Author's Note: I can't believe I actually wrote another chapter for this! I think I might keep going, but I can't promise regular updates…just whenever inspiration hits. Hope you enjoy.
As sleep fell away from me the next morning, memories from the night before rushed into my thoughts and stained my cheeks with color. Yet, I couldn't resist reaching across the bed for Leah's warm body, expecting to find it as I had always found Edward's during our week-long honeymoon. My futile search through the blankets revealed long-cooled sheets and a lonely pillow.
I wasn't sure how to feel about the previous night's experience. Part of me was excited about and content with my intimacy toward Leah — it felt like I had an instant ally in the house — but I couldn't shake the shame in my own wantonness. I was quite sure that what we had done was wrong. I felt close to Leah, but I feared that she might be taking me down a sinful path.
After taking a brief moment to center myself, I began my day — taking a quick shower, unpacking some of my clothing, braiding my long hair and tidying up my bed. I paused before the door to my room, knowing that a turn of the knob was all that divided me from the countless uncertainties of life as Edward Cullen's fourth wife.
Two things greeted me at the doorway to the large dining room — the fragrance of cinnamon and the welcoming arms of Alice.
"Bella!" she cried, shaking us back and forth with the ferocity of her affection, the strength in her slight frame surprising. "You have to forgive me for my subpar welcome yesterday…I was preoccupied with longing for our husband." She held me at arms length and peered up at me, studying. "I hope you'll let me make it up to you. I know the first night under one roof can be…confusing…" Her eyes met mine with such intensity that I immediately understood her meaning, and I couldn't stop my usual blush. Wickedly, she grinned and squeezed my forearms before releasing me.
"Have some French toast," Rosalie piped in warmly, dropping a few slices onto a plate and handing it to me with a warm smile. Gratefully, I accepted it and returned her grin before sliding into an unoccupied seat between Kate and Felix, who dropped his fork to give me a sticky syrupy hug before his big sister Charlotte could stop to wipe his hands.
I laughed and hugged him back while Charlotte sighed in exasperation. "Sorry, mother Bella…let me get you a wet wipe…"
"It's OK, Charlotte," I continued laughing while Felix looked up at me with big eyes and a mouthful of food. "Hey you," I said to him, detangling from his sticky grasp so I could spear a bite. "When your big sisters and brothers go to school, do you want to read that book about the dump truck again?"
"Yeah!" he exclaimed, nearly upsetting his milk with his enthusiasm. From the kitchen, I saw Rosalie smile widely at me. Even though the oldest four children attended the Community school during the day, the two youngest were still home…and quite the handful. And with both Alice and Leah scheduled to work that day and Rosalie dead on her feet in her last months of pregnancy, I knew I would need to jump right in with the crash course in polygamy parenting.
Truth be told, I adored Felix. The loving 4-year old had been the first to capture my heart when Edward and I had been courting.
I heard, rather than saw, Leah enter the dining room behind me. She muttering something to Alice about being late, and I couldn't stop myself from stiffening in my chair. I didn't quite know what to expect when I met her eyes.
Before I could turn to greet her, she swooped down and wrapped her arms around me from behind, quickly kissing my cheek and reaching over to ruffle Felix's hair.
"Good morning, crew," she said to the table, ending her embrace and walking to where Rosalie was holding out a plate. My face was burning, but Leah hadn't noticed. There was no trace of the intimacy of the night before. I don't know what I was expecting, but the whole scene just seemed so normal. I took a sip of my milk with a slightly trembling hand and thought I saw Alice giving me a worried look.
I had no time to overthink things, because I was suddenly wrapped in another set of arms from behind — these were masculine and strong.
"Edward!" I blurted, turning around. He pulled me up to hug me properly, kissing my temple as he did. I probably clung to him a bit tighter than I anticipated — with so many uncertainties in my head, he was a familiar reminder of my life's meaning.
When I showed no sign of letting go, he chuckled and spoke over my head to bid a good morning to every person in the room. Finally, he kissed my forehead again before releasing me to get his plate. I slid back into my seat wordlessly.
"So, what's our schedule for today, Alice?" he asked, settling in.
Alice leaned against the doorway to the kitchen with a pad of paper in her hand and a pencil tucked behind one ear.
"First, I just want to welcome Bella to her first morning household meeting," she said brightly, beaming at me. I gulped down the mouthful I had been chewing and smiled back. "Okay, Leah will be taking Peter, Charlotte, Kate and Marcus to school on her way to work. I am working at Newton's from 9 until 1, and then I'll do the grocery shopping before coming home."
"I want Cocoa Puffs!" Felix said before Charlotte shushed him.
Alice continued. "We're running low on petty cash so Rose and Bella will need to go to the bank this morning. It'll be a good opportunity to add Bella to the accounts. Today is the last day for Alec's antibiotic…he needs a dose with lunch and dinner. Rosalie? It looks like you have your doctor's appointment at 3…"
"I'm going to that with you, darling," Edward chimed in, his fork in the air.
"Okay, so Bella will need to pick up the kids from school at 2:30." She glanced up at me from her paper. "We've made sure that you're on the list of guardians."
I nodded.
"You'll need a vehicle to get them," Edward said, looking at me with a twinkle in his eye. "Rose?" I turned to see Rosalie holding a set of keys out to me.
"Welcome to the family, Bella," she said, dropping the keys in my outstretched hand.
I looked back and forth between all of their faces. "You mean…"
Edward pushed his chair up and came around to help me stand. "Let's go see your car."
"I get my own car?" I was dumbfounded. "Really?"
They all laughed, Leah piping in, "How do you expect to haul around all the kids with no car?" As a group we filed out of the front door. In the driveway sat a 2005 minivan. It had a few dings in the side, but to me it was flawless.
For the second time that morning, I clung to my new husband. "Thank you, Edward!"
"I hoped you'd like it," he replied. "I know you were thinking you might want to have a part-time job, and as soon as you've helped Rosalie recover from having our child and things start to settle down, I see no reason why you can't start looking."
I was overcome and could do little more than squeeze him tighter.
"I may have to look for a new job too, if I don't get out of here soon," Leah exclaimed. "We're running late!"
Her words set off a flurry of activity. The last gulps of milk were downed and empty plates began to stack next to the sink. As the older children rushed around grabbing backpacks, Rosalie began wiping down Felix and Alec. Alice fussed over Edward, going over additional schedule details for his workday.
I made my way to the sink to start with the dishes. I had just immersed my hands in the hot soapy water when Leah entered the kitchen. I froze, realizing that we were alone.
"Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up," her hushed murmur was almost too quiet to make out as she made her way to me and I started to relax despite my wariness. "With a house full of children and a husband to keep happy, we have to maintain discretion."
"Does Edward not know then?"
Leah looked thoughtful. "I think he might, but he also appreciates what a close family we are and doesn't question that. Bella, we're not doing anything but loving each other. We all show that love in different ways."
"But if you think he'd disapprove…"
Her finger on my lips silenced me. "We just don't talk about it. Like we don't talk about Edward's intimacies with any of us on our scheduled nights. I wouldn't throw my experiences with Edward in your face, or in the face of any of my sister wives. And we don't throw our experiences with each other in Edward's face." Her eyes flickered to my lips where her finger had just left. "And by the way…it was beautiful, Bella."
And with that, she turned and left.
I had just finished telling a third story to a restless Alec who finally drifted off for his afternoon nap. Tucking him into his bed quietly, I exited the room and went downstairs to the living room, where Rosalie was sitting on the couch with her feet up and one hand on her swollen belly.
"Is he asleep?" she murmured softly, her eyes closed.
"Yes," I said, "Felix too?"
"Mmm-hmm," she nodded. "Finally. I love this time of day…it's so quiet."
"Did you want to be alone?"
