Disclaimer: I do not own 21 Jump Street or its characters. They belong to Stephen J. Cannell and Patrick Hasburgh. I'm just borrowing them.

Chapter 1

Dennis hunched over with his back against the cold brick wall at the edge of the dark alley, his gun was in front of his chest, pointing toward the midnight sky, waiting for her signal. When he finally saw her materialize from the shadows of a similar brick building directly across the alley from him, he held up two fingers before pointing his thumb to the dumpster pushed against the building serving as temporary shelter for their targets. She flashed her index finger before holding it up as she pointed it to the roof above her. He nodded in acknowledgement. Booker moved his index finger to his lips in a shushing manner as he shifted his eyes upward. He took one shot at the man on the roof. They heard him moan before falling out of sight. The two suspects immediately darted down the ally with Dennis and Judy in close pursuit. "Police!...Stop…You idiots!" The suspects pulled down metal trash cans and threw garbage bags behind them to slow Dennis and Judy down. "Damn it!...I hate chasing…" He leapt into a football tackle, falling on the suspect as they hit the hard asphalt. Dennis chuckled in frustration. "You are ssssoooo under arrest." He handcuffed him and walked him back to the car while lifting his arm a few inches to assess the damage of his sore arm. "I oughta kick your ass for scuffing my jacket."

"Police!...Stop where you are!" Judy continued chasing her suspect until they ran into a dead end. "There's nowhere out, except through me." The suspect started to reach into his jacket. Judy fixed her gun onto the suspect taking it off safety. "I don't think that's a chance you want to take." She warned him as red and blue lights lit the dark alley as they flashed behind her. Uniformed officers began to flood the area. "It's about time you showed up." She smirked making sure the suspect was cuffed before putting the safety back on, lowering her gun and then holstering it.

"Great job L.T." A uniformed officer patted her on her back as she smiled, turned and walked away.

"Thanks" She answered before spotting Dennis coming back her way.

"What's a beautiful woman like you doing lurking in a dark alley?" Dennis threw his arm around her shoulder as he walked her to her car.

"Dying to go home" She tried to pull away, but she maintained his hold. "Did you tell them about the kid on the roof?" She managed to break free from his hold.

"Yeah" Dennis nodded as continued to walk beside her. "Why don't we get a drink Lieutenant, and celebrate a good collar?"

"Oh…I'm going to celebrate." Judy chuckled as she unlocked her car door and Booker's face lit up. "With my husband" She flatly stated causing the smile to fade from his face.

"Just one drink?" Dennis innocently shrugged with a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Between friends?" A sly smile crept across his face.

"You know I can't." She got into the car.

He motioned for her to roll down her window and she did. "Why not?" He leaned over resting his forearm on the window sill of her car as she put her seatbelt on. "If he already thinks we're cheating…." He put his other hand to her cheek. "I'd hate to disappoint him."

"He doesn't think we're cheating." Judy put her hand on top of his and moved it out of her car. "He thinks you're trying to sleep with me."

"Who said anything about sleeping?" He playfully asked as he backed away from her car.

Judy shook her head. "Goodnight Booker!" She chuckled as she drove off rolling her window up as she headed to her house.

The door opened before she could put her key in the lock. "It's after midnight."

"Tom, are we really going to do this tonight?" Judy pushed pass him as she entered the house. "Baby, I really don't feel like arguing with you." She kicked off her shoes and headed to the kitchen.

"Then re-assign him." He calmly requested as he combed his fingers through his long wavy locks while following her.

"He's one of your best friends." Judy reminded him before taking a long drink of water.

"He trying to get you into bed." Hanson raised his voice. "He has been ever since, him and Jackie split."

"Correction." Judy leaned back against the counter and giggled. "Baby, he's been trying to do that since I met him."

Hanson took her glass from her and set it on the counter behind her. "That's not funny." He placed his hands on the counter around her. "Jude, look at me." He sweetly asked in a serious tone. "Have you and him…ever…"

"No" She narrowed her eyes while the anger started building up inside her. "You need to let this go, before…"

"Before what?" He frowned as he searched her eyes. "Before what?"

"Let's just go to bed." Judy put her hands against his smooth bare chest and pushed him away. "I'm not doing this with you."

"Doing.." He scoffed as he watched her storm off into their bedroom. Hanson stopped by their daughter's room and cracked the door open to make sure she was sleeping. He stopped by their son's room to repeat the act before going into his and Judy's bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him. "Jude?" He called out before realizing the water was running. He fought the urge to join her, because he was still upset and he knew she was too. Tom hesitantly stood in the bathroom doorway. He caught a glimpse of her silhouette and found himself hypnotized by the way she moved. He cleared his throat to focus. "Ju..Judy"

"What?" She yanked the curtain back and met her eyes with his.

