Mat Cauthon was adrift in that special place between deep sleep and wakefulness. In his dream, The village Wisdom had him by the hair and was dragging him to his Ma for punishment. He did not know what kind of prank he had pulled, but he was in bloody trouble. He could not get loose and tried to wake up, to escape her grasp. He thrashed a little, and could still feel the grip in his hair.

Mat woke up, gradually becoming aware of his surroundings. He was in his mother's house... Bode's old bedroom. He did not see Tuon. She had been sleeping soundly when he had joined her late last night. Mat was brought up short when he tried to turn his head.

Something still had a hold of his hair.

Turning partly around, the first thing Mat saw was his son, Jor. The sleeping baby had Mat's longish hair clutched tightly in a little fist. Mat tried to gently release the baby's grasp, but he could not see what he was doing well enough. He tried to pull the hair free, but that didn't work either.

Mat had not really spent much time with his son. It wasn't that he hadn't wanted to, but Jor was always surrounded by the womenfolk. Mat did not know much about babies and was just a little scared of them. This was the first time Mat had actually been alone with his son and he did not know what to do. Mat could only partially turn his head, looking around for Tuon. She was nowhere to be seen. He called for her several times before she finally answered.

"What's all the noise?" Tuon asked, entering the room. "Oh, you're in a fix!" Tuon laughed at his predicament as she came over and gently unfastened the baby's grasp of Mat's hair.

"Thanks for the rescue." Mat said, rubbing his head and sitting up. "Light, Jor has quite the grip."

"You're welcome. I fed him when I woke earlier, and I left him here sleeping." She sat down on the bed to comb Mat's tangled hair back into place with her fingers. "It looks like you didn't lose too much hair."

The baby was starting to fuss a little. Mat reached his hand out to Jor's tiny one. The baby grasped one of his fingers and held on. Mat smiled. "I think he just wants something to hang on to. Can you get me one of his little blankets?" Tuon handed Mat a soft blanket from the cradle. Mat pulled his finger away and then held the blanket for Jor to grab. He grinned broadly when Jor grasped the blanket and held on tightly, waving it back and forth. "This is fun." He turned to Tuon, "What else does he do? I don't think he is ready for juggling yet."

Tuon smiled. "A prince that juggles? Well... I guess my Prince does." She looked sideways at Mat and shook her head. "No, he can not do much yet, at all. It will be quite a while before he can to go riding or hunting with you." She was glad to see Matrim taking an interest in their son. She thought he had been a little distant so far. "You just have to enjoy him the way he is." She picked up the baby and cuddled him close, kissed his cheek, then handed him to Mat.

Mat seemed unsure of himself as he supported his small son. Jor's eyes opened and they looked at each other. Mat said quietly to Jor, "You do not look so scary. I've faced Trollocs, Fades and much worse. You're just a little fellow that looks kinda like Tuon." Jor yawned, and then continued looking at Mat.

"I think he is listening to me!" Mat exclaimed to Tuon.

Tuon leaned close and said softly, "He likes to be rocked a little, just back and forth."

Mat leaned side to side, swaying a little. Jor blinked and yawned again. In a few minutes, his eyes closed as he fell asleep. Mat whispered to Tuon, "What do I do now?"

Tuon smiled again "Good job putting him back to sleep. That wasn't so hard. We can put him in his bed." She tucked the baby into his cradle, covering him with a blanket. "He is an easy baby, most of the time."

She looked around the room and then asked Mat, "Have you seen my teal dress? I was planning on wearing it to dinner tonight. I thought it was here but I can't find it now."

Mat shook his head. "I can check for your dress the next time I go over to the Inn. It might be there." He grinned wolfishly at her. "But, I like what you are wearing right now!" He had noticed that she was in just her skin, under a thin silk robe.

