That's me

Hello. I'm the girl everyone hates.

Well, they did say I should write down the first thing that popped up in my head in this diary.

But perhaps I should explain some things to you first.

Alright, let's start at the beginning. My name is Rachel, I'm 16 years old, love walking across the beach in the moonlight, you get the picture.

As you might have guessed, I don't like introductions. Probably because no one ever asked me to introduce myself. Why not, you might wonder. Well, that question is simple to answer. Who cares about a small, plain girl in the room when she has four hot boys standing beside her?

Right: No one. You just won a microwave.

So that leads us to the next question: Who are the four hot boys?

If you ask me that in person, I might just slap you in the face. Honestly, I hate that question. But since you're not really here, and I'm actually just talking to myself, only writing it down because it doesn't look that crazy that way, I'll answer anyway.

Meet my big brother and his three friends.

Question number three, the hardest one yet: Why does everyone hate me?

Well, where do I start? Right, my parents.

My father is almost 39 years old, but he already looks like he's 50. There are only two people in the world he cares about, my mother and my brother.

The reason he doesn't like me is very simple to explain: I'm a girl.

You see, I was the first girl to be born in my family for over three hundred years. In those three hundred years predicting the gender and numbers of children had been very easy in our family: You get one child and it'll be a boy.

Sort of boring, don't you think?

So when my mom got pregnant for the second time, everyone was shocked. Well, with everyone I mean my family and the three other families, who have the same kind of originality regarding their children.

They all figured it'd be a miscarriage, but they were disappointed. In 1989, at June the first, a girl was born, surprising everyone within the four families.

And what can a father do with a girl? For my father, that question was easy to answer: Nothing. He taught my brother how to ride a bike, that eventually changed into a motorcycle. But girls wasn't interested in such things, according to him at least, so he never bothered to ask me if I wanted to learn it.

So I guess that explains why my father doesn't like me: He already has a son, and that's all he really needs. To him, I'm useless.

So then comes my mother, or, as I prefer, the woman who gave birth to me. She'll turn 38 in three months.

To her, I'm just the girl who can't do anything right. Despite the facts I get straight A's and follow the same classes as my brother, even though I'm 19 months younger then him, to her I'm still walking in the shadow of my big brother, who might not get great grades, but does defeat everyone in the water. Well, almost everyone. His friends are still faster then him.

I once played in the school's musical, but she never saw that one. Beside the fact that I told her that I played the lead in it (which really was the truth, BTW, and not just a way to get her to the show), she still thought that a trip to Hawaii was more important and she left a few hours before the show started. Something I didn't hear until she texted me a few minutes before I had to enter the stage for the final song.

I still remember the text message.

Plain leaves in five minutes. Dinners is in the fridge, you cook. CU in one week.

Guess that tells you enough about the love of my mother, right? Though, I am thankful she asked me to cook. My brother could barely make a sandwich.

Ah, my brother. For some reason, I still see him as one my favourite persons in the world.

My brother turns 18 in one month. He drives a Ducati, which he's practically in love with, something he got from our dad, has three best friends, one beautiful girlfriend, and is one of the most popular people in the school.

The only thing I can tell you about him beside the general information is that his favourite meal is lasagne. And I only know that one because he always asks me to make it for him.

Sometimes he takes me to a party. That's real nice of him.

Too bad it's only because one of his friends needs a girl to keep the other girls away. So the party's I go to always go the same.

Step 1: Pretend to be the girlfriend of ….. (enter name)

Step 2: Ignore the glares of the jealous girls.

Step 3: Watch as your 'boyfriend' suddenly finds a girl he likes and starts flirting with her.

Step 4: Stand alone in a crowed of people that are older then you.

Step 5: Realise that your brother has already left and forgot to take you home with him.

O yeah, I love parties.

But you know what the real problem is? My family doesn't even realise what they're doing. If they did realise, I could just scream at them, maybe run away. But now, there's nothing I can do about it. I tried talking to them about it, but they never really listened so I just gave up after a while.

So that's my family. Let's continue with the friends.

