Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been very busy with my very uneventful life. This is going to be a rather short entry (well I guess all of the chapters are short but what ever). Hope you enjoy :P

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Square Enix blah blah and all that rubbish

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Lightning exclaimed as she looked at her once beautiful hair. It was now a pile of pink mess. "Fang! WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"I tried to make it look more… boyish…I guess," said Fang with her usual smirk. "It looks nice."

"Shut it, Fang." She took another long look at her new hair. It was still rather long, ending at the base of her neck, but it no longer had the curls that she loved so much. Her facial expression began to shift from angry to sad to hatred to regret to anger again. After trying to decide how she felt, she glowered in defeat. "What about your hair, peasant?"

"I've got a few screws loose, but I'm a L'cie, same as you," said Fang's smile so wide, Lightning could have sworn it extended beyond her face.

"…Do NOT mention that awful movie we had to star in!"

Fang gasped. "What are you talking about? It was great! Especially those fight scenes!"

Lightning rolled her eyes. "What are YOU talking about? Alice in Wonderland had better fight scenes than that pile of crap."

"You're just jealous because you weren't in it!" Fang turned the side and started to pout.

Lightning blinked. "You're an idiot."

Fang beamed. "You're too kind, Lightie!"

"Whatever," said Lightning, obviously irritated. Suddenly she gave an uncharacteristic smirk. "Let's do you hair next!"

Fang's eyes widened. "What? No. I mean yours I can understand, but mine? No way!"

Lightning pulled a pair of scissors and a rather larger razer from her back pocket. Smiling wildly, she inched closer and closer to Fang.

"Come on Light. Just put those down and we can-AH!" said Fang as Lightning pounced on her. She pinned her arms down with her knees, earned a yelp from Fang. "Get off of me!" Lightning disobeyed. She grabbed Fang's head and tilted it to the side. She inched her face close and closer to Fang's until it was mere centimeters away. Lightning began to conjure a wicked smile. Fang realized that Lightning meant business. She began to squirm and yell, but alas, to no avail.

"Don't worry Fang. I'll be gentle."

Fang's eyes widened the farthest they could go. Lightning raised her scissors dramatically and swooped down for the kill.


Yeah that was it. Just a filler for the rest of the story I geuss I was a bit bored and tired. hope you like and if you didn't then tell me and stuff. :D