Jacob didn't know what about it that had his undivided attention, but he couldn't seem to get enough of Dean's scent. It wasn't the superficial manufactured scents from shampoo or soap, it was something else. Something underneath the Head and Shoulders and Irish spring. The urge to just latch onto the unsuspecting driver was just shy of over-powering and that in itself was frightening. He'd never experienced this type of intense yearning before. A compulsion that went far beyond teenage hormones. And this not only scared him but confused him as well. Reacting this way because of something as obscure as scent? Scent?

Jacob breathed in softly eyes fluttering with barely contained bliss, relaxing him before he could even go rigid with tension. This intoxicating scent was light, fresh, dare he say it- pure. It didn't have a distinct smell like say, an orange, or cedar or any smell that you could possibly name. It was indescribable, and he was certain, Dean's unique scent, was akin to being surrounded in tortuous heaven.

"Uh dude? You good there?" Dean asked glancing over quickly before looking back to the road. Idle conversation having lulled with the music being turned on, the sudden slouched heap the boy had adopted was attention grabbing, despite the comfortable atmosphere.

"Huh?" Startled Jacob sat a little straighter, half-lidded eyes widening so it didn't look like he was about to fall asleep. Flushing with embarrassment, he cleared his throat. "Sorry about that, it was an early morning."

"Yeah, I know how that feels." Dean laughed with understanding, head nodding to further express the point. "Which way, now?" he added with a grin.

"Turn here it's the last house on the left." Jacob pointed, trying to clear his head without being too obvious about it. Dean did as told easily enough, feeling as if he was missing something that should be ridiculously clear, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

It became embarrassingly clear when, after helping Jacob put the groceries into his humble abode, someone (who was clearly a friend of the teen's) came bounding up the driveway as Dean walked out of the house, Jacob trailing behind him. The guy reminded him a bit like a pup- an excitably ball of energetic canine, much like Jacob had been in town. And like Jacob, after coming in closer proximity to his person it seemed to take an abrupt shift. But at this moment in time Dean hadn't realized this was because of him, well he thought it was because of him solely on the fact he was a stranger which was partially the case, but wasn't the main reason.

Turning his back on the relatively harmless looking newcomer, he faced Jacob who still stood on the last step.

"So this is it," he started amicably, hands clapped together, unconsciously trying to gain the attention Jacob had on the person coming up behind him, "I gotta get going, so-" Dean grunted in shocked surprise at the tackle he literally hadn't seen coming. His dad would have his ass at the rookie move- turning his back on an unknown. But there really wasn't enough time to get into that.

Landing in a sprawl beside his baby, he gasped as the impact knocked the air right out of him. Dazed, he hadn't realized the person was still on him until the added weight was ripped away. Phantom touches still ghosting over his torso, an uncomfortable reminder that the guy had been feeling him up. He groaned feeling as if he'd been taken down by a line-backer. Not a pleasant experience. Trying to sit he was yet again pinned down, his head bouncing off the dirt driveway. Shoulders held in a bruising grip, aches and pains the had begun to fade from his earlier scuffle with the witch up north came rushing back with a newfound clarity All of that took backseat when the stranger started nuzzling his neck. Dean froze, unwillingly stuck in a submissive position- that didn't last that long when Jacob yanked the taller teen off of him… again. It was only then that he realized that Jacob had been shouting for some time now.

"Embry! What the hell man?"

Standing up, Dean didn't care to think about anything too in depth at the moment, his pride wouldn't allow it. Cause if he did, he'd have to go over the fact that he was taken down by a tall, thin looking 15 year-old(?), that on any normal occasion looked like he'd no more harm a fly. He dusted himself off, being mindful of his more tender areas. He watched the two teens with wary eyes. Saw Jacob manhandle this Embry guy away from him. The cool breeze that had been blowing, shifted until he was down wind of the two natives. And that's when he saw it, the not so subtle change. Like a switch turning off. Embry slumped a little in Jacob's hold, hand coming up to his forehead, head shaking as if trying to clear it. Mirroring Jacob almost exactly on the drive over. Except well, he hadn't jumped him. Wait. Frowning, Dean thought back. No, that wasn't true, for a moment Jacob had looked like he was about to, but then he spoke, breaking whatever trance Jacob had been locked in. Was it him? He grabbed old of his shirt lifting it so he could take a whiff. Nothing. But that didn't mean it was nothing. He needed to call Bobby.

"Dean, I'm so sorry about that," Jacob apologized, walking over to see if he was okay. Embry looked like a kicked puppy an embarrassed flush coloring his features. "I don't kn-"

Unintentionally Dean took a step back. Jacob paused a bit hurt at the action. Dean's hands raised to look placating, ready to defend himself if necessary. He smiled trying to down play his sudden nervousness.

"Uh, I think it's best if I just go." The awkwardness of this situation not lost on any of them. Dean couldn't help but be amused with the fact that before this, he was actually going to miss the easy connection he'd made with Jacob. And now… now he didn't know if it was even genuine. Or if it was just an effect of the witch's elixir for youth. Spells that included bones of a small animals was one thing. When it included the blood of young children? That was stirring up some strong mojo that nobody should be tampering with. He still wasn't sure if it was better for the parents of those three pre-schoolers to believe their children were still missing in the surrounding wildlife, or to know that they'd died the way they had.

"You're bleeding." Jacob's voice cut through the depressing thoughts before they could really settle in- they could do that on the long drive to South Dakota. Wait- what?

"Bleeding?" Dean repeated with surprise. Looking down at himself he saw no indication that he was, even to go so far as twist around rather cutely. When he looked back up Jacob was in front of him hand reaching for his head. Jumping just a bit, he made no other reaction except a wince when the tanned appendage brushed against the back of his skull and came away red. "Would you look at that." he mumbled with lazy interest. He grazed his own hand over what felt to be a gash, as if confirming that the blood had indeed come from himself.

Maybe he had a mild concussion? It'd sure as hell explain why he wasn't really freaking over this situation. But then that was bad. Because then he couldn't risk driving.

"I think we should get you to the hospital."

Dean missed the almost predatory looks that settled on his person when he nodded his ascent. through his muddled mind, he remembered suddenly why he hated head wounds so much, besides the fact that it made him think fuzzy, they also bled alot.

For the fourth time that day (because he had to include the bitch from hell) he was tackled to the ground- this time his head banging off his precious baby- where unconsciousness greeted him.



Okay yeah, so I know I said Edward was going to show up in this chapter... couldn't slap it in without making this seem rushed, you know? So honestly, how did you like this chapter? Even without Edward in here I feel as if it's rushed, and jumbled, and I, for some reason, get the feeling you're going to be confused. If that is the case tell me what you find "wring" about it I fix fix it up and repost. I just felt that I should update again. SO yeah, what do you think? Like it? LOVE it?... Hate it? I really hope you enjoyed!

(p.s- Next update may take a while. I just moved to Ottawa and I have to get things settled and what not.)