Laughing, Mat pulled Tuon into an embrace and then rolled with her to the middle of the bed.
Tuon giggled but then became quite serious. She said sternly, "Matrim, no! Remember what Mistress Reed said! I want more babies, but she said we couldn't... you know... for a while yet. It would not be healthy to get with child again, so soon." She continued sadly, "I suppose she is right. Your mother mentioned it also."

Mat nodded, scowling, "She did give me a talking to and said we have to wait." Glumly, he sighed, "Three weeks, eight days and..." he thought a moment "... five hours. Burn me, that's almost forever!"

Tuon laughed and said, "You'll survive, Matrim! I'll make sure I am free that day." She kissed him lightly and brushed his hair from his face.

He brightened and murmured into her ear, "There are a few other things we can do until then, that wouldn't endanger your health." Mat began to demonstrate, much to Tuon's pleasure.

A little while later, the bedroom door opened and Natti entered. "Tuon, will you... be down... for breakfast?" She stopped in her tracks, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Matrim, I didn't know you were here." There was an awkward silence.

Mat had turned to face his mother, Tuon's breast slipping from his lips. "Ma! Oh... aah... I... it was lonely at the Inn, so I came back over. We were just... aah... You said breakfast is ready?" He sat up in the bed, grinning sheepishly.

Tuon calmly reached for a blanket. "Good morning, Mother Natti. Breakfast would be most welcome, I am always hungry now, it seems." She was never embarrassed.

Natti frowned at her son, "Matrim, didn't Mistress Reed talk to you, about... letting Tuon recover her health?"

Mat nodded emphatically, "She did Ma, and I am keeping to her rule. I was just showing Tuon a few other things we could do until then. That's all." He grinned innocently.

Natti sighed, "Matrim, that is more than I needed to know. I guess I will remember to knock first before entering. But breakfast is ready. Unless you already had yours?" She frowned and touched her chin, looking at his.

Mat looked puzzled. Tuon whispered in his ear, and then laughed. Mat quickly wiped a bit of milk from his chin. "Sorry, one of the hazards of squeezing a new mother, I guess." he said, a little embarrassed.

Natti just shook her head as she went back downstairs. What to do with that boy? Well, she guessed he was a man grown now, but still. And that Tuon was getting almost as bad! She was sure his wife encouraged Matrim's rowdy behavior, Empress or not.

After Natti left, Tuon frowned and asked. "I wonder what your mother must think? Oh, well." She laid back across Mat's lap. "Now what else was it that you were going to show me?"

He shook his head, regretfully. "Sorry, we'll have to save it for later. Let's find your clothes and go downstairs. I am getting hungry, too."

Digging around in a trunk for the missing dress, Mat started thinking about how his wife would look in a barmaid's outfit. He nodded to himself, smiling. Not too bad. She could certainly be as fun as some tavern girls he had known, when she wasn't being the flaming Empress.

"What are you smiling about, Matrim Cauthon? You look like you are up to something." Tuon was now watching him closely. She had found her light blue dress, it was a little wrinkled but it looked mostly clean.

Mat just smiled and said, "Oh, I just thought of some shopping I need to do in Caemlyn." Light, maybe he could get her to dress up for him, when they were alone, of course. It could be fun, and the girl did like her fun.

He helped Tuon into the blue dress. It didn't fit her very well, since she had given birth. She scowled and tried to adjust the fit. "Oh, well." she said with resignation. "I guess I will just have to wait and find a seamstress to take this one in."

Mat said helpfully, "You could just get a new dress and save this one for the next baby." He knew she was planning on a large family, as part of her duty as Empress. Not much he could do about that, except to support her as best he could.

Tuon replied, "If I was back in Ebu Dar, I could. I still need something to wear here, for now. Another reason to leave sooner than later, I guess." She finished dressing and they went downstairs to breakfast.

After a tasty breakfast of fresh bread and his Da's homemade sausage, Mat talked to his mother about the guests for the dinner.

