There it was again! That awful, irritating feeling that she was forgetting something incredibly important pulled at the back of her mind. Ellie sat on the couch, pressing her palms against her temples. What was it? What was she forgetting? She sifted through her memories, searching for the missing piece. Finally, she realized what was wrong: she wasn't forgetting anything. She was misremembering! That day with the clothes and the snake… wait. What snake? There wasn't a snake… or was there?

Then it hit her. Her brain tried to filter the new information that replaced the shallow "memory". When she finally put everything together, all the way up to the last sentence Drake (Draco) spoke before Obliviating her memory, she stood up. Slightly dizzy, Ellie stumbled down the hall to Draco's room. She knocked on the closed door, softly at first, then more firmly when he didn't answer.

"What?" Draco's eyes were misty, and at the sight of his reddened face, Ellie through her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He was so shocked, he didn't respond at all. Finally Ellie whispered into his chest,

"I know who you are." Draco flinched and drew away.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know who you are… Draco Malfoy." Ellie grabbed his arm before he could aparate. "I remember everything. I remember everything that happened before you Oliviated my memories. Please, don't leave for your wand. I want to help you through this Draco. You can stay here longer. You don't have to go back to your old life. You have a family here."

Draco's eyes caught Ellie's, searching her. She held his gaze, still holding his arm. Finally, he broke down and looked away. He didn't try to take his arm away. He just looked down and let his shoulders droop.

"No Ellie, I cant. If I stay, I could put your family in danger. And your family isn't my family."

Ellie took a step closer to Draco, now, more than ever, fully aware of just how tall the young man was.

"Yes, they are Draco. They care for you…" She took one more step, trying to see his eyes through the curtain of blonde hair. Her hand found its way to his cheek, gently guiding his eyes to her own.

"…I care for you."

At this, Draco lost all control. All his fortitude, his silent strength, came crashing down on his head in an avalanche of emotions. How could he possibly react to this girl, who so trusted him and believed in him enough to confess her feelings for him? He closed his eyes firmly, trying vainly to hold back the salty tears. He gave in and wrapped his arms around the small girl, whose tears soon moistened the front of his shirt. Standing there, Draco Malfoy felt for the first time the comfort of someone else's compassion. He had been pitied. He had been hated. He had been tortured and scarred and feared, but never had he been cared for. Draco pulled away and grabbed Ellie's hand, leading her inside the room and shutting the door. He turned on the light and sat on his bed, tugging Ellie down with him. Her thumb flicked away the tear on his cheek and he colored up, ashamed suddenly at her witnessing of his weakness.

"Ellie, you wanted the truth from me. Honestly, I'm terrified of the day when I have to go back to Malfoy Manor. I don't want to go back to the world I grew up in, where everyone hates me for who I've been. Here, I've been able to start anew, to create a new self… I don't want to give that up. I've felt at home with you and your family, and I am petrified at the thought of leaving you."

"You can stay with us forever, if you want to. I know Uncle wont mind, especially since you've been helping out on the ranch.." Her eyes held his gaze. Such eyes, such intensity, such purpose! "Draco, you don't deserve hate for the mistakes you've made in the past."

"but how can I possibly convince an entire world that sees me as a Death Eater responsible for the death of Dumbledore to see me otherwise?"

"One step at a time." Ellie took one of Draco's hands in both of hers and held it tight. "It wouldn't be easy, but it isn't necessary. Forget that world. They can learn to forget you as well. Make this place your home."

Could he do it? Could he give up magic forever, give up his rights to a life of wealth to live in a small town with a family who he had only know for a couple of months?

Looking at Ellie, Draco knew the answer.