Her eyes opened. "No…unless you're planning on making a ruckus."
"No, I think I'll just read." I selected a book from the shelf and settled into a chair, tucking my feet underneath me and anticipating a full hour of quiet before I had to go get the children at school.
I put the book down and looked up to see Rosalie's serious face. I prepared myself for a serious conversation — I had seen that expression before, back when Rosalie first asked me my intentions with Edward and then before I had accepted his marriage proposal.
"How are you doing…really?"
My reaction surprised us both. I burst into tears.
"Sorry, sorry…" I said quietly, my breath hitching as I continued to weep. Rosalie just remained seated, calmly letting me get myself back under control. "I'm fine…I mean, I'm really happy…"
"But?" Her one-word question brought on a fresh wave of quiet sobs. Rosalie sat quietly, waiting for me to compose myself and answer.
"But I'm so scared right now. Things are changing so quickly, and I expected that…but…" I took a deep breath. "There's so much I didn't expect."
"Is this about what happened with Leah?"
I flinched at her point-blank inquiry, but nodded. "Yes."
"Come here," Rosalie said, putting her feet down and making room for me next to her on the couch. She motioned with her arms, as if she wanted to wrap me up. I gratefully sank down next to her and put my head on her shoulder. We settled in and Rosalie didn't speak for several minutes. Finally…
"Do you judge us for what we're doing?" Her voice had no sign of hesitation, but it was quieter than I'd ever heard.
"Well, no…but I judge myself and my actions." I swiped at my eyes with the back of one hand. "I think I'm just uncertain right now over so many things that I allowed myself to be influenced. I don't want to stray from the path of righteousness."
"And what have you done to stray from that path? You're asked to be a loving wife to your husband…and you are. Even if it's only been a week, I can tell that you make Edward very happy."
I couldn't stop the small smile on my face. "Thank you."
"You're asked to be a dutiful mother to your children…and you've already jumped into that with both feet. It took Leah weeks to be as comfortable as you are with them."
"They're easy to love!"
"And you're asked to provide for your sister wives' happiness in the absence of our priesthood holder."
I looked up at her. "But does that have to be something sexual?" My face burned hotly from saying the word.
Rosalie shifted so she could look in my eyes. "Not necessarily. It can be anything from an extra bit of help with the children or a small gift. With me, lately, it's been a foot rub or the gift of a morning nap. But with Leah, Alice and myself, sometimes it does mean intimacy. Leah told me how receptive you were with her…she understood that you needed that affection and that release. She was happy to do that for you. You both received happiness from that encounter."
"It felt good," I admitted, "And I feel closer to her, but I don't want to be influenced down an unrighteous path because of my base desires." I lowered my voice. "I enjoyed my honeymoon much more than my mother told me I would. For that…I…I fear I may have perversions."
I didn't expect Rosalie's trilling laugh. "Oh…oh Bella." She clutched her belly as she shook with laughter. "There's nothing wrong with you, darling. You've just been sexually awakened!"
"Don't say it like that!" I responded quietly. "It makes me feel like…well, like a hussy."
When Rosalie had stopped laughing, she took a deep cleansing breath. "Oh, I think you're a better fit for our family than we ever realized." She returned to her serious face. "Bella, you have to understand. With four of us now, our time with Edward is very limited. Plus, there are pregnancies, schedules, all sorts of things that get in the way of being truly physically close with those we love. At times all we have are each other."
"Then why keep it from Edward?"
Her smile disappeared. "We keep it from Edward for the same reason we keep a lot of trivial day-to-day things from Edward. His job is to provide for us — a home, children, and spiritual guidance. We don't distract him from his heavenly mission. And that mission is the most important. We don't prefer each other over his company. But we only get his company a few days a week."
Her hand trailed up my arm to the back of my neck, leaving a wake of fire beneath my skin as it did.
"We all love each other very much, Bella," she said firmly, her gaze never leaving mine as she moved closer. "I think we are the closest family in the Community. You've grown up here, you know how tumultuous the life of the Principle can be. Families breaking apart because of jealousies, insecurities, in-fighting… You'll find none of that here."
"What will I find then?"
Her lips were pillowy soft as they pressed against mine, and her hand cradled the back of my neck gently.
"Love, Bella. Lots of love."
And with that, she picked up my book from where I had placed it on my lap, handed it to me, and went back to her quiet rest, only this time snuggled with me — one hand on her swollen belly and the other around my shoulders.
There was an air of excitement in the house as Alice and I finished setting the table and Leah began rounding the children up for dinner. We were all wondering how Rosalie's appointment had gone.
I had vast experience with the joy new babies brought to a family — and as one of my father's 33 children, I was an old hat at babysitting the wee ones and tending to my mothers after their deliveries. I had even assisted in the delivery of my two youngest siblings — a "necessary experience for a blossoming woman coming of age," my mother had told me.
This was my first experience where the child would be one of my own. All of Edward's children were now part of my celestial family since I had been sealed to him. As Rosalie's new sister wife, her well-being and happiness was now my responsibility as well.
It was the one area of this new marriage where I felt the most comfortable. I knew what was expected of me, and I was eager to show my worth.
"We're home!" Edward and Rosalie entered from the garage, taking off their jackets before coming in to where we were all waiting patiently at the dining room table. He helped Rosalie settle into her chair before taking his own seat at the head of the table. Wordlessly, Alice, Leah and I scurried to fill his plate and then went down the row to serve the children, Rosalie and ourselves.
When we had all been seated and Edward had said the blessing, he looked around the table and laughed when he saw every eye fixed on him.
"Aaah, Rose…go ahead and give them the update."
"We heard the heartbeat again today," she exclaimed happily, rubbing her tummy. "It's so strong. And I'm measuring right on time, so we probably only have two or three more weeks to go. Unless she goes past her due date…"
Alice had been itching to speak since sitting down. "What about the birth?"
Edward and Rosalie's eyes met. "The doctor said that he sees no reason why we can't do it here. She's head down, and he knows I have a lot of helping hands." A slight wave of soft laughter rippled across the table.
"I know you'll do a wonderful job, Rose," Edward said softly, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "All of you will," he added.
We all turned back to our meals happily, and Edward added, almost as an oversight, "Oh, and Leah…the doctor said that he could see you whenever your schedule permits, so…"
I didn't understand the uncomfortable silence that immediately fell across the table, save for the clattering of silverware from the children.
"You talked to the doctor about me?" Leah's voice was low and quiet.
Edward glanced up. "Of course. You knew I would."
Leah's voice was pained. "Edward…" Alice and Rosalie continued to look down at their plates, as if ignoring the conversation.
"Leah, we aren't going to do this here. It's been eight months, and nothing. We need to make sure that everything is okay." Sensing her pain, he added, "Your welfare is my meaning in life. Now, I've made our decision, and I'd like for you to call Dr. Young in the morning."
Leah's silent tears were the extent of the conversation for the rest of the meal.
Alice and I were nearly done with the dishes when Edward came into the kitchen. He stopped to caress Alice on the cheek briefly and then turned to me.
"Bella," he murmured, taking the towel out of my hand and lacing his fingers in mine. Over his shoulder, Alice continued her work.
Edward led me out of the room, down the stairs, past the living room where Kate and Marcus were reading a book together, and into my basement apartment.
I smiled shyly at him and backed away with my eyes on his feet as the door softly clicked shut behind him. Without a word, he strode to me and pulled me flush against his body. His heat and my blush made me feel impossibly hot. I obediently and eagerly raised my chin to meet his urgent kiss.
Edward's hands tightened where they held my waist. His body began to lean forward and I had no choice but to step back, allowing him to direct me toward our marriage bed. We fell backwards together, his arms slowing his fall to protect me from his full weight. His hips, however, pressed down against mine with force, and Edward's manhood was hard against my thigh.
"I've been thinking of you all day, wife," he whispered, running his hands down my sides and underneath my bottom. Gripping me with both hands, he thrust against me.
The hardest and hottest part of him pushed closer to the spot between my legs that was now aching with need. I allowed my legs to fall open and shifted my pelvis slightly until he was rubbing against me exactly where I throbbed.
"Husband," I whispered back, my voice husky. "Oh…Edward."
"Shhh…" he said, then silenced me with another kiss. I gripped his arms and ran my hands across his chest, but he made no effort to gather my skirts up to reveal where he could plunge home and complete our coupling. Instead, he continued his tight rubbing against my clothed body, his hands kneading my bottom roughly.
I longed for him to free me of my clothing, to use his hands on my naked skin as he had done so often during our week alone. But soon, his breathing changed against my lips, becoming shakier and less regular. With one last thrust, he moaned into my mouth and I realized he had reached completion.
My body was still aflame, but I reigned in my disappointment. I was an instrument of pleasure for my husband, and I knew it was an honor that I could bring him to that release. My own needs were secondary. Still, Edward had proven to be an ardent and generous lover up to this point, and I was confused.
Pulling away, Edward kissed my nose and then stood, stretching with a groan. "I'll be right back," he grinned and made his way to the bathroom while I sat up and attempted to smooth my clothing. A million questions were buzzing in my head, but I knew I did not have the right to bring them out and burden Edward. I heard the sink running and Edward's satisfied sigh before the door opened again and he emerged.
Seeing me still sitting on the bed, he walked over, took my hands and pulled me to my feet and into an embrace.
"Thank you for that, my love," Edward said, holding me closely. "Like I said before, you were in my thoughts throughout the day and I could hardly contain the proof of my desire for you. I didn't want to trouble Rosalie with my urges tonight…she's so uncomfortable with the pregnancy. You've done us both a favor."
Stunned, I was barely able to keep from gasping. I could only listen as he continued.
"Your night is just two days away…I know it seems like it will never get here, but I promise to give you pleasure then." He pulled away to look into my eyes, his eyes still dark with desire. "You don't know how much I'm looking forward to being with you again." His hand rose to caress one breast and my mouth fell open with the jolt of longing that surged through me at the sensation, my body still responding to pleasure even as my heart was conflicted by his callousness. I moaned softly.
Chuckling, he removed his hand and stepped away. "I need to stop before I betray Rosalie and take you right here and now on her night." He walked backwards to the bedroom door. "Goodnight, my Bella."
I waited until the door closed completely before I threw myself back on my bed, my head whirling and the juncture between my thighs aching. Desperate with unrealized yearning, I suddenly remembered what Leah had said to me the previous night — it had been so easy to forget after everything else that had been said and done.
"We pay special attention to each other…it's a way we can address those urges we feel when our husband is not available."
I sat up and marched to the door, ignoring the parts of me that warned that I was being led down a sinful path, and that told me I should be ashamed at having these lustful urges for stimulation and completion. The voice in my head that was demanding some relief was louder than anything.
I found the downstairs living room empty of children. At the sound of my door flying open, Alice and Leah looked up from their quiet conversation at the entrance to Leah's room. As I strode across the room toward them, I noticed Leah's red-rimmed eyes and it slowed my approach and calmed my urgency.
"Bella?" Alice's voice was curious.
Instead of greeting her, I turned to Leah. "Remember everything we talked about last night?"
Leah stood up taller, her tear-streaked face beautiful to me. "Yes."
"Well…" I paused, suddenly realizing what I was about to say. Somehow, Leah's sad eyes gave me the strength to continue. "I…I need you."
Alice's hand reached out to clasp us both, but Leah's eyes never left mine. A small twitch of her lips made her look less unhappy, and it gladdened my heart to see.
"I need you too, Bella."
End Notes: If you enjoyed, let me know! I love hearing feedback. Follow me on Twitter EllaB_