Four years.

It has been exactly four years ever since that fateful day. Both males had already graduated from college and had already started to scour for jobs that they could take on.

Allen had continued to live in his old house that Mana had left him four years ago.

Kanda, too, had continued to live at his then-caretaker's house since he has decided to go to a nearby college just so he could spend more time with his boyfriend.

The money that Mana had left behind for Allen was already starting to dwindle to a dangerously low amount. On the other hand, Kanda's patience is already reaching its limit with his caretaker constantly hounding him with trivial things he'd rather not bother about.

But still, even though they were busy trying to find jobs so that they could finally be independent adults that pay their own bills (unlike some adult which Allen can mention all too easily). It is their fourth year anniversary together after all. Despite the fact that Kanda was no fan of celebrations of any kind, they never fail to spend the whole day together; even if it meant being dragged around by an overly excited silver-haired male.

Today, he was just waking up bright and early in the morning, drawing his curtains and basking in the warm morning sunlight that was penetrating through the window. He happened to glance over to Kanda's window, as a daily morning habit. The curtains were still there but Allen caught sight of a poster-sized piece of paper with the words 'Happy Anniversary Moyashi', scribbled in an all too familiar handwriting, stuck to it, facing said Moyashi. Smiling, he realized that it was still the same poster that he had used since their first-year anniversary. Though it seemed even MORE crumpled since Allen had last saw it a year ago, probably because the older male just chucked it somewhere and just dug it out a few days ago just in time. Chuckling, he pasted his own poster up, which was less crumpled, seeing how he took the utmost care of it; then he remembered the event that happened four years ago, which he was at his happiest ever since after Mana's death.

He walked away from his window and the hanging poster which read, 'Happy Anniversary to you too BaKanda.'

"Che, sometimes you talk too damn much."

And without warning, thin lips crashed against soft ones.

Oh God. The world is coming to an end. Or maybe not.

After that day, the two males officially became somewhat of a couple. Despite all the protests and the ostracism that the two males had faced for the remaining night, when Allen decided it was too good an opportunity to pass up and dragged the older male back into the ballroom for a few dances.

The look on the entire student population, excluding Lenalee and Lavi, was priceless. They were all probably wondering the same thing behind their expressions of disbelief. Kanda had recently gotten into a fight with his ex-girlfriend after all. It made no sense why he'd suddenly decided to turn his attention to another gender. Not to mention it would be unlikely for one to decide to give up on the female race just because of one rocky relationship. Then again, you can never explain the feeling of love.

Everyone in the ballroom got over their initial shock of having a gay couple emerging from the cohort, and went back to minding their own business and leaving the four best friends – though Kanda would never admit it – to fall back into their original routine of Allen, Lenalee and Lavi chattering away lively while Kanda just listened on with no expression. Save for said ex-girlfriend. Of course it was expected that she would start making a scene right there and then in front of everyone just to humiliate the couple. Truthfully, it wasn't really her fault. If any girl had found out that the guy that she had been dating for for the past year was bi, or had directed his attention to someone of the same gender as he is, her self esteem was bound to plummet.

"DAMN YOU. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS TO ME. YOU JUST FREAKING SNATCHED MY BOYFRIEND RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE, YOU FREAK!" she screeched at Allen, raising her hand and already making a move to try and slap the boy.

Though thankfully, Kanda caught the hand just in time before it had a chance to make contact with Allen's alabaster skin. "You. Should just shut up and stop making such a big fuss. You. Brought this whole ordeal upon yourself. YOU. Really should just back off and don't bother us for the rest of our lives cause I have HAD IT with your nonsense. Just go flirt with someone else or something you slut."

By that time, every head in the ballroom has swivelled to the direction in which a certain couple was quarrelling. They were, of course, flabbergasted since they had never heard Kanda that angry or even spoke such a long sentence in the presence of so many people.

Then the next event that followed was Kanda storming out of the ballroom, with Allen in tow. They were probably heading back to their home to do some catching up. Their two best friends stared after the retreating figures for a while before following after them, feeling happy that the two idiots finally came to terms with their own feelings and that all four of them could spend the following days, months and years together in blissful harmony.

Nobody dares to admit the joy that was slowly warming their hearts during that particular cold winter night. They knew that the path in front of them wouldn't be a smoothly paved cemented road, but one that was rocky and full of niches. However, there were three out of four people with cheery dispositions that they all knew, and were very confident, that the times now will surely change for the better.

Allen smiled to himself after reminiscing that the following four years had not been a smooth path for the couple. Most people frowned upon relationships like theirs. It was as though Allen couldn't already attract enough attention.

But Kanda had always stood up protectively against anyone who dared to make any snide comments at Allen, himself, or both of them in general. He was no fan of public display of affection, neither was Allen. But them being together just seemed to attract unwanted attention even if the people didn't know what their relationship with each other was.

Nevertheless, relationships were not just built overnight. Time and effort were needed to be put in. Patience with each other is also important. Though it was what usually cause the squabbles between both males since Kanda never really has much of a patience limit of more then –what- five minutes?

Still, Allen had always tried his best to patch things up between the two of them. They both knew that these little squabbles weren't worth creating a rift between their relationship, though they all knew that Kanda was such a stubborn person and wouldn't admit if anything was his fault or even apologise. But still, their love was strong; even though they were unwilling to show it publically.

The past four years had been the best years of his life. Unquestionably, he would also love the years that were to come and the future that awaited both of them.

Ending his musings, Allen went to wash up and dressed himself.

Upon hearing the doorbell downstairs resonating throughout the empty house, he looked out of his window, seeing the stoic raven-haired male waiting downstairs, obviously irritated at having to wait. Grinning from ear to ear, he grabbed his coat and a backpack filled with all the necessities that were needed for the day and headed out.

Now. The only question would be how would they be spending the day?

OMG. CHAPTER 200. I have never thought I'd live to see the day when the words "I love you, Yuu" appearing in D . GRAY-MAN MANGA.

And. Kanda went back to calling Allen, Moyashi again ._.

AND. OMG I really hate the stupid cockroach face and two dots ._. Nuff said.

Sorry if this wasn't up to expectations or anything. Im having extra lessons for three weeks into my end-of-year two months holiday. And this is only the second day of the first week and I'm totally wasted.

Review please. It would really be appreciated (: