please?'

'Tsh… The law is my friend.' He said. The pink slip was then ripped from the book and shoved into my hands.

Gosh! He's just the hall monitor. You'd think he was a cop and you know what the most hurtful thing about this was….?

We walked into class together.

Yep. We were in the same class.

'You're late Uzumaki!' shouted Anko Mitarash; worse homeroom teacher ever.

'No shit.' I said sarcastically, while slamming the white door behind me.

'What was that!' she shouted and no later was a book flying towards my face.



'Hey Naruto!'

Kiba Inuzuka. My twin soul… Our friendship goes way back. It all started in prep school. We use to sneak is puppy into school and we met again in Juniour High. He was my skip buddy. If you were skipping a class, no one would make a better skip partner than Kiba.

'Good morning students of KH.' started Shizune from over the intercom. 'Here's this morning announcements.'

After a couple of minutes Shizune's voice disappeared and the school was now flooded by Tsunade's shouts…


It went quiet and the entire class turned to face Gaara.

'What did you do?' I mouthed from a few seats away from him.

He shrugged his shoulders, pushed himself up from his seat and left the room.


Kiba, Shikamaru and I walked out of class together.

'What do you think Gaara did?' asked Kiba.

'Don't know.' Shikamaru said indiffferently. 'It's surprising that she didn't call you two also."

Shikamaru was right. Kiba, Gaara and I were partners in crime, usually when one of our names were called over the announcement, we weren't surprised when the rest of our names followed, except for Shikamaru, who refused to get in trouble because it was way too troublesome for him.

'He'll get out of it.' I said. 'He always does…'

We walked our separate ways to our classes. My first class was Art. Deidara had drawn a figure on the blackboard and told us to do likewise in our scrapbooks and F.Y.I; I wasn't doing a very good job at that. Where was Gaara when you needed him?

Fist period went by then the second, followed by the third. It was soon lunch and there was still no sign of Gaara .Why was he taking so long? Out of the three of us, Gaara got out of trouble the easiest. Mainly because he was rich and he was also smarter than Kiba and I. Sometimes he bribes Tsunade, which was so wrong, but who's complaining? If it wasn't for him, we would all be expelled by now or got a punishment that would probably last for the rest of our lives!


It was lunch and I met with the others in the cafeteria.

'Any word from Gaara?' I asked, taking a seat with my burger with my food in hand.

'Here.' Came the answer from behind.

'What the hell took you so long?' I asked. It must have been something serious for him to take that long.

'Nothing.' He shrugged. 'I was framed.'

'What?' we asked in unison.

'Lady Tsunade brought me to the gym, where someone had neatly spray painted , in bright red colour, 'Gaara No Sabaku' on the wall.

'So it wasn't you?' Kiba asked, his eyebrows gathering in confusion.


'You sure you didn't do it and just forgot.'

If Gaara had heat ray vision, I'm sure Kiba would be in a puddle of melted goo.

'If it was Gaara, he wouldn't have put his name there. He's smarter than that.'

'Yeah. That would be a dead giveaway.' I added. 'So you have any idea who did?'

'Yeah… and I'm positive he's the one'

Gaara looked around and narrowed his eyes to the center table and they settled on a very indifferent Sai.

'Sai.' Kiba said. 'Yeah, he probably did it. He doesn't' really like you much… well none of them really like us… at all, anyway, he always as spray paints. So it has to be him.'

Before Kiba's explanation even ended, Gaara had already started to move towards the center table, to confront a clueless Sai.

This might sound a little strange, but even though we never spoke actual words to each other or got into actual fuss, there was always something going on between us and the center table. There always seem to be some invisible fight. We always had a problem with them for no apparent reasons and although they never said it, we knew they felt the same way too. There was always some competition between us, although they would never admit to that.

Although he tries to hide it, we know that Neji hates Shikamaru because he always comes out first after exams without even trying. He hates it even more when he sees Shikamaru's name above his on the exam list. And although Shikamaru doesn't make much of a big deal of it, I know he loves to see that frustrated look on Neji's face when he looks on exam passes.

Gaara and Sai were competing with their art work. It was almost the same situation as Neji's and Shikamaru's, only difference that sometimes Gaara came first and Sai second and vice versa. Each thinks that their art was the best and would never accept the others.

Kiba and Shino…Shino was very quiet so I wasn't too sure. Kiba spoke the worse about him though, even when he doesn't seem to be involved in any pranks. He always found some way to blame Shino. And last but not least… Me. I never really had a problem with them, only that they thought they were better than everyone else, but apart from that, I always thought it would be cool if we were friends. But since everyone else had a problem, I played along… and it wasn't really helping, since I had a crush on one of them, but that had to be left unknown, seeing that we were from different groups and different worlds and he probably doesn't even knows that I exist. I mean, if he is aware of my existence, what are the odds that he likes me back… Chances are he hates every bone in my body. Ugh! Well… Such is life.

A/n: Ok. So I decided to do another story. I won't know if it's any good unless someone tells me so… please review. If it is good I'll continue… if it's not I'll take it off and forget about it.
