I'M BACK! :) It seems I say this every chapter, but I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long. Please enjoy this chapter though. Just a few replies below and then on with the story! It's a little bit short, but I really wanted to update :D

Loony-Loonz – thank you so much. Things have gotten quite a bit better since I posted that last chapter. Please enjoy this chapter and I apologise for the wait.

livelovelife4ever14 – thanks! :)

DreamsShouldBeFollowed – more drama coming up, trust me!

Saint of the Sinners – thank you!

sweetcinnamonxoxo – thanks!

vampireknight11 – Hahaha your review made me laugh. I'm updating now. Really sorry for the long wait!

RARRRRRR – aww thanks for your review. Hope you like this chapter!

'Mitchie! Mitchie!' someone was shaking her.

'Mmm?' Mitchie mumbled sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

'Good morning!'

'Shane?' Mitchie asked, glancing at her clock and seeing it was 7 am. 'It's so early!'

Shane chuckled and shrugged.

'I must look terrible right now,' Mitchie mumbled with another yawn. 'Where's Nate?'

'Still asleep,' Shane shrugged. 'And you look beautiful.'

Mitchie sat up, blushing slightly. Why was it that Shane could always make her blush?

'What's this?' Shane looked across at Mitchie's bedside table, his eyes falling on her songbook.

Mitchie quickly picked it up before he could. 'My songbook,' she said.

'Can I see it?' Shane asked, smiling.

'No!' Mitchie exclaimed quickly. 'I have personal songs in here!'

'And you don't want your best friend's opinion?' he pouted.

'Yeah … you're right,' she smiled playfully. 'I might call Sierra.'

Shane frowned. 'Offended, Mitch!'

Mitchie laughed and stuffed the book under her pillow. 'Too bad, Gray,' she poked her tongue out at him.

'So you don't consider me your best friend?' he asked, looking hurt.

'Most definitely not,' Mitchie replied, smirking.

Before Mitchie could process anything, Shane had pushed her back down on the bed and climbed on top of her, tickling her unmercifully.

'Take that back,' he growled, a smile playing on his lips as she squirmed underneath him.

'No,' Mitchie gasped, giggling a little. 'S-stop Shane!'

'Not till you take it back,' Shane grinned.

'Shane! Stop!'

'Say it,' Shane demanded.

'Say w-what?'

'That I'm your best friend in the entire world,' he replied, a smirk on his face as he watched my pitiful attempts to push him away.

'Ugh, fine!' Mitchie gasped. 'You're my best friend in the entire world!'

Shane stopped tickling her and smirked. 'See, Mitch? That wasn't too hard to admit was it?'

Mitchie glared playfully at him. 'Jerk.'

'Ah, you love me,' he shrugged. He still hadn't got off her.

'Only sometimes,' she said.

'Sure,' Shane replied with a chuckle.

'When's Nate going to get up?' Mitchie groaned.

'He should be up soon,' Shane shrugged.

'I miss him,' I sighed.

Shane rolled his eyes. 'I can read your songs while we're waiting,' he offered.

'Definitely not!' Mitchie shook her head.

'At least tell me what they're about,' Shane said hopefully.

'You,' she replied with a smile.




They were silent for a few seconds.

'Who're they about then?' Shane asked.

She rolled her eyes. 'Nate.'

Shane's smiled faded. 'Okay, that's it, I have to read them!'


'Oh come on, Mitch, they're about my best friend!'

'I thought I was your best friend,' Mitchie exclaimed, pretending to look offended.

'What's about me?' a voice asked from the doorway.

Shane quickly rolled off her.

'Nate!' Mitchie rushed up to him and threw her arms around him. 'I missed you.'

He smiled warmly. 'Hey there, Mitchie Moo.'

Mitchie pressed her lips eagerly on his but pulled away immediately when she heard a rustle of paper.

'Shane!' she yelled, running back to him and snatching the song book out of his hands.

'Aw, come on Mitch, they were cute,' Shane defended himself.

'What is it?' Nate asked curiously, as Mitchie put away her songbook with a huff.

'Her songbook,' Shane smirked, sticking his tongue out at Mitchie. 'She's been writing some songs about you.'

Nate smiled at her. 'Really?'

Mitchie pouted. 'I hate you,' she told Shane.

Nate's arms wrapped around her from behind. 'You're amazing,' he whispered in her ear.

'You're more amazing,' Mitchie melted into his embrace. 'But I hate Shane.'

Shane chucked. 'You love me,' he said.

I growled at him. 'You wish.'

He just smiled, looking amused.

'What were you doing on top of my girlfriend before?' Nate asked Shane suddenly and Mitchie swore that she could see jealousy in his expression.

Mitchie stifled a grin. Shane was slightly red.

'Uh…' Shane glanced at Mitchie, who looked like she was holding back laughter.

'He was tickling me,' Mitchie said, crossing her arms. 'Cause I wouldn't show him my songs.'

'Oh,' Nate said quietly.

Shane was shuffling his feet awkwardly.

Mitchie stared at him for a moment. 'Who wants breakfast?' she asked quickly.

Guys, what did you think? :) I'm updating really soon. I have been struck with inspiration for this story. So please update! Your reviews mean the world to me :D

Lucy xox