Akuma: Firstly, I want to say thanks to everyone who reviewed or sent PMs. I really appreciate it. Also Thanks for sticking through this crappy situation with my old account. I've taken several measures with this account to prevent it from ever happening again. So please enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach and recieve no monetary profit from this story.

Simple Pleasure

When I woke, I wasn't bound as I expected but he was at the door. I wasn't sure of the time I felt sluggish, he'd obviously sedated me. We weren't in the hospital basement which was a surprise.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

I ignored the question, "Why did you kidnap me?"

"I'm sure you are," He continued looking at his watch, "You've been out for nine hours. I called the school they aren't expecting you."

I sighed, "Where did you take me?"

"At home, don't you recognize this room?" He began, "What would you like to eat?"

I looked around until my eyes settled on a picture, of my mother and me, on the night stand. I picked it up. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I already ordered," He continued, "You like dumplings don't you?"

I looked up again, "You know I'm going to have to go back to school, you can't keep me here."

"The food should be here any minute."

"Do you plan to let me leave?" I asked, setting the picture back in its place and moving to the edge of the bed to stand.

"I wouldn't do that."

I ignored him and slowly weakly stood. My legs felt like lead, I couldn't imagine being able to take one step. Reluctantly I sat back down. "Why are you keeping me here?"

"You know why you're here."

"What does it have to do with you? You've never cared before. You wouldn't have even known if someone hadn't told you."

"You thought I wouldn't care about you whoring yourself out to shinigami?"

I tightened my fist and tried to remain calm, "We're dating."

"Really I hadn't heard that."

"I see you just happened to think to look for me at his house."

"I was told you were with him." He began, "And I suspected you would hide there."

I clutched the sheets unsure of when the effects of the sedative would wear off, "I'm not hungry." He simply watched me and I maneuvered to lie on the bed. I turned away from him. "Let me know when you've gone back to caring less about my existence."

I heard the door shut after a long silent moment. I knew Ichigo would come looking for me. It was really a matter of would he be able to find me. I doubted he would. When Ryuuken wanted to stay hidden he could.

That means that I will have to escape. First I will have to figure out what he's drugging me with. I sigh self examining myself to come up with what type of sedative he would use. It probably was something natural of his own design meaning the effects would wear off faster. He would be returning with food. I knew he wouldn't allow me to starve. I felt my stomach twist in hunger. Sighing I managed to sit up.

Though he said that we were at home, I doubted it would be so obvious or so easy. I moved to sit at the edge of the bed and waited. My legs were slowly feeling lighter and lighter and within ten minutes it felt as though the effects had worn off completely I moved to stand. I made it two steps before falling. I quickly moved back to the bed and began to try again when I heard someone outside my door.


When I came back Uryuu wasn't in bed. In fact he wasn't anywhere in the house. Then I realized all of his things were missing. It was almost like he'd never been here. I called his cell but no one answered. I checked his apartment but when I opened the door with the key Uryuu had given me, it was cleared out. Completely empty, if it hadn't been late I would've asked the land lady. Instead I left a note and my phone number. I then proceeded to call Chad and panic more.

"He's gone."


"Uryuu's gone. I don't know where he is. I left to get a hollow and he was there in bed going to sleep and then I come back and he's gone and all of his things are gone and I checked his apartment and it's empty and I don't know. I don't know what to do."

"Do you think it was his father?"

"Who else could it be?" I replied, "You think he'd be at the hospital?"

"No. He probably expects for you to look for him there. Get some rest I'll meet you bright and early at Uruhara's maybe he can help."

I sighed but agreed, "Ok yeah."

When I got home again, I lay down and waited for the sun to come up. I couldn't sleep every time I closed my eyes I saw Uryuu. I woke up not remembering when I had fallen asleep. I quickly showered and dressed and ran to Uruhara's in record time. Chad hadn't shown yet and Tessai was up and working. I waited five minutes outside the shop when Chad appeared.

"You ready?" He asked as we stepped into the shop.

I nodded.

Uruhara seemed to be expecting us. "It's about Ishida-kun's spirit energy dropping off the grid isn't it?"

I nodded, "His dad took him somewhere and I need to find him."

Uruhara frowned, "I'll work on it and let you know whatever I find. It won't be easy, Quincy have very good detection skills as you know Ishida's father is probably much better than him. He should be able to easily mask both his and Ishida's spirit energy. Still I think I can work something out come back in three days, it should be ready then."

"Ok but you let me know if you get it done any faster." I replied.

He nodded and with that Chad and I left for school. I kept staring at Uryuu's empty seat. When asked they said that his father called him in sick. I would be checking out the hospital later.

It was Youji-san that got to me, "Ishida-kun isn't really sick is he?" He asked sadly setting aside his lunch, "Did something happen to him?"

"His dad found out." I answered.

He nodded, "Oh." He looked down wringing his hand nervously, "When my parents found out, it was bad too, luckily my aunt is really nice and she likes me for who I am."

"His father is very…strict." Chad supplied.

We stayed in that tense silence I thought about skipping school to find Ishida. Then Orihime, the one who caused this, came over.

"Ichigo-kun, can I talk to you?" She asked quietly.

"I have to go." I said standing up.

"It's about Ishida-kun isn't it?" She began, "I wanted to say that I'm sorry for telling his father. I shouldn't have done that. I just got so angry that you didn't even love her that you cheated on her. I was angry with you but it was wrong of me to take it out on him."

"Inoue I really need to go." I replied, "I appreciate your apology and I'm sorry that I didn't tell the truth sooner but right now I need to go look for Uryuu."