He asked, "Ma, do you know of any single ladies that would like to come and be sociable? Otherwise, Talmanes will be the only unmarried person there. " He muttered under his breath, "Except for Eldrin, that is." Mat was not counting Selucia, either. She wasn't married, but he would not wish her on any friend of his. Or his enemies either.

His mother had keen hearing, and she smiled. Eldrin was right about Matrim being her protector. She thought for a moment. "Aby Reed might be a good choice. She is level-headed and smart. And she also is aware of your situation."

Mat nodded. "I was thinking she would fit. She is also nice looking... not that I've noticed," he added hastily, glancing at Tuon. He had talked to Aby after his son was born. She had deserved an explanation as to who Tuon was, after she had overheard Nynaeve call Tuon 'your Highness.' Tuon also liked and trusted the woman. They might require her services again in the future. Mistress Aby had been surprised, but accepting of who Tuon was. She would keep their secret.

Mat thought Talmanes would approve. "Ma, since you know her best, if you write an invitation, I'll have Olver deliver it." There, one more thing taken care of.

Later, he met with Mistress al'Vere, to discuss the plans for dinner. They finalized the menu and the guest list. Olver was sent with invitations to Lord Perrin's Manor house and to Mistress Reeds'. Then Mat left to go over to the Archers Inn to confer with Lord Talmanes. There were still things he wanted to discuss with his first Commander.

Later that morning Tuon was enjoying her time alone with little Jor. For once she did not have to share her son with anyone else. Selucia was still over at her inn, Eldrin was off working on a project and Natti was out back, tending her garden. She thought Abell was out hunting again. He did like to spend time in the woods and kept their larder full of meat.

Tuon had dressed the baby in the blue and white outfit she had gotten from Bode. She sat in the rocking chair, gently rocking and telling him her plans for his future. Jor did not pay much attention, just looked at her for a while and then sleepily closed his eyes.

After a while Natti came in with fresh cups of tea for herself and Tuon. Natti took a seat and put her feet up, sighing. "Not much left to do in the garden, this time of year."

Tuon smiled and said, "Thank you for the tea, Mother Natti. I wanted to apologize for embarrassing you this morning. I guess Matrim and I are still like newly married... you say... newlywed? But, since we have been apart for most of the time since marrying, we like spending time together, when we can."

Natti nodded, "I understand... it's all right, Tuon. I was just surprised. That's all. I forget sometimes just how young you both are. Matrim has always been a bit wild..."

Tuon laughed lightly, "Matrim is impetuous and he talks me into things, even when I know better. He does make me feel special, though." She looked down at her sleeping son, "Matrim... He... He... makes me his total focus, and... I... it's... wonderful!" She finally did blush at that. To distract herself from further awkwardness, she picked up little Jor and snuggled him close. She explained, "It was just something I did not expect, when I married."

Natti looked thoughtful. "Matrim is a lot like his father, then." She confided, nodding. "After almost twenty-five years, Abell still surprises me." She smiled warmly again at Tuon. "I guess we are both lucky women." Tuon smiled back, nodding in agreement.

They both quietly sipped their tea. Tuon thought she would miss her talks with Mother Natti when she returned to Ebu Dar. For a peasant woman, Matrim's mother was very knowledgeable, with sound advice on many subjects. She was more level-headed and thoughtful than most of Tuon's High Blood court advisers.

The front door opened and Eldrin entered, two other young women with her. She set down a cloth wrapped bundle and then greeted her mother and Tuon. "Mother, you remember Margo and her sister Leesa, don't you? Tuon, these are my friends. Margo is the best dressmaker in Emond's Field and Leesa is her assistant."

She led them over to Tuon in the rocker and said, "Isn't my little nephew the sweetest baby ever!" Tuon smiled them and pulled back the baby's blanket so they could see him better. The girls crowded around and made the proper oohs and ahs.

Margo was a tall, willowy girl with jet black hair. She had an infectious smile and sparkling dark eyes. Leesa was almost as tall, with soft brown hair and a quieter way than her sister.

Natti smiled at the girls. "Yes, I remember you both. How is your mother, girls?