O, forgot. I don't have them.

Why not? Real simple. The girls hate me because they think I'm a whore. If you wonder where they got that idea, go back to my party schedule. I'm sure that explains everything.

And the boys, well, like a said before: Who would care about a little, plain girl that's obviously either younger or in a higher grade then you.

I wasn't popular, so there was simply no reason for people to talk to me.

So I guess that is my life: Trying to survive high school while helping my big brother with everything I can help with.

Welcome to the live of Rachel Parry.

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I listened to one of my favourite songs, when suddenly my door was thrown open. I didn't need to check who it was, since there was only one person in the world who would even think about entering my room.

Forgive me for being so pessimistic.

Anyway, I grabbed the remote of my stereo and turned it off. After that I simply looked at my big brother, knowing he didn't need a question to tell me what he wanted.

"There's a party at the Dells tonight. We're leaving at 8." Pogue stated before exiting my room again. I rolled my, stood up from my bed, closed the door and returned to my previous position. The music continued.

A quarter past eight and I was sitting on the stairs, waiting for my brother. I had simply pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt, not really checking whether it matched or not. I couldn't care less.

Suddenly my brother stormed down the stairs, barely avoiding me. He didn't say anything as he walked through the front door and I quickly ran after him, closing the door behind me. Caleb, my brother's best friend, was waiting in his mustang. We quickly stepped in the car, I in the back, my brother in the front, and my brother and Caleb greeted each other. After that Caleb gave me a quick nod through his rear-view mirror, and I smiled to him.

After that he drove away.

At nine o'clock, the last one of Pogue's friends arrived. Reid Garwin, the player of Ipswich. I really didn't like him, which had something to do with the fact that he had stolen my first kiss from me for a dare, even after I told him I didn't want it. My brother and his other two friends had been there as well. Caleb had just laughed, while Tyler had told Reid to stop it. Of course, Reid hadn't listened, but still it had got him in my favourite person top 2.

Not that I know why he'd want to be in there, but anyway.

"What's up, fellas?" Caleb rolled his eyes at Reid, as he normally did. Reid was just the kind of person to make people do those kind of things.

Tyler, Reid's best friend, was less annoyed. But only slightly.

"Where were you? I stopped by to give you a lift."

Reid shrugged.

"Had things to do. How's the party?" And that was when I zoned out, knowing no one was going to say anything special anymore. One of the four boys would lie, saying they just arrived and after that they would all prove they were boys by doing something stupid.

And again, I was right.

Reid jumped of the cliff.

"Reid!" Caleb yelled angry. I simply rolled my eyes. Pogue laughed.

"Come on, Caleb, it's not like it's gonna kill us. Yet." He said grinning, ever the cool guy. After that he jumped down too. Caleb rolled his eyes and jumped after his two friends.

"Rachel." I looked up, surprised. Tyler held his hand out to me and my eyes widened.

Tyler laughed when he saw the fear in my eyes.

"Come on, I wont let you fall!" He promised. I wondered why he didn't just jump, like he usually did. Most of the time, he was the first one to follow Reid. But then again, who was I to complain? Most of the time, I was the one who could walk the whole way down because none of them felt like taking me.

So I swallowed and took Tyler's hand. He pulled me close and I hid my face in his chest as he jumped.

And maybe no is the time to explain that my brother and his friends weren't suicidal, or at least, not in that way. You see, eventually these sort of things will kill them, as Pogue had stated before. They are witches. They had been able to use magic since their thirteenth birthday. At their eighteenth birthday, they ascended, becoming even more powerful. But the power is addictive and the more they use, the more they age. So that also explains why my father looks so much older then he is.

And then my feet touched the ground again and my eyes fell on the party in front of me.

Everyone was either dancing, talking or throwing up.

Just another party in Ipswich.

So here's my newest story. I actually didn't want to start this story before I finished the other one, but I just had to get it out of my head. Last night, I lay awake until three AM because my brain was determined to figure out who Rachel was. The rest of me wasn't to happy about that.

So I hope you like it, and please tell me what you think!