BloodRed has logged in.

Spidervamp has logged in.

BloodRed: *Sighs* I am so glad we finally escaped those fangirls!

SpiderVamp: Ikr? Crzies!

BloodRed: Darren? Are you having trouble speaking?

SpiderVamp: Its txting tlk!

BloodRed: …what?

SpiderVamp: *Facepalms*

BloodRed: Do not 'Facepalm' at me, Darren!

SpiderVamp: Srry.

BloodRed: What?

SpiderVamp: *Resists urge to face palm*

BloodRed: While we are here, can you talk like you normally would?

SpiderVamp: e_O sure…

BloodRed: e_O?

SpiderVamp: Eyetwitch.

BloodRed: The computer has eyes that can twitch?

SpiderVamp: No. I'm saying that MY eye just twitched.

BloodRed: …that is stupid.

SpiderVamp: Don't call me stupid!

BloodRed: I was not calling YOU stupid!

SpiderVamp: Yes you weeeerrrre!


Kurda has logged in.

SpiderVamp: XD Hey Kurda!

Kurda: Heeeey, everyone! XP

BloodRed: Kurda, why is your username your name?

Kurda: *Winks* 'Cuz I'm just that awesome!

BloodRed: Did you just..wink…at me?

Kurda: *Winks* Sure did! *Winks*

BloodRed: …stop that…

SpiderVamp: *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks*

Kurda: *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks*

BloodRed: I am serious, stop that at once!

SpiderVamp: *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks*

Kurda: *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks* *Winks*

BloodRed: STOP THAT!

Kurda: O.O I've never seen you yell like that in person…

SpiderVamp: I have!

BloodRed: I did not think it was possible…but you two are even more annoying online.


BloodRed: What is wrong with you?

SpiderVamp: Lotsa stuffs!

BloodRed: e_O

Kurda: Does someone need a hug?

BloodRed: Stay the hell away from me, Kurda.

Kurda: *Sobs*

SpiderVamp: You made him cry!

BloodRed: Um..I am sorry, Kurda.

Kurda: I'm logging off and going to your room and hugging you!

BloodRed: No, do not do that!

Kurda has logged off.

BloodRed has logged off to defend himself.

SpiderVamp has logged off to watch.