Margo replied, "She is fine, Mistress Cauthon. She is getting ready to teach again, as always. I think she will have six students this year." Margo's mother taught reading to the village children and always had a full house.

Eldrin picked up the bundle and turned to Tuon. "I hope you aren't angry with me, but we decided you needed a wardrobe update." She unwrapped her bundle that held Tuon's missing teal dress. "I hope you like it. The dress should fit better now. When she took it in, Margo also altered the bodice so you can feed the baby discreetly." Eldrin held up the dress, now featuring a lace cape around the shoulders.

Tuon was very interested in their project. She smiled at the girls. "I am not angry at all. I am amazed that you would do this for me. It is very nice of you girls. The dress looks wonderful! I am getting tired of just wearing my robes, or a blanket, when I feed the baby. I should have been better prepared, but..." She just shook her head. She hadn't really known what to expect. None of her dresses accommodated breast-feeding. She had to practically disrobe and use a blanket for a drape whenever Jor needed one of his frequent meals.

Eldrin held the dress out to Tuon, "If it would please you, Tuon, we need you to try this on and then Margo will adjust the fit."

Tuon rose, holding out her son "Here, Sister, I will trade you." She handed Eldrin the baby, just a little reluctantly and took the dress. Eldrin then handed the baby to Natti and followed Tuon up the stairs, motioning Margo and Leesa to follow. They went upstairs, Leesa carrying Margo's sewing kit.

Eldrin helped Tuon into her dress, with Margo adjusting it as she went. The fit was snug, but not tight. Smoothing her now smaller stomach with her hands, Tuon smiled broadly and commented, "I feel more like myself again, instead of a farmer's cow. Thank you so much!"

Margo showed Tuon how to unbutton the front of the bodice so she could nurse her son. "The cape can drape the front, so you are not exposed." The new little cape was lace, backed by a lighter shade of teal. It reached just past the bottom of the bodice. "We did not have more of your same dress fabric, so we made it a slightly different shade. I think it matches well." Margo had a knowing eye when it came to style and was already widely sought after as a dress-maker.

Tuon turned around in front of the mirror, and nodded thoughtfully. "This is a very clever design. Did you come up with it on your own?"

Margo beamed, "Yes, it is my design. I have made a few of this style and the ladies seemed to like the practicality. Their lives cannot stop just because they have a baby. This is the fanciest dress I have ever worked on, beautifully made... with real silk." She ran her hands over the smooth fabric of the skirt.

Tuon turned to Margo and asked, "I could use a few more of these wonderful dresses. Could you make another? If I bought the cloth, or gave you my old dresses to refit? Please, name your price! We will be leaving here soon, and I have nothing to wear."

Margo replied, smiling, "I could make you another. It will be much easier, using your actual measurements." She said eagerly, "Maybe you could recommend me. I will be famous!" She had dreams of seeing her dresses on fine ladies, mostly at balls.

Tuon nodded gratefully and stood quietly while the sisters took her measurements, writing them in a small book from the sewing kit. She was looking forward Lord Talmanes' dinner, now that she had something nice to wear and would not be embarrassed by her appearance.

The Lady Faile was a little puzzled by a message brought by a boy who had knocked at her door. He had grinned cheekily at her and then bowed deeply, handing her a folded paper. He then quickly rode off on a fine horse. She had seen the boy around the village, but did not know who he was. She went into the entry of the manor house, and sat on a carved wooden chair. Faile did not recognize the wax seal on the folded paper, a fox with ravens and moons. She opened the note, reading in the morning light. A dinner invitation? In honor of a visiting Lord? Nobles rarely came into the Two Rivers and she had already heard of this visiting Lord. He was a friend of Matrim Cauthon? It was almost her and Perrin's duty to attend this dinner, as her husband was Lord of this land.

