Summary: Rin Hinata is an average University girl who happens to get diagnosed with a serious condition one day. Her life then takes a turn for the worst but she so happens to stumble upon the most gorgeous demon. This stoic, aloof, and intelligent demon just so happens to be her Doctor. Can Dr. Sesshomaru cure Rin? Can Rin cure Dr. Sesshomaru? R&R

Disclaimer: Haha. We all know that I'm not a famous writer so how could I possibly own InuYasha! I also do not own "The Outsider by The Perfect Circle." Fortunately for me I do own the plot only. Enjoy! XD

A/n: Hey Minna! I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update this story but never fear I am back with a new heart felt chapter! :D This chapter has a lot of feelings going on that I hope I captured all of them in an inspiring way. :) Secondly, I want to thank everyone who reviewed, added to favourites, story alert and subscribed; I feel so flattered and warm inside :D. Also, please listen to the song on YouTube because it adds to the emotion I wanted to portray. Please enjoy my next installment of Take me as I am. :)

Chapter Three: Denial

Rin unlocked the door to her house and slammed it hard before running up the stairs as quickly as her feet would carry her. She opened her bedroom door and flung herself on the bed as tears started to stream down her face.

"This can't be true?" cried Rin.

She couldn't believe that this was happening to her, Rin had been a good girl all through her life. It wasn't like she deserved to get sick; it was going to be the end of her life.

She just couldn't grasp the fact that she had cancer, 'Something must be wrong!' Rin kept chanting in her mind. Rin refused to believe that she had bone cancer. Rin was in deep denial, not that she would admit that to anyone or herself.

Lying on her back, she looked up to her ceiling only to see it blurred through tears. Rin was determined not to cry anymore; so she choked back some of her sobs and wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her sweater. Then Rin got off her bed and made her way to the bathroom to rinse her face.

"Come on Rin, the doctor is totally wrong," Rin whispered to herself while she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

She couldn't believe that her eyes were puffy from all that crying and her nose looked so red. 'It practically looks like a stop light,' Rin thought. She giggled at the thought and turned on the tap and cupped the water in the hands as she splashed it on her face. The cool and refreshing water made her temporarily forget about her troubles. It felt so good on her warm and puffy skin, it made her feel re-energised at the moment. Rin peered at her reflection again and noticed that the redness and puffiness were going away which made her smile lightly to herself.

Rin dried her face off using her bath towel then returned to her room only to find her IPod and hooked it up to the stereo in her room. She scrolled through her IPod for a few minutes before finding the perfect song to do her work out to; Rin clicked the song and gently placed the IPod next to the stereo before turning the volume all the way up.

Rin turned around to find a hair tie in her room, so she could pull her hair into a high pony tail that way she could run without hair in her face.

Rin blanked any thought that was in her mind as she listened to her song while changing her clothing into something more comfortable.

'The best part has to be the instrumental part,' Rin thought while she pulled her t-shirt over her head getting ready to go run on her treadmill in the other room across from her bedroom.

In the middle of the instrumental piece, Rin finished lacing her running shoes up and made her way across to the 'running room' as Rin so dubbed it.

Just as Rin programmed her treadmill for a 45 minute jog, words started to be sung and she started to jog.

Help me if you can
It's just that this, this is not the way I'm wired
So could you please,

Help me understand why
You've given in to all these
Reckless dark desires

You're lying to yourself again
Suicidal imbecile
Think about it, put it on the fault line
What'll it take to get it through to you precious
Over this. Why do you wanna throw it away like this
Such a mess. I don't want to watch you.

See Rin, even the song is talking about lying to yourself,her mind said to herself. 'I am not lying to myself,' she thought defensively.

Disconnect and self-destruct one bullet at a time
What's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die

Medicated, drama queen, picture perfect, numb belligerence
Narcissistic, drama queen, craving fame and all its decadence

Yeah, stop being a drama queen and get the picture. You may just have cancer, her sub conscience said again. 'I don't have cancer,' she practically shouted to herself mentally.

Lying through your teeth again
Suicidal imbecile
Think about it, put it on the fautline
What'll it take to get it through to you precious
Go with this, why do you wanna throw it away like this
Such a mess, I don't wanna watch you...

Rin you definitely need to stop lying to yourself. It's going to be the death of you if you don't take this seriously, Rin's mind nagged again. 'Wow, how many times are you going to interrupt me! I'm not lying for the millionth time!'

Disconnect and self-destruct one bullet at a time
What's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die

They were right about you
They were right about you

Lying to my face again
Suicidal imbecile
Think about it put it on the fautline
What'll it take to get it through to you precious
Over this, why do you wanna throw it away like this
Such a mess, come to this, come to this

You really are an imbecile, I'm ashamed to be your sub conscience, concluded her mind. 'I'm losing a fight to my own mind."

Disconnect and self-destruct, one bullet at a time
What's your hurry, everyone will have his day to die
If you choose to pull the trigger, should your drama prove sincere,
Do it somewhere far away from here

As the song came to an end, she had to stop her treadmill because that internal fight she had with herself was still so fresh in her mind.

If her own sub-conscience knew she had cancer how could she deny it any longer?

'I am just exhausted, I couldn't possibly have cancer. Could I?' Rin questioned herself.

Times like these, she wished Hiro could be here comforting and telling her what she should do; but somehow Rin figured this was something she had to come to terms with on her own.

"Maybe a shower will help me," Rin whispered to herself out loud.

She meandered over to her room to gather her pyjamas and her towel before entering her bathroom for a warm shower.


She walked out the bathroom while she was drying her long black curls that trailed down her back. She was still in deep thought about the events that took place earlier on during the day.

Rin walked over to her bed and sat on the edge while she threw her towel on the dresser to dry.

'I shouldn't have bone cancer,' she thought while she massaged her painful knee.

During her reverie, her cell went off. Rin jumped at the sound but reached over to her bedside stand where her phone was and answered.


"Rin, It's Hiro. How are you keeping?"

It was none other than Rin's best friend, Hiro. Rin sighed contently and smiled with relief.

"I'm okay, but can you believe that the Doctor was probably pranking me!" Rin paused then continued. "It's ridiculous that he thinks I have bone cancer when I'm as healthy as an ox."

Hiro sighed long and whispered something incoherent before replying to Rin.

"He's not lying, stop denying it,"

"Uh-….," Rin was lost for words. She knew that Hiro would never lie to her so this must be true.

Hiro heard silence before a shaky breath was given by Rin then followed by a series of stifled sobs.

"Rin, I will call tomorrow morning when you've had the time to let this entire thing soak in. Love you Rinny!"

" 'Kay." Rin said before she hung up.

She threw her phone away from her and fell back onto her bed crying. It was blatant; she could no longer deny herself the truth.

"I have… bone can..cancer," Rin said in between sobs before rolling over so that her pillow could soak her tears up.

She continued crying until she had no more tears left and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

A/n: Wow, chapter 3 is officially finished! =3 So I hope you guys liked, dare I say loved, it. Please read and review cause Love=Reviews. =D Tell me what you like, what I should have done to make it better or any ideas of what could happen next ;) ... Hehe so take care my lovelies and keep on reviewing. =) *hugs and kisses*