Altered Horizons



Chapter 1



Author's Note: A sequel to Dazzling Light. Please read that first! :) And as always, you know I love reviews. They do it for me.



Lem had never fully appreciated how long three weeks on that tiny space ship would actually be. Two weeks in, and he was going crazy. He could only really place Monopoly with Chuck so many times before it lost it's charm; especially since it was hard to keep all the pieces in place, and he suspected Chuck was cheating.

"Look, I've been counting. You can't have over a thousand dollars unless you been stealing from the bank!" he said, frustrated.

"Sure I can," the human said, smiling. "Besides, I am the bank. I can't steal from myself..."

Lem stared for a moment, processing the obvious admission of guilt. "I quit."

"Now, don't be like that! What if you rob the bank and take another thousand?"

"No." He floated over to another window, watching as nearby stars zoomed by. His mind couldn't process how fast the module was going and most visible bodies were just a blur, and amazing as it had once been, now it seemed desolate.

He heard Chuck moving, and soon he was encircled by his lover's large arms. "I know. It gets easier. I told you I had a long time to think on the last trip, remember?"

"Yeah. I remember." He sighed. "We've read all the books?"

"You tell me," Chuck said, pulling out the box.

Lem didn't need to look to know he had. He shook his head.

"Well, we still need to do some exercises to help fight atrophy," Chuck suggested. "Once a day! I'll go first."

Of course, weights were out of the question in a gravity-free environment, so the exercises consisted of mostly holding various bars and using different muscles to push against yourself. It looked silly, and Lem thought it probably didn't do much, but Chuck insisted on doing these daily. He gripped a bar and pushed his feet against the wall under it, pushing back. His handhold stopped him from moving, and he did feel a burn in both muscle groups.

About an hour later, when they had finished, Lem sighed again.

"I can think of one more type of exercise that could help your mental state," Chuck said, floating over and pulling the green body against him. His voice lowered, becoming huskier. "Take that suit off, Green Machine."

"Real romantic, Chuck," he said sarcastically, pushing away.

Chuck grabbed a hand hold, pulled Lem back against him and looking intensely into his eyes. "I need you, Lem. You make me crazy. Please..." Chuck nipped at his one of his antennae.

Lem's eyes rolled back in his head as Chuck began kissing his neck. "That's...much better."

Chuck directed him to hold one of the supports above their heads and opened his blue suit, which was too big to begin with, lightly stroking the green body. He moved his mouth over the area between Lem's legs, lightly licking and sucking to coax out his shaft.

Lem suddenly realized what a good idea this was and wrapped his legs around Chuck's head, moaning. He couldn't help it; he bucked and groaned and thrust into Chuck's willing mouth, feeling the human slipping two fingers into him from behind.

In a few moments, the human was using the bar for support as well, unzipping his suit frantically, wrapping Lem's legs around his waist, and thrusting into him quickly. It was still so new to them both, the beauty of their bodies joining so easily and pleasurably, that neither lasted long. A few strokes, whispered words of endearment, cries of ecstasy, and they were spent

"Whoop," Chuck said, sighting the floating blue fluid around them. "Better try to clean that up..." Using a plastic baggie, he attempted to chase down all the little droplets. "I suppose some may have gotten away, but honestly, what do they expect us to do on such a long trip?"

"Chuck... will you hold me?"

Chuck gave him a dazzling, if tired, smile and crushed him to his chest. "Love you, Lem."

"I love you, too," Lem said. And he thought it might be possible to survive another week on board, even if he planned to toss Monopoly out the nearest hatch. Earth, and Chuck, would be worth it.