She wondered what this was really about. She knew that Mat Cauthon had his own army, but not much else. Her husband Perrin was strangely silent about his old friend. She would ask him about Mat again later, when he returned. Perrin was out visiting a farmer west of the village, who had lost some sheep to a wild animal of some kind. She was sure Perrin would attend the dinner with her. What else was there to do in the small village? Social events were rare in the Two Rivers.

Faile went upstairs to the large wardrobe in her bedroom. She was looking for a dress to wear to this dinner. She knew the Cauthon women would be wearing their finest, plus their beautiful jewelry like at the previous party. She frowned, finding one dark riding dress after another. She always wore the sombre colors to appear older and project authority. She thought she remembered... She dug way into the back of the wardrobe... yes, there it was! A gift from the old village Wisdom, a few years ago. It was a beautiful gown, made by a local Domani seamstress. Faile gleefully pulled it out, dusting it off.
The dress was a soft lavender silk, trimmed with ivory lace. It was subtle, not gaudy at all. It had a high collar in the Saldaen fashion, not the revealing design that the dressmaker had wanted to make. Faile had never even worn the dress, as there had not been any fancy occasions here in the Two Rivers.

Faile was looking forward to the dinner, it could be fun. Perrin would be surprised when he saw her tonight.

Aby Reed was sweeping the porch of her small house on the outskirts of the village. She looked up and watched the Cauthon boy riding by on his tall gray horse. She was surprised when he stopped in front of her house and dismounted. He grinned at her, then bowed and held out a folded sheet of paper.

"What is this?" she asked, turning the paper over in her hands. "Who sent you?"

He shrugged and replied "I was just told it to bring it to you, Mistress Reed. It's from Mistress Cauthon and Lord Mat. They're plannin' something tonight."

"Thank you. Olver, isn't it?" She thought he was a rather homely boy, but quite friendly.

He grinned at her again, and then nodded, remounting his horse. He waved to her as he headed back towards the village proper.

Aby went back inside, fingering the message. She noticed the wax seal and frowned. She got a knife from a drawer and cut under the seal, opening the paper. She read it through, then smiled. A dinner invitation for the Lord who was visiting the village? Of course Tuon, the Empress, would be having a fancy dinner. Why would they invite her, the village midwife? She did not know, but it would probably be fun to go and find out.

Aby had been very surprised when Matrim Cauthon had told her who his wife really was. She had been curious about the woman, of course. Tuon had not acted much like a camp follower. She seemed ignorant of small things that most women in the village knew. But Tuon was intelligent, and she had asked lots of questions. She had been very determined to learn all she could about caring for her soon to be born child. Aby also thought that Tuon was very strong-willed. When she had given birth, she had been very intense and focused. Aby was sure those traits were important in a ruler.

Aby noticed lately that Tuon was very protective of her son, not hardly letting him out of her sight. That was a little strange. Most new mothers were glad to get away for little stretches of time, and would gladly turn their infants over to grandmothers or aunts. Maybe she had her reasons, though. Life as a ruler was probably very dangerous

Aby shook her head, returning to the present. A dinner invitation, with her as a guest? Who was this Cairhienin Lord? Why was he in the Two Rivers? Well, she guessed she would find out tonight. There was a side note from Natti saying that what she had worn to the last Sunday celebration would be fine. It might be a fancy dinner, but this was still the Two Rivers, where they did not put on airs. Well maybe this once they would.

Mat was back from the Winespring Inn, after making sure all was ready for Lord Talmanes' dinner. Mistress al'Vere had done a great job with the preparations.

Mat saw his Da coming back from hunting and helped him hang his freshly gutted deer in the shed, away from predators. The meat was better if it was hung for a day or two before butchering. Mat would have liked to have joined the hunt, but it was too soon after his son's birth for him to leave, even for just a day.

"Thank you, Son, this is easier done with two people." Abell said as he straightened from tying the stringing rope to an iron ring staked into the ground. The rope ran up through a pulley mounted on a beam across the inside of the shed, lifting the deer by his hind legs several feet off the ground. Some of the venison would be eaten fresh, but most would be dried or cured, so it would last a while.

