Escape to Love

SUMMARY: Gabriella Montez finds her unexpectedly single self traveling alone to Italy, a country known for its love and romance possibilities. Troy Bolton finds himself bamboozled by his mother and reluctantly leading one of her lengthy vacation tours. Neither is expecting to encounter any attractions not listed on the tour itinerary... M for adult situations/subject matter and sexual references/depictions.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own these wonderful characters...I just love them like the rest of you.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Don't worry...'Tis the Season will continue as I'm able and inspired to write it. Also, believe it or not, there is a final LBMF chapter (epilogue part II) that is half written. But, I've had this new story in mind for some time now and I'm kind of excited about it. It was inspired in part by a movie from 1962 called Rome Adventure (with another Troy in it!), by other movies set in Italy, and also by my own vacation in Italy years ago. I also wanted to do a story in which Troy and Gabriella did not immediately hit it off. :-) So, I hope you like it. Please hit that lovely review button and let me know. -) Thanks for reading!

Gabriella Montez had always been a fairly reasonable and sane girl, but this, she reasoned, was crazy. How she found herself sitting on an hour flight to Italy, following a nine hour flight to Zurich, all by herself, with no idea what to expect from the next four weeks, was beyond her. When she thought back to her friends…oh, that term felt a bit loose right now…and their actions that had led her to be sitting here feeling more unsure of herself than she had ever felt before, she seriously wanted to throttle them.

4 months ago…

"Gabs, screw him! He's so not worthy of you – your beauty, your intelligence, your caring, sweet nature…and he had no right..."

"Well, thanks," Gabriella managed past another sniffle, "but it still feels like crap," she told her best friend of 18 years, Taylor McKessie.

"I know, Hun, but it'll get better. I promise."

"Thanks, Tay! Thanks for listening to me blubber."

"Nonsense, you're not blubbering…just detoxing from that toxic piece of…"

"Tay," Gabriella interrupted, "can we just…talk about something else now?"

"Oh…sure thing, Gabi," Taylor replied with a small smile. "So, did you hear about the outrageous role Sharpay's auditioning for?"

"Um…no, but Sharpay is outrageous…so maybe it's a perfect fit."

"That's just it. The role is for a tomboy girl-next-door type…"

Gabriella stared back at her friend incredulously.

"Exactly!" Taylor exclaimed, seeing the recognition cross Gabriella's face. "That's what's so outrageous!"

Gabriella laughed then, so thankful that her good friend knew just how to get her mind on other things and how to get her to laugh, at that.

2 months ago…

"So, Gab, what did you think of Jared? Hot, huh?"

"That's about all he had going for him, Shar."

"Uh huh…what's your point?"

"My point is it wasn't a very successful date. We had nothing to talk about and…I don't know…I told you I wasn't really interested in dating again yet."

"You don't have to date him, Gab…but when a hunky present like that falls into your lap, strip off its clothes and have fun with it!" Sharpay exclaimed with exasperation.

"Shar…I'm not interested in some one night stand."

"Why the heck not? Seriously, Gabi, live a little. Be safe…by all means, be safe, but have some fun. It doesn't all have to be about commitments and drama."

"That's just not me, Shar. And as to the rest of it, well I'm not really looking for a commitment or any more drama either. I just…I don't know…I wanna focus on me for a while, I guess. Does that make sense?"

"I suppose…though, for the record, you could focus on you and the needs you have as a woman…"

Gabriella rolled her eyes at her friend's single-minded focus. "I'm good, Shar," she interrupted, "really…but thank you very much for caring and for trying to help me with my womanly needs." She drew out those last two words with a fair amount of humor in her voice.

"You're welcome, my sad, sad, deprived friend. Man…Jared…such a waste…" Sharpay lamented.

"Taylor! Kelsi!" Gabriella exclaimed with happiness and some relief, seeing her two other girlfriends approaching the table at which she and Sharpay had been seated at the restaurant.

The women all exchanged hello's and slipped into comfortable conversation, catching up on each other's work, family, and social life news. Sharpay, however, eventually brought the conversation back to Gabriella's lack of activity with the opposite sex, much to Gabriella's annoyance.

"Can't I just focus on me? Why do I have to be trying to hop in the sack with a man to prove I'm doing fine?"

"Hey Gabs…you know you don't have to. I think Sharpay just thought it wouldn't be a bad way to be moving on with your life," Kelsi put in. "But only you know what's best for you."

"Yes, Gabs. That's true. So, tell us more…how do you plan to focus on you more? Do you have any fun goals you're working toward or any fun plans for you?" Taylor asked encouragingly.