"I wanted to…uh..em..I want…" Hanson ran his hand over his mouth and bit back a smile before clearing his throat as he admired the beauty of his wife standing in their shower with soapy lather hanging on to random places on her body as she waited on him to get over his insecurities about the fact that her and Booker were working together again, but this time they were partners and Hanson wouldn't be there to keep Booker at a distance.

"You coming?'" She smiled coyly. "Or not?" She flirtatiously lifted a brow. He dropped his pajama bottoms in one quick movement and stepped out of them.

"This isn't over." He warned as he entered the steamy shower.

A small smile appeared on her face before brushing her lips against his prompting him to kiss her back while her hands roamed over his body as the water sprayed onto his back. He slipped his arm around her waist, pressing his body firmly against hers while kissing her with lustful intensity while closing the shower curtain.

After they finished celebrating in the shower, and then in the bed, she laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat while allowing her fingertips to lazily glide over his bare chest. Thoughts of how to get Tom to understand that her love for him has only gotten stronger through the years floated through her mind, conflicting with the feelings she had about Tom's increasing jealousy and insecurities about her working with Booker again. She sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too." He closed his eyes while gently stroking her long, straight, brown mane as he thought about how he was going to get Judy to understand how working with Booker made him feel. It wasn't that he didn't trust her. It was that he didn't trust Booker. He knew Dennis too well. "Will you at least consider reassigning him?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Judy abruptly answered.

"I'm sorry, baby" He took her hand in his, sweetly kissing one finger at a time. "We have to."

She shook her head while gradually pulling herself up. "I said….I don't want to talk about it."


"Don't" Judy snatched the covers off of the bed wrapping them around her while leaving him the sheets. "Hanson, we've been for married sixteen years and you were my best friend for five years before that….you know me." She got a better grip on the blanket when he tried to pull her back down by tugging on the comforter that she fashioned around her. "I wouldn't cheat on you."

"I never said you would." Hanson frowned in curiosity as she picked up an outfit that was draped on the chair and took it into the bathroom with her. "Where are you going?" He quickly changed into his boxers and jeans. He was in the middle of pulling his shirt on when she came out of the bathroom without saying a word to him. He raced over to her and grabbed her arms. "Baby…talk to me." He bent his knees to look into her eyes while she stared at the ground.

"You need to trust me." Judy looked into his eyes. "You need to know that I would never ruin what we have."

"I trust you, but I hate being disrespected." Hanson could feel his temperature rise. "Look, I'm sorry that I have a problem with my wife working with her ex, and I'm sorry that I have a problem with him calling here at all hours of the night for no reason." He ranted before throwing his index finger up. "Wait…I'm not sorry. Baby, you're my wife and I love you more than life itself…It infuriates me that he thinks that he still has a chance with you. I can't apologize for loving you." He slid his fingers through his hair stopping directly in the back making a temporary ponytail as he tilted his head toward the ceiling. "Jude he's constantly flirting with you, and…" He dropped his hands to his side allowing the hair to fall into place. "You keep telling me that you'll handle it." Hanson took her hand in his. "Baby, it's been weeks and it's only getting worse."

"I know, baby…but" She shifted her weight. "If I let you handle it."

"He'll straighten up." He quickly added.

"You'll end up in jail." She predicted as she placed her hands at her hips.

Hanson shrugged. "If it gets my point across."

"Hanson!" Judy snapped, surprised by his answer.

"I won't end up in jail." He smiled as he touched the side of her face. "Listen, ever since Booker came to work for you in Major Crimes, we keep having the same argument." He pointed to the ground while stressing his point. "Every….day." The look on Judy's face let him know that Judy knew he was right. "I don't want to argue with you anymore." He confessed. "Let me talk to him."

Judy shook her head. "No" She whispered. "I have to do it."

"Then do it!" Hanson accidentally snapped. He kissed her forehead to let her know he didn't mean to. "Or I will." He softly confessed.

She lifted her head to look into his eyes. "I really do love you. You're my heart."

"I know." He stepped closer to her when he noticed how still she was. "I love you too." His voiced softened as his hand brushed her cheek. "Just fix it." His hand slid down her neck, her chest and around her waist as he pulled her close. "I'm sorry, for making you think I don't trust you." He placed his soft lips on hers prompting her to kiss him for several minutes until her cell phone rang. Tom slowly pulled away from her. "(Sigh) Go ahead." Their eyes met after they glanced at the phone in unison. Hanson shook his head when he saw Booker's name flashing across the screen. He gave her a knowing look before walking over to sit on the arm of the couch.

"What?" She listened to Dennis in irritation as he rambled on and on about some girl he just met at the bar.

Hanson overheard Booker's ramblings and grabbed the phone from her. "You and I need to talk."

"Tommy, man, you gotta come down here it's like a hoochie buffet!" Dennis yelled excitedly into the phone before hearing the dial tone.

"He's drunk" Judy stated the obvious as Hanson cut his eyes at her. She walked away in defeat. "I'll talk