Percy recovered quickly from the death of Lemonade, though about a day after I caught him trying to dig up the body. I told him not to. Soon life was rolling smoothly again, well smoothly for us. Percy still hadn't gotten his sharing week and I was worried that he was taking it too hard. He started bring home homework which was stressful for everyone, even Gabe. With me helping my dyslexic son with reading homework I couldn't service his poker parties as often anymore. That's when everything went bad.

One day after Percy had already gone off to school I happened to come home early from work, for some reason I looked into Percy's room to see; oh, the horror. A small shape on the floor, Spot. My head spun. How could have this happened? The top of the tank was half on and next to the tank the fish net, soaking wet. "Oh, why?" I sobbed. Delicately, I picked up the dead fish. "The poor fish. She did nothing wrong."

Percy took the news even worse than Lemonade. "B-but she was m-married to Colorful!" He sobbed and screamed. Nothing distracted him from his dead fish. Another ceremony was held, but this one cut short when Percy curled in a ball on the floor and threw a fit.

November crept on. I got a call one day to come and pick Percy up; he had thrown up in the Play-Dough. He suffered through two days of vomiting; I was up all night helping Percy lean over the toilet. Once he ran out of his room to tell me he was going to throw up and ended up throwing up near Gabe's poker party. Needless to say the whole… family got sick too and Gabe was the worst to take care of. I of course got sick last.

I was lying on the couch watching A Christmas Story when a familiar feeling overcame me and I ran to the bathroom with my garbage can. As soon as I finished getting sick I left the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye I saw another little form, this time skewered. Snoopy lay on the floor, bleeding to death, with a cocktail sword sticking from his side.

And finally the day we had been waiting for all year. Percy was scheduled to bring in Colorful, his only surviving fish, into class on that Thursday. He was so excited. I went to the pet store to get bags and worked extra hours to be able to take off work for a day.

Then the unthinkable happened. Colorful passed away of natural causes Wednesday night. Percy did not cry or scream, just stood there and looked at his empty tank.

A/N: I'm sorry for the sad ending. My fish story ended sad, but my step dad didn't kill any of my fish.