"Um…" Gabriella felt somewhat backed into a corner. When she'd said she wanted to focus on herself right now, she'd just been using that line as an excuse because it sounded good to her own ears. What that statement actually translated to roughly was 'Men are selfish pigs; they only hurt you in the end, and I don't think I wish to get tangled up in any more hurt, thank you very much.' Her friends waited for her to continue. "Well, er, I'm not sure." She looked around the room for inspiration. 'Of course.' They were eating at an Italian restaurant and the walls were littered with photos of famous sites like the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Ponte Vecchio. "I'd kind of like to do some traveling."

This answer had led to much discussion over places they had all been and places they'd like to go. Given their current setting, Italy had been a natural topic of discussion and one Gabriella had theory.

Six weeks ago...

"Gabs, we have a surprise for you," Taylor said once they'd finished their dinner and ordered dessert.

"Oh didn't tell them it's my birthday, did you?"

"No, girl. That's a pact we made. We're not breaking it."


"You're gonna love this," Sharpay enthused and Kelsi nodded her agreement.

Gabriella looked from face to face with nervous anticipation, not sure what to expect.

"You're goin' to Italy!" three excited voices exclaimed at once.


" we're not going to advertise in a restaurant that has singing waiters," Taylor replied.

"We wanted to do something really nice for you," Kelsi put in.

"Nice? That's too nice," Gabriella responded, still confused about the conversation that was unfolding.

"Hush! It is not. You deserve this," Taylor said.

"And Sharpay knew someone who knew someone so it's not as generous as you think it is," Kelsi assured.

"S'true," Sharpay confirmed. "And it's just what you wanted, so no arguing!"

"I', I'm just...I can't accept this..." Gabriella nearly stuttered.

"You can and you will!" her friends responded with exasperation and decisiveness.

One month ago...

"Gabriella, I was having lunch with Sharpay the other day and she was telling me all about the trip they're trying to get you to take," said Nancy Chambers, Executive Editor at Modern Woman Magazine, and Gabriella's boss. Nancy was Sharpay's aunt. While Gabriella had gotten her writing position at the magazine on her own merit, it was still kind of nice that her boss was someone she had known for several years already through Sharpay. Nice most of the time, anyway.

"Oh, no worries, Nancy. I wouldn't up and leave the magazine for that long. It was a really sweet thing for the girls to offer, but I'm going to contact the tour company and cancel."

"Oh, no you're not," Nancy said with the no-nonsense confidence she was known for.

"Why not?" Gabriella asked, a bit of a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"First of all, it'll be good for you."


"And second of all," Nancy continued, "it'll be perfect for the magazine. I've been wanting to do some kind of 'the grand European adventure: the trip every woman should take' kind of piece. Or perhaps 'one woman's Italian adventure'...something like that."

"And you wanted to do this soon?"


"And you think I'm the right person for this piece?" Gabriella nearly croaked out.

"Most definitely."

Gabriella sat staring at Nancy in silence, considering her options.

"Gabriella, this is the kind of piece that a feature writer dreams about. You want this."

From a writing perspective, she did want this. It just seemed like things were moving too fast for her and outside of her own control. And she was intimidated. But, sitting across from her boss in that big office of hers, which she had earned by taking on daring assignments, Gabriella found herself slowly nodding her agreement and seeing Nancy's resulting huge smile.

One day ago...

"Well, I think you've packed well."

"Thanks, Tay. I still can't believe I'm doing this."

"I know. But, I think that's why it's a really good thing for you to do."

"Maybe so. I hope so. Wish you guys were coming with me."

"We do too," Kelsi said sweetly, "but this is a Gabriella Montez exclusive. You go get 'em girl."

Gabriella smiled at this.

"Here. Add these," Sharpay said, digging through Gabriella's lingerie drawer and handing over some black lacy pieces.

Gabriella raised her eyebrows questioningly at this, but took the pieces and threw them into her suitcase. Sometimes, there was just no point in arguing with Sharpay...often times. She really didn't see much need for the sexy lingerie, but figured it wasn't taking up much space in the suitcase either.

"And this is for your carry-on," Taylor said, handing over a book she produced from her purse. It was a traveler's guide to Italy, including some basic Italian-English translations.

"These too," Sharpay said, producing a few gossip magazines. "For reading on the plane."

"And these," Kelsi added, handing over a few snack items, also for the plane.

"Thanks, girls! I still think..."

"Stop," Sharpay interrupted.

Gabriella looked at her, confused.

"Stop thinking. Just do and be...and tell us all about it later, of course."

"She's right, Gabs...much as I hate uttering those words," Taylor said with humor.

"Gee, thanks, Tay," Sharpay replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Come on, you three," Kelsi jumped in, ever the peacemaker. "Let's go grab some dinner. We won't be able to all do that together for weeks."

