He was disorientated but his senses were working overtime trying to reach out into the darkness that surrounded him to gather any clues to tell him where he was. There was no light, so he found that his eyes would not adjust to the darkness enough to let him see anything. His entire body felt lethargic, his limbs limp. There was a sharp burning pain on his left side that jabbed at him with each breath he took, and he recalled the shock and the pain that had felt course through him right before darkness consumed him. So, what he knew for sure was that he had been attacked, taken, but he didn't know by who nor why.

10 hours missing

They had assembled in the conference room Hotchner had been the first standing at the head of the desk as Rossi, Prentiss, and Reid strolled in, with Garcia straggling in a few seconds behind them.

"Sorry for calling you into a meeting as soon as you get here, but it's of grave importance."

"Uh…sir," Garcia interrupted as she eyed the door. "Morgan isn't here yet?" She posed as a query.

"Yes I know Morgan is why we're here, sometime last night after hours Morgan went missing." Hotchner announced and the others in the room stared in shock and disbelief. Garcia raised her left hand and placed it against her chest as if doing so would calm the booming of her heart against her chest cavity.

"Mis…missing, sir?" She spoke out around what can only be described as near hyperventilation. Hotchner nodded his head as he leaned both his hand against the tabletop.

"Yes, sometime between the hours of 8:30 pm and 6:00 am this morning. Morgan's car was scanned in yesterday at 7:30 am by security but it was never scanned out last night, in fact it's still in his parking space."

"Well, maybe he caught a ride with someone else." Reid ever the rationalist suggested. "None of you gave him a ride?" Prentiss, Rossi, and Garcia all shook their heads no.

"Didn't the security cameras in the underground parking garage see him yesterday evening when he was leaving?" Rossi asked and again Hotchner shook his head no.

"It seems that all the cameras in the section of the parking garage where Morgan's truck is parked malfunctioned, they went offline at exact 8:25 pm last night." Hotchner stated and Reid frowned up.

"Only the cameras in his section and all at the exact same time? The odds of that happening is…"

"Yes, which is why we're here," Hotchner interrupted Reid's ranting before they could take over the meeting. "I don't think it's a coincidence."

"Wait, are you saying that someone grabbed Morgan from Quantico?" Prentiss asked a bit baffled by the thought. "How is that possible?"

"It would have had to be someone with access inside," Rossi answered. "Most likely someone who works here."

"My thoughts exactly," Hotchner concurred.

"But that's good right?" Garcia finally spoke again, now that her numb mouth could move again. "It could be a co-work he went out with last night. Maybe he just partied too hard and over slept?" she added hopefully.

"In the eight years that Morgan has worked here there has never been a morning that he didn't come in on time or at least called in if he were going to be late." Hotchner said. "If Morgan was taken the perps have a 10 hour head start on us, you all know how this goes we need to move fast on this. Garcia," He spoke to Garcia but she hadn't really been listen as her fear for Morgan's safety began to make her legs shake and caused her palms to become sweat as her heart continued to race. "Garcia," Hotchner called to her again and bolted her from her stupor.

"Ah…I'm sorry, sir…yes sir," She rambled out as she looked to him with eyes glossy from the unshed tears that beaconed to fall.

"I know that this is going to difficult for you but we need you right now, Morgan needs you." Hotchner said sternly and She quickly composed herself.

"Yes sir, how can I help?" She picked up her pen with a shaky hand and readied to take notes.

"I want you to go through the security tapes see if you can pull anything from them and also access our cellular database, track all the calls to and from Morgan cell and office line in the last week, maybe there's a clue there as to what happened to him."

"Yes sir." Garcia stood and then hurried from the conference room to start her task.

"Wait…there's a database where all the calls we make on our cells are stored?" Reid asked curiously.

"Yeah those are FBI issued cells." Rossi stated.

"Is that legal?" Prentiss added.

"Yes, and it's all outline in that little handbook you were given when you signed up. FBI figured you should only be using the phones for FBI business and not for your own personal use, but I'm sure we've all done it." Rossi continued.

"I need the rest of you to go through all the cases that Morgan has been working in the last week," Hotchner instructed. "I'll be making a call to Morgan's family to see if they can provide any insight that can help us to discern his whereabouts.