"I know where he is." She said quickly. "I'll take you after school I promise. If we could just talk…"

I sighed, "What else did you want to talk about?"

"Why did you go out with her?"

I looked away, and shrugged, "I don't know she's nice and she asked me. Everyone was expecting me to get a girlfriend so I just did." I looked to her.

"Did you think it would work it you did it that way?" She continued.

"I knew I shouldn't have agreed as soon as the words left my mouth but I thought maybe if I tried really hard it could work out, but something was missing."

"Was it sex?" She asked her voice turned cold.

I shook my head, "It was too easy."

Ryuuken POV

I had just retrieved the take out and was returning to Uryuu's room when I heard a thump. It was obvious he was trying to walk. I opened the door to find him sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I brought some food." I said setting up a tray table beside his bed. I pulled the chair from his desk to sit near.

He looked at me suspiciously. I ignored his gaze and began to eat my meal. He continued to glare at me until his stomach growled loudly. I sighed, looking to him, "It's not poisoned."

He scoffed, his cheeks a light pink with embarrassment. "You've already drugged and kidnapped me. I wouldn't put it passed you."

"I brought you home, and I'm your father who has full, legal custody of you. Legally, I can't kidnap you."

He glared, "This isn't my home."

"Stop being such a spoiled child and eat your food, or I will drug and force feed you." I replied calmly before continuing to eat my own food.

He scowled but picked up a carton. He muttered a small blessing for the food before eating. After a few bites he looked back to me, "You can't keep me here. I have to go back to school."

I opened a drink for him and then myself, "We both know school isn't what you're thinking of going back to."

"He's going to come looking for me."

"And he's welcomed to." I added taking a drink.

"He's going to find me."

"I'm not hiding you, if he decides to look me up and come here that is fine. Do I have police waiting patiently to arrest him on trespassing charges? Yes."

He looked away, "Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm doing what's best for you."

His eyes narrowed viciously, "How would you know what that is anymore?"

I set down my meal, "You think I'm going to just sit and watch you ruin yourself this way."

"Kurosaki loves me." He snapped.

"I never said he didn't." I began, "And he actually might love you for now, with your relationship being a secret I'm sure he thought it was a great challenge, and now with me intervening that must make it even better for him. But what happens if I decide to let you go with him? What happens if your relationship becomes something easy and uncomplicated for him? What will he do when he gets bored of you hm?"

"It's not like that." He yelled.

"Isn't it?" I remarked, "We both know how that boy is. He likes to fight for something and when it gets to easy he's just waiting for the next challenge to come along. He loves a challenge to fight for, he doesn't love you."

Uryuu looked away; he quickly wiped a tear before it could fall and pushed up his glasses. "He loves me." He restated quietly.

I moved to sit beside him, "He loves a challenge, and you are a big challenge. That's why I've brought you here. To save you from being more hurt in the future, because I'm not going to allow anyone to break you."

He glowered, his eyes filled with tears, "No, he loves me. You just can't understand that. Maybe someone actually wants to love me just because I'm me."

I sighed, moving back to my original seat, "Still a child."

He ignored the comment and returned his focus to his meal. We finished eating in silence. When we had finished I packed things up.

"There are clothes for you in the closet, and towels in your bathroom if you want to shower. I'll be in my office."

"Let me leave," He asked as I reached the door.

I refused to look back, "Use the intercom, dial 7 if you need anything."


"I'll be back with dinner." I opened the door stepping out.


I couldn't stop myself from looking to my son, "It's not that easy."

I closed the door before locking it. I wasn't surprised to hear attempts to get out of the room before I had even cleared the hall. He would understand later, when this was all over, that I am only doing what's best for him.

Ichigo POV

"What do you mean 'too easy'?" she asked.

I shrugged, "We didn't really have to talk; we didn't have to fight or be too romantic. It's like all we had to do was label each other 'boyfriend' 'girlfriend' and that's it. We didn't work at loving each other. We just knew we weren't ever going to."

"And Ishida-kun isn't 'easy' to be with?"

I shook my head fondly, "No, I have to try but I like that it makes every moment even the small ones really memorable and special."

"Because he's a challenge for you."

"Yeah, it's kind of like that."

Now Orihime's gaze hardened, "What happens when he isn't a challenge for you? When it becomes 'too easy'?"

My eyes widened in panic, "No it's not like that. Sure Uryuu is challenging but it won't be like that."

"What makes you think that? How do you know that just you won't get tired of him, cheat on him, and then just dump him with no regard to his feelings at all?" She snapped.

"Inoue, it's not like that."

"How do you know? What's so special about Ishida-kun that you know you won't do that to him?" She wiped her eyes, starting to cry, "Why is Ishida-kun so special? She loved you. How could you do that to her? I loved you. I thought…I thought that it was okay because she loved you and you loved her, that it was okay that I wasn't the one. Then you just dumped her for no reason and then you were cheating on her. I wouldn't be angry if it had been different, if you hadn't cheated on her and then decided to break up to be with Ishida-kun. But you broke up because you thought it was too easy, not because you lied or cheated but because it was too easy."

"No it has nothing to do with that, I broke up with her because I wanted to be with Uryuu. I thought that she felt the way I felt."

Orihime shook her head, handing me a piece of paper with an address, "No, she didn't." She turned to walk away, "It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for Ishida-kun. And it was not easy for Tatsuki."

Akuma: Dun, dun, dun Ichi's ex revealed, why Orhime was so pissed revealed, Ryuuken's not-so bad guy motives revealed. Another chapter done, thanks for reading.