Sry it took so long:( but I've been busy during the holidays, I hope you'll enjoy reading this new chapter, I'm looking forward to reading your reviews:3

K: Wake up sleepyhead3

P: mghfsw?

K: ?

P: It's monday, why'd u wake me?

K: so u can get to school on time for once...what, did u have a nice dream?

P: Kind of...

K: Was it a wet one;P

P: Ofc

K: Was I in it?:)

P: Not this time,but it was hoot

K: :( who's tha bitch, I'll kill'er!...jkXD

P: Berry...she has a nice ass...


P: Chill, it was jus a dream...

K:... see u in school in half an hour?

P: wha?

K: that's when it starts

P: SHIT!c u ther

Puck jumped up from his bed and quickly got dressed before running to the kitchen and throwing a sandwich in his bag. He ran out and started the car. He ate in the car as he drove to school and thought about the dream he had. Maybe it was a sign, his mom did want him to have a Jewish girl so why not hit on Rachel? She was Jewish and not bad looking either...

Puck saw Kurt on the parking lot when he got out of his car, he grabbed Kurt's collar roughly and pretended to whisper something threatening in his ear while he in reality just said

"Good morning princess" he then let Kurt go and winked to him as they parted ways. They didn't see eachother for several hours since they had different classes this day. Kurt was missing him so much during math that he didn't finish any of the assignments he was given. He was looking forward to the afternoon since they were having an extra glee club rehearsal today, where he would get to see Puck again.

When Kurt entered the choir-room he saw Puck sitting beside Rachel. He pushed those angry feelings away, Puck was probably just next to her because Finn was sitting on the other side of him. Kurt sat down beside Mercedes and started chit-chating.

"What's new 'Cedes?" The dark girl smiled at him and nodded towards Puck and Rachel.

"I think Puckerman's found his next victim" Kurt opened his eyes in shock. He looked over to them and saw Puck flirting with Rachel, talking to her and then laughing and, Kurt gaped, KISSING! What was wrong with Puck? He just kissed Kurt's worst enemy. Mercedes rolled her eyes.

"Sorry I made you look, her outfit is just terrible,isn't it?" Kurt thought for a moment and quickly tried to look what she was wearing and then nodded. He cleared his throat.

"Yes...Yes it is, I mean it's horrifying and I think I'm going to be sick..." Kurt looked away from them and crossed his arms. Mercedes raised an eyebrow but didn't put more thought into it.

Will entered the room and started to talk.

"Well, if nobody's been working on anything..." He was cut off as Puck stood up.

"I've been working on something Mr. Shuester..." He took his guitar and said something about jews before he started playing, Kurt wasn't sure what he had said since he wasn't really religious himself. After the performance Kurt stormed out of the room when he saw how Puck was looking at Rachel. It was the same way he had looked at Kurt when they became a couple. Nobody even noticed Kurt was gone. Kurt went into the girls bathroom and stared into the mirror.

"Why is he doing this to me? I gave everything to him... I thought he'd do the same..." Tears started to run down his face as he talked to himself quietly. "I...I even thought...He...Might have...Even...Loved m-m-me" he said in between sobs. Kurt dried his eyes and then went out of the bathroom. He bumped into Finn in the hallway and faked a smile.

"Where are you going?" Finn shrugged.

"I was just gonna go talk to Coach Tanaka, he's making us choose between football and glee and I can't really live without either..." Kurt gaped.

"What? Why?... But then we wouldn't be enough to compete, I mean Puck will definitely choose football..." He said the last a little sadder. Finn sighed.

"I know... And I guess I will too..." Kurt looked up on him.

"No... Please don't, we need you and you know it..." Finn started to walk away now.

"I know but they need me too and I'll be doomed for the rest of the school year if I choose glee... I'm really sorry for letting you guys down Kurt..." Kurt went to his locker and got his things. He then hurried out in the parking lot to look for Puck, He waited til Rachel left before he approached him.

"Hey" Puck flung his arms around the shorter teen. "Where you been princess? I was gonna talk to you after glee but you disappeared after my song, something wrong?" Kurt pushed him and crossed his arms.

"Don't you princess me. You know exactly what you did! " Kurt turned the other way. Puck thought for a while and put a hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"Look, it's not what you think, okay? I just need to do her, c'mon she might be annoying and all but did ya know she's a virgin? I could totally take that from her if you just let me!"

"If you do you'll be losing me forever. I thought we were a couple..." Puck turned him towards himself.

"Why? I haven't done it with girls in like forever, I'm a stud and if I don't do it people will get suspicious... The cougars are already confused since I started turning them down and don't suggest it anymore..."

"Eewwww...TMI! Just please don't... Okay you can do it with girls once in a while to keep your reputation but please anyone but her, you know I hate her and you know how cocky she gets about everything..." Puck sighed.

"Okay..." He looked around to check if anyone was around before he lent down and kissed him. "I don't mind if you'd go after others either, it's only fair... But remember you're really mine..." He kissed him again more passionately and Kurt whimpered and kissed him back. Kurt blushed a little and tried to look serious as they parted.

"One more thing... Please stay in glee club, I know Coach Tanaka is making you choose so please choose glee... For me?" Puck kissed him again.

"Okay... for you..."

Anyone ever wondered why Kurt looked so happy when Puck chose to stay in glee? Now you have the answer! If you don't believe me watch the episode and look at Kurt's face when Puck enters the room;P