They all agreed and headed out to have a lovely dinner. Having good girlfriends was the best...until it left you alone on a plane to Europe.

Two weeks ago...

Troy Bolton paced furiously across the room. "Mother, no!"


"No, Jack…he'll do this."

"I am not a child, mother."

"No, you're not a child…you're my child…and what kind of child is so ungrateful…?"

"But I was going to..."

"What? Go whore around in a futile attempt to forget all that happened with Katherine?"

"Nice, mom...real nice."

Gail's voice softened a bit. "But not untrue, is it?"

Troy turned to stare out the glass doors that connected to the veranda. He bit the inside of his lip, the rusty taste of blood filling his mouth. He knew his mother was right. She had a way of knowing him to a tee and also of being completely straight with him, no matter how much the truth hurt at times.

"Troy...I would really appreciate it if you could lead this tour. Your father and I could really use a break and you're so good at it. I bet you'll have fun in the long run. And you've moped long enough."

Troy remained silent.

"She wasn't the right one, son," Jack put in.

"Obviously," Troy replied in a bitter tone.

"Sweetheart, you hurt because you opened your heart and you gave all you had to give," Gail said gently.

"I won't make that mistake again."

"It's not a mistake. I know it feels like one, but it's not. Don't let your experience with Katherine make you someone other than who you are."

"And who is that anyway?"

"Someone who will charm all of our tour guests in a couple weeks," Gail said with a knowing smile.

Troy blew out a breath. "Fine. I'll do this tour. I'll be charming. I'll keep them all happy..."

"Don't keep them too happy," Gail replied in a flat, warning tone, knowing her son's way of coping these last six months had been anything but virtuous.

Jack cleared his throat uncomfortably.

Troy couldn't help the small smirk that appeared on his face. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

As she entered the hotel lobby, she could hear high-pitched feminine squeals. She turned to see that they were coming from the pool area, out behind the reception area. As no one was immediately available at the desk, she watched for several more moments, soon enough seeing the cause of those sounds of delight.

Tan, muscular, flashing his dazzling pearly whites, sunglasses making him look ultra cool like he should be plastered on a billboard somewhere or in magazine ads selling something unnecessary to girls who would buy empty matchboxes from him for the chance to drool in his presence for two minutes, and guys who longed to turn those girls' heads in their direction.

But not Gabriella. She wanted nothing to do with that brand of smooth. Not anymore. No matter how much he looked like a Greek (or maybe Roman?) god of abdominal awesomeness as he rose from the pool, dripping water and reaching for his towel. Naturally, no less than five women tried to hand one to him. Gabriella turned away, disgusted by the scene. Hearing a melodious giggle moments later, she let herself be drawn in once again. Now he was rubbing lotion on a leggy blonde's back. 'Ugh,' Gabriella thought, 'womanizers!'

"Signorina? Uh, signorina? Can I help you?"

Gabriella was brought out of her spying by the kind-looking older man who now stood behind the reception counter.

"Oh, um, yes. My name is Gabriella Montez and I'm with the Escape to Italy tour group. I'm meeting up with them a day late due to a work conflict and I thought someone was supposed to meet me at the airport, but that never happened, so I got a taxi to bring me here...and I'll stop talking now...sorry."

The man behind the counter looked somewhat amused.

"I see, Signorina Montez. And I apologize. I'm not sure what happened but we can certainly get you checked into your room and started with the group's itinerary this evening."

"Thank you..."

"Roberto," the kindly gentleman supplied.

"I really appreciate this, Roberto."

"My pleasure, signorina."

Once Roberto checked her in and retrieved her room key, he asked her to wait for a moment so that he could have the bellhop assist her to her room. Gabriella complied, moving off to the side into an alcove by the elevators and examining the artwork there. As she did so, she overheard more voices in the lobby. 'Oh great...the squealers.'

"But, Troy, you haven't done my back yet!" one protested.

"How 'bout I rub lotion on you?" another enticed.

"We've barely begun swimming," another whined.

"Ladies, ladies, I would love to stay with you but unfortunately I have some business I must attend to."

Sighs and pouts ensued.

Troy produced a slight pout of his own, giving them his best disappointed face. "I know. I know. But, why don't you girls go back to swimming and sunning those beautiful bodies of yours and know that I'll be counting down the minutes until I get to be in your presence again at dinner."

'Oh, I may throw up,' Gabriella thought, rolling her eyes.

The faux charm seemed to work and the girls said their reluctant goodbyes and scurried back to the pool. Troy, apparently the name of the ab god, gave a last smile and wave in the direction of the pool before turning smoothly and sauntering up to the desk.

"Signor Bolton," Roberto began.

"Roberto, what's up my man? Have you seen the hard work I've been putting in out there?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows around with amusement.

