Here's some Scarecrow and Crane one on one stuff. Hope everyone likes the yummy schizophrenic-ness. XD AND SOME LOOMING PLOT. LOOOOMING. LOOOOOMING! LOOOOO-Okay, I'll go.. -skitters away-


I believe Joker's inner fear lies in his past, his memory. This is why he cannot remember anything. And the main key/core of this is his gasglow smile. Whatever or whoever gave him them and whenever it happened is what triggered the memory loss. Over time, he's created his own memories, maybe some with fragments of truth. But it's the scars that stand out. No matter the story, it always leads to this one grand finale of cutting a "smile" on the poor young man's face.

No matter how many years pass and how foggy his memory gets, he still has those scars.

Perhaps some fiddling around to see some results.

Experiment a little on if my hypothesis is correct.

Doing something to the scars could possibly arouse irritation and discomfort in the man. And such reactions aren't a far cry from becoming fear. Just add in a dose of paranoia to whichever uncomfortable method chosen and he'd be lashing out.

Knowing his kind, it'd be violent and filled with misplaced rage.

No, perhaps this shouldn't be done too soon. First start with something else, to throw him off.

That's where Scarecrow could come in handy.

But be sure to put a leash on him.

A very short leash.

"You've only just begun, and you've already got a plan on how to spook him?" Scarecrow growled lowly. He seemed cranky. And Jon would bet on his zombie movie collection he knew why.

"Of course, why not?" Seconds later he realized he'd spoken out loud, but oh well. No one was around. He'd dismissed his men hours ago.

"Why not?" The other bellowed, "Because THIS shouldn't be a time for note taking and hypothesis making. We have the key to ALL of Gotham's worst fears right down the hall and you just want to poke and prod at his brain! I cannot believe you."

"Are you quite finished ranting? I hope so. I want you to save your energy for when you talk to him."

Now, Scarecrow was definitely not an easy person/personality to sway. At least... he hoped he wasn't. But ever since he'd discovered Jonathan's brilliant plan to take the goddamned Joker in as a patient, he'd been getting quite restless. But he knew it'd be hopeless to assume he could interact with such a... similar being with similar tastes without some form of backlash. Karma, after all, had been quite the unforgiving bitch to him. "What's the catch, Crane." He muttered.

Jonathan smiled in satisfaction. Ah, things were looking up for him these days. Even his own other self was bending to his will. Of course, he knew it was only because of the prospect of meeting the clown, but that is what made it so perfect.

Scarecrow couldn't say no.

"I merely wish that you go and give him a little visit, possibly tomorrow, to bring him food as well. You'll be able to introduce yourself and tell him about your own separate interests in him from mine."

"Well!" The voice mockingly huffed in surprise, "That sounds just peachy to me!" He made a dramatic pause, for the hell of it, and then growled, "I still don't believe you."

This, of course, made Jon giggle, as only a schizophrenic can while having the upper hand on his other personality. "Right. Like I said, I want you to tell him about your interests in him. What I didn't say was how you should do it." The good doctor began to grin as he knew Scarecrow's utter silence meant he was highly curious. "I can give you a suggestion or two.."

And it must've hit him then and there what Jonathan really meant, because Scarecrow seemed to become surprised pretty fast. "YOU'D let me.. corrupt your most precious patient? And.. so soon?" His voice had become soft in awe.

"As long as it doesn't become too extreme, but still gets the point across on your.. intentions, then yes, Scarecrow. Deal?"

"Wait. Wait, wait wait. Hold on. Whatever could you mean by "too extreme", Jon?"

The doctor instantly sneered, "Oh, you know exactly what I mean by "too extreme", you pervert. I most certainly do not want to come back to my body after trusting you with it for an hour or two, only to find myself naked and-and in the embrace of that madman!"

"Okay, first of all.. "Hello, pot. Meet kettle," for that little "madman" bit. And secondly, Jonathan.. Seriously? The man woke up out of Arkham and strapped down to a gurney in the middle of the night. I'm pre-e-etty sure he isn't going to be up for say, a "romp in the hay", alright? Sure, I may try to woo him a bit, but I am going to be respectful about it."

Crane found himself rubbing his temples, something he tended to do at times like this. "Alright, alright. Good." He muttered, "Now I'm going to go back to my notes, if things are all settled."

"Oh yes, don't worry our pretty little head about it. I'll play the good cop, as you wish." Scarecrow purred.

"Excellent… Thank you." Jon grounded out the last part. He was sure he'd never said that to Scarecrow before.

A few minutes into more notes though, and Scarecrow once again piped up. "And this is going to be a.. pattern, right? I will get to talk to him more than once, yes?"

This made Crane halt in his writing and stay suspiciously still while he answered, "Yes.. It'll continue until I move onto the next step of his treatment.."

"Which will be?"

"You'll see." Jonathan quickly replied.

Silence again. Long enough for Jon to realize how tired he was becoming. Just as he was starting to yawn, Scarecrow's voice popped up once again. Only his voice seemed.. softer.. hesitant.

"I will have a part in this "Next step" won't I?"

The doctor sighed, "We'll see."

"Oh, first it's I'll see, now it's we'll see? What could that possibly mean?"

"It means I think I need to get some sleep." Jon grumbled.

"Fine." Scarecrow snapped moodily. But for once, Jon could care less to investigate this behavior. He closed his new notebook with all the new notes in it and left it there on his desk as he headed for bed.

For once in a long time in his professional career, things seemed to be going smoothly.

And not even Scarecrow could screw things up.