As you can probably see, I LOVE How to Train Your Dragon.

Therefore, I've had a strange, absolutely crazy idea. I've now read about 3 of the How to Train You dragon books AND I've seen the movie.

Sooo, what about this? I want to bring the two, almost totally different, worlds together. The book…and the movie. Frightening. I know. So without the Hiccups to intervene what will happen?

I'm sorry if someone already had this idea.

I'll try to make this short and entertaining.

It was early spring. The sun was warm in the early morning unlike it usually was in spring. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock V, Chief of the Hairy Hooligan, was sleeping in. Everyone was sleeping in because of how much fun they had had in the Great Hall last night. Singing, eating, dancing, eating, laughing, eating; it was very tiring work.

However, some things weren't sleeping in. the dragons wandered around aimlessly some picking fights outside of the village, some flying around, some stealing into their master's warm houses to sleep. All except Toothless. Being to dragon of the Chief he had to have self-control and stay lying loyally by his master's house.

He snorted. Everyone else could run around flying and gliding through the skies while he was stuck on the ground unless Hiccup decided to go fly around. And even then, he couldn't do loops, or drops, or dives because someone always was with him talking to him. It wasn't any fun. He never had a chance to stretch his wings, he would ask and ask and prod and prod but Hiccup would say "Not now"; "Maybe later buddy"; and "Go play with your friends".

Well, thanks to you I can't play with my friends because I don't have any Toothless thought to himself. While the other dragons still teased him about his tail, he was still loyal all these years. He flipped onto his back trying to warm his belly with the sun.

Toothless sneezed. Then stood up and shook off.

Now why in the world did I sleep outside last night? Toothless asked himself. Though the sun was warm and it was spring, there was still snow in the shade of the Chief's house. He walked through the village, greeting other dragons as he went. Nevertheless, as mentioned before, they just laughed at him. The "most powerful" type of dragon being held to the ground by gravity and a broken tail. Just to rub this fact in, Snoutlout's dragon, a Monstrous Nighmare flapped up and hovered above Toothless.

Toothless looked up and stopped. The Monstrous Nightmare sneered at him and Toothless smile back. A moment later the large dragon was sprawling in a pile of snow with Toothless on top of him.

"I know plenty well how to protect myself without flying," Toothless growled looming over the other dragon. "As you may know."

The Monstrous Nightmare nodded recalling the time way back when dragon's were the Viking's enemies and Toothless had protected Hiccup.

Toothless sighed and got off the dragon. Shrill, Astrid's Deadly Nadder, wandered up to Toothless with its constantly moving eyes.

"What's the matter?" Shrill asked trying to find Toothless.

The Night Fury was really bothered by the Nadder's eyes so looking straight ahead he replied, "Well, Hiccup never rides me anymore. I feel unused."

The Nadder turned her head to look at Toothless. "I could get Astrid to convince Hiccup to go for a ride."

Toothless turned to look Shrill in the eyes but immediately turned away when he saw the eye turned towards him twitch. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Sure! What are master's friend's pet's for?"


"Never mind. When Astrid get's up I'll tell her."

"Thanks. And could you do one more favor…actually two?"


"Can you make sure no one knows where Hiccup is when we go flying? I want to have it like the old days."

"Of course. And the other?"

"Get your eyes checked. I'm sure there's something wrong with them."


"Thanks again," Toothless sighed gratefully as Shrill walked off.