Roberto just shook his head with a grin. "Oh, Signor Bolton, you may be one of the hardest working men in the business."

"I'm not in the business, Roberto, and don't you forget it. Mom just backed me into a corner again. This is just temporary. Anyway, I have to go. I think I was supposed to pick some late chick up at the airport today."

Realization dawned on Roberto's face. Troy leaned over the counter and grabbed a set of keys from the desktop, tossing them in the air and catching them as he started to turn toward the exit. "If the tourbus is a rockin', don't come a knockin'," he tossed over his shoulder with a smirk.

"Signor Bolton, wait!"

Troy turned back toward the counter with a frown. "Signor Bolton is my father, Roberto. Please remember to just call me Troy, okay?"

"Yes, okay...Troy. But I think the woman you were supposed to pick up is already here."

Troy gave him a curious look.

"I just checked in Signorina Gabriella Montez a few minutes ago. She said no one ever showed up for her at the airport."

"Oh, damn. Well, don't tell them that," Troy said, motioning with his head toward the pool area. "I think I'm just going to go take a breather till dinner then."

"Okay, Signor...Troy."

Troy smiled and put the keys back down on the desktop before turning and starting to head in Gabriella's direction. Gabriella's head snapped back to the painting in front of her. She overheard Roberto tell Troy that she was over here waiting on the bellhop. "Eh, I got it, man," she heard him say and then she saw him striding confidently in her direction out of the corner of her eye.

"Ah, Botticelli's Birth of Venus...classic. We'll see it this week at the Uffizi. Of august gold-wreathed and beautiful Aphrodite I shall sing to whose domain belong the battlements of all sea-loved Cyprus where, blown by the moist breath of Zephyros, she was carried over the waves of the resounding sea on soft foam. The gold-filleted Horae happily welcomed her and clothed her with heavenly raiment."

Gabriella turned to face him, a fake smile plastered on her face. She wanted to call him on trying to impress her with his cheesy memorization of poetic lines, but instead she played dumb and asked in her best perky, high-pitched voice, "Oh, are you the bellhop?"

"I'm many things, signorina. Right now, for you, I'll be a bellhop."

"Oh, much obliged," she simpered purposefully.

Troy grinned, flashing that winning smile.

'Damn. That is a great smile,' she thought.

Troy retrieved her suitcases and smaller items and put them on a cart. He then motioned for her to go in front of him into the elevator and swiftly followed.

"Let's see what room Roberto has you in," Troy said smoothly, reaching to twist the key in Gabriella's hand. Gabriella felt an electricity when his fingers brushed her hand. She pulled back instinctively and looked up to see the surprise cross Troy's face as she did so. He quickly recovered.

"Um, it's room 302," she offered.

"Oh, wow. That's right next to me. I'm in 301."

"Oh, lucky me," she fake enthused.

As the elevator doors opened, Troy pushed the cart out allowing Gabriella to exit. At her door, he waited as she opened it and then took her luggage into the room, setting it at the foot of her bed.

"Well, normally I would tip...but since you're not really a bellhop..."

"No tip needed," Troy said with a chuckle. "I'm Troy, by the way. Troy Bolton. I'm leading the current Escape to Italy tour." He held his hand out and she shook it brusquely.

"And I am some late chick," she stated flatly.

Troy's eyes widened briefly at this. "Yes, um, Roberto was telling me of your arrival. You're Gabriella, right?"

"Is that the name you would have put on the placard you held up at the airport?"

Troy cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Yes, er, about that...I'm really sorry. The day got away from me."

"Mmm...I'm sure."

"Well, I'm glad you made it here fine and I assure you that you will have a great time on this tour."

Gabriella's hard stare was her only response.

Troy paused before continuing. "Well, Roberto will have given you the itinerary. We meet downstairs at 8pm for dinner in the hotel restaurant. If you have any questions, just let me know. Call, knock, or stand by the wall and yell."

His attempt at a joke failed miserably. What was with this woman?

"Anyway, Gabriella, it's been a pleasure to meet you and I'll be counting down the minutes until I get to be in your presence again at dinner." With that, he flashed one more smile at her and turned on his heel to strut toward her open door.

"Mr. Bolton?" Gabriella spoke just as he was setting foot back into the hallway again.

Troy turned, curious and figuring the Bolton charm had gotten to her after all. "Troy. You can just call me Troy."

"I do have a tip for you after all," she continued, ignoring his reply about his first name. "Work on your lines. You just used that one about fifteen minutes ago downstairs."

Troy raised an eyebrow at her.

"Also, watches are wonderful things. You can buy one most anywhere. Oh, and...Troy..." she uttered his name with distaste, "if the tourbus is a rockin', I won't be anywhere near it."

And with that, she pushed the door shut decisively in his face.