He hadn't intended to fall asleep but his sore body threw him into slumber. He wasn't sure how long he had slept; for hours or for just a few moments, he wasn't sure but he awoken to the horror that it wasn't a nightmare, that he was in fact being held captive. He had regained some sensations in his limbs, enough for him to realize that his hands were bound behind his back and the ankles of both his ankles were shackled. When he moved his legs a bit he could tell that there wasn't much slack in the chains, so he was quite literally chained to the wall his back rested against. The smell in the air was thick, stagnate, musty, and dank and he deducted that we was in some basement or cellar. Suddenly a bright light shone in his face, blinding him. He turned his head face away from the light, as far away as his bindings would allow. After a few seconds he ventured a look back towards the light, squinting and trying to make out his surrounding again. The light was too bright too blinding and he was still left at a loss. He defiantly threw a hard glare towards the light.

"Who's there?" He barked out in a demanding tone. He only got silence in reply. "What do you want?" Again silence. "Hey talk to me." Just as suddenly as it had come on, the bright light shut off, and it threw off his senses. He could hear footsteps moving away and then heard a door opening, closing, and then a lock being thrown, but couldn't tell from which direction.

Sometime Later

She had been in her office for nearly four straight hours searching through security tapes and FBI cell phone database to find any leads to where Morgan was, but so far she was coming up empty. It was getting more and more difficult to concentrate on her task due to the blurry vision and growing headache, from all the crying she had been doing. A fear like known she had ever experienced before clutched at her, and she felt as if it were strangling her. She was so engross in her search that she hadn't heard the knocking on her door, and she jumped up startled when masculine hands gripped at her shoulders.

"Sorry, I knocked but you didn't hear me" Kevin Lynch said in a gush as he threw his hands up to show he was no threat.

"Kevin," Garcia spat out in slight irritation as she clutched at her chest. She had asked him repeatedly to not walk in on her like that, to make noise and to not sneak up on her. "I cannot deal with you right now," She stated and the turned back to her task.

"I just came to see if my girl wanted to join me for lunch," He said flashing a goofy smile.

"No I can't Morgan needs me." She said as her fingers flew across the keyboard faster than his eyes could keep up.

"Ah…Agent Morgan," Kevin said sounding a bit put off. "So you're having lunch with him instead of your boyfriend."

"Kevin, do not start this right now." Garcia warned as she slammed her hands atop her keyboard and turned hard bloodshot eyes at the man standing before her. "I have told you over and over again Morgan and I are just friends. He's my best friend and right now he's missing…" Her voice cracked a bit and Kevin's jealousy seemed to dispel a bit when he saw her on the verge of tears.

"Missing? I'm sorry Penny I didn't know." He moved, kneeled beside her and rubbed his hand down her back to comfort her. Garcia let some of her weight shift against him, relishing the contact. "What can I do to help you?" She sniffed back her tears and wiped at the ones that had spilled down her face, and then straightened back upright to begin her work again.

"Nothing really, I've gone through the security tapes from the parking garage half a dozen times now, but someone disabled them during the time we think Morgan was grabbed so all I get is static. I've checked his cells he didn't get any strange calls they were all business related."

"Ok, let me have the security tapes and I'll look through them just in case there's something you might have missed." Kenny offered.

"I didn't miss anything, there's nothing there to miss unless you count static." She spat out in irritation.

"Sometimes you have to step back and maybe use a fresh pair of eyes, and I have four." He said with a slight smile and she couldn't help but to chuckle at his joke.

"Fine," She said through a sigh as she removed the disk from the computer and passed it to him. "And let me know the second you find anything."

"Will do," He said as he stood and made his way to the door.

"Kevin," She called to him in a gentle tone and he stalled with his hand just turning the knob and turned back to her. "Thank you. I know that you don't understand nor like the relationship Morgan and I have, but I really appreciate you setting aside your jealousy and trying to help us find him." He threw her a slight smile and a curt nod before leaving out, closing the door behind him. She stared after the closed door for a brief moment before she shifted her gaze heavenward. "Please, please God help us find him and please let him be ok." She then closed her eyes. "Please, please…" She continued to pray.