Disclaimer: I do not own The Lost Boys or any characters, just Amaranth. I hope you enjoy my first Lost Boys story and please review, good or bad.

Chapter 1: Sleep all day, Party all night

The night was beautiful, the cool ocean breeze wiping her black hair up into the air, getting it in her pixie-like features. Amaranth was sitting elegantly on a fence, staring at the sea, and people behind her enjoying the Boardwalk. David and the other boys were out prowling for dinner and she was left to her own devices.

She had already eaten, finding a Surf Nazi drunk in an ally. Not the best meal she's ever had but she couldn't be picky when Max told them to blend in and not cause troubleā€¦.. well not more than the boys usually did.

Laddie had decided to stay at the cave, wanting to read the new comic book she just got him instead, making them promise to bring back some Chinese.

They found the little boy a few weeks ago, almost dead on a side street, bleeding from a stab wound on his side. The moment she looked into his dark brown eyes she decided to take him in, to give him her blood. Though she was an undead, an Immortal creature of the night, kids always pulled at her non-beating heart.

So she turned him into a half- breed and took him with them back to the cave, putting him in her bed. Amara fell in love with Laddie, treating him like her own son, the only kind she will ever know since she can no longer have children. That was ok with her. She loved her life, with her boys.

Hollering could be heard, along with the roar of bikes, making her lips curve into a smile. Amara knew who they were already, her boys would never change, loving to act like the teenagers their bodies would always forever be.

She looked behind her, a lineup of four bikes, each with a rider, was the site that greeted her. Her vibrant green eyes locking with David's electric blue ones. His platinum blond hair a big contrast from his black collard coat, his handsome face alight with a smirk that she believed would be there for eternity.

David held out a black gloved hand to her once she gracefully turned and jumped off the fence. She took it with a smirk of her own, climbing on the back of his bike with his help. "Let's ride boys." His voice rang loud and clear above the noise of the crowds, for their advanced hearing anyway. Paul and Marco whooping with excitement as they started to ride away, her flowing black skirt moving around her as David pushed more on the gas.

The drive back to their lair was quick, considering they loved to go faster than was recommended, and when the bikes lights went out along with the engine, Amara turned to Marco. A smile was always on his young face, blue eyes full of mischief, his curly blond hair giving him an even younger look. " Marco, can you get Laddie some Chinese?" The male nodded and drove off again, the others dismounting their rides. As soon as she was off, Paul picked her up bride-style and ran into the cave, her laugh having a calming effect for the three male vampires.

They were a family. Paul and Marco being her younger brothers, Dwayne more an older one, and David her Sire.

Amarantha was born in England during the Renaissance in 1669 to a sculptor, who did mostly Greek art, and a seamstress. Her father loved the Greek culture and artwork so much he named her Amaranth, meaning unfading and immortal.

She met the both when she was 21, both her mother and father dead from disease a few years before, and with an abusive husband. Married by the age of 15, Amara became an expert at faking a smile and making people believe that she was ok.

Every night her husband would come home and every night she would gain new bruises and cuts. Not where people could see them, not wanting the town to see what happened behind closed doors and ruining his good reputation.

Amara was walking down a road one night when she ran into David, literally, and after apologizing with a cute blush, she joined him for a drink at the local tavern. Dwayne joined them shortly after and instead of draining her like they did all the other women, they became close.

She returned to her home after just hanging out with the two males a few weeks later to her husband's aged face contorted into pure anger and rage. After screaming at her, calling her a no good whore whom did anything with a dick, finally snapped and stabbed her in the chest with a small dagger, dangerously close to her heart.

What she didn't know at the time was her two friends followed her home, hiding in the shadows. They noticed an increase in bruises on her arms, David more than Dwayne, and wanted to see what the cause was. As they watched David got more and more angry at the treatment of the young women, not knowing why he cared so much. The dagger pierced her flesh and they jumped into action, tearing the man into little pieces, and went straight to Amara. David kneeled by her collapsed form, lifting her limp body close to his chest, ripping the flesh off his wrist, the blood in his veins running free, and pressed it to her mouth.

She woke up two days later to a cold hand resting on her forehead. It was David, who was laying beside her, Dwayne on her other side, an arm around her small waist.

After learning what she was now and what they were, she embraced it. Amara was thankful to both for caring for her, more than her so called husband did and showing her freedom from her old life.

Dwayne was 23 when he was turned, 5 years before her, and the blond was 20, having been a vampire for 7 years before meeting both of them. Together they traveled to different countries and towns over their long lives before finding Paul in the Americas, Marco a few years later.

They were in Santa Carla now, enjoying what the city had to offer in terms of food and entertainment.

Paul tossed her on the bed, her landing with a soft groan, and immediately followed her down, his lips on her neck, making her body hot with desire. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, a sweet moan leaving her lips before she could stop it. Paul smirked against her flesh, bringing her hands above her head with one hand, the other resting on her soft thigh. Her black skirt hiked up to her waist, revealing her creamy and toned legs to his lustful blue gaze. He moved his lips to hers, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss, his talented tongue warring with hers.

Paul being pulled off her finally broke the kiss, leaving Amara confused. She sat up on her elbows and saw David holding the wild haired blond by the back of his tailed jacket, a box of Chinese food in his other hand, a blond eyebrow raised.

"Dinner is here. You might not want to do that in front of the kid, could scar him for eternity." Paul scoffed as Amara chuckled, getting off her bed, walking over to Laddie.

He was sitting on the fountain in the middle of the cave, animatedly telling Dwayne about what happened in the comic he read, who had a soft smile on his dark handsome face. The kid was all of their weaknesses, soft spot. The boys spoiled him by doing whatever he wanted at night, riding the different rides on the boardwalk, or giving him whatever food he wanted.

She wrapped her arms around the boy, bringing him closer to her, and she felt him snuggle into her, making her small smile grow. He lifted his head to look her in the eye and asked her how her night was. "It was fine, the sea was so beautiful tonight, and I wish you came out with me. I missed you." Laddie smiled at his 'mother'. She saved him, took him in and cared for him more than anyone had ever done, and so he saw her as his vampire mother.

The vampires never let him drink blood from a human, deciding to let him make that choice when he was a little older from his 10 year old self, giving him the blood of his sire instead.

The rest of the night was spent with Marco and Paul dancing around with Laddie, teaching him the lyrics to AC/DC songs that played on the "rock box" as the boys called it. Dwayne would join in on occasion, lifting the kid to his shoulders, making him laugh in excitement. David sat on the bed with Amarantha watching his boys, his back against the head bored with her lying against his muscular chest. His strong arms wrapped around her, making her feel content.

This was their life, sleep all day and party all night. How they loved being Vampires.