"So everything is ready for your fancy dinner tonight?" Abell asked.

Mat scratched his ear, "As ready as we will ever be, I guess. Talmanes is a good sort, for a Lord. He will be fine with whatever we come up with. Speaking of the dinner, Da, I was thinking, Ma and Eldrin will be looking fine in their fancy new dresses. I have an extra coat, if you want. It is not too fancy, but well made. We men shouldn't be out shown by the womenfolk.

Abell looked at Mat and frowned a little. "You think I will look out-of-place, with everyone all dressed up? Well, I guess Mother would be surprised to see me in a nice coat." He nodded. "I can give it a try. Do you have a shirt I can borrow, too?" He grinned, putting his arm around Mat's shoulder as they walked back to the house.

The Cauthon family had gathered downstairs, waiting for Tuon to join them for the short walk to the Winespring Inn.

Eldrin had been ready to go for almost an hour, becoming more excited with each passing minute. She had on her new dress and her carved blue stone necklace. She had even woven a ribbon into her long braid that matched her dress. Eldrin was having a hard time containing her impatience.

Natti was ready also, in her emerald green dress and the fire opal necklace. She had been very surprised and pleased when Abell had joined her, with his hair combed neatly and wearing Mat's dark green coat and an ivory linen shirt. She thought he looked very fine. Abell had grinned at her and offered her his arm. Natti had smiled warmly, and taken the offered arm. This would be fun tonight.

Upstairs, Tuon had dressed carefully in her teal dress. She looked in the mirror and smiled. The remade dress fit her nicely, much better than the loose ones she had been wearing. Instead of her favorite sapphire necklace, that clashed with the teal color, she had added a heavily braided gold chain. The links were carved in several shades of gold from pale yellow to a subtle rose. The little cape on the dress added a bit of drama, with its fine lace and complementary color.

Tuon had already fed baby Jor, and she hoped the he would let her enjoy the dinner. This would be a test, to see if she could handle a social function and attend to her son. She picked up Jor from his cradle, a bag with a few extra wraps and finally the baby carrier sling and went downstairs, where the rest of the family was waiting.

Mat had dressed in his bronze coat, for once taking extra care with his appearance. Smiling at Tuon, he took the baby carrier. He thought since she was so small, the baby would be more of a burden for her. He could carry his son's light weight all day. "I can carry him for you, Tuon. How does this thing work?" He put his arm through the carrier and pulled it over his shoulder. He adjusted it so the sling was in the front. He smiled at Tuon "Is this how it fits?"

Tuon nodded and said "Yes, the baby fits right into the front. Thank you Matrim. Jor does get a little heavy after a while." Tuon tucked the baby into the sling. Jor just looked around, but did not seem upset. Tuon had been carrying him around in the sling a little, to get him used to being carried that way, so Jor would not make a fuss. She thought he liked the contact and closeness that the sling offered

Tuon did not really want to separate from her son, but this was her husband and baby's father. She had to let go at least a little. This possessiveness was a strange new feeling for her. Why was she being this way? Perhaps, Tuon had reasoned, her son was her only link to her murdered royal family. Besides herself, he was last Paendrag of her lineage. She thought there might be some of the Paendrag blood on this side of the ocean, but she had not met any yet. Nor did she really want to share ruling her Empire with outsiders, even if related. Jor was all she had and she needed to safeguard him at all costs.

Finally, they were ready to go. Mat made sure he covered the baby with his cloak as they left the house. He looked cautiously around, but did not see anything unusual or threatening. He was glad to see the extra soldiers now on guard outside the house. They were taking his and Tuon's safety very seriously, since the threats to their lives. Captain Musenge and Sergeant Flay accompanied them to the Winespring Inn, where they met up with a two more of Talmanes' soldiers.

Mayor Bran al'Vere opened the door wide and welcomed them all inside the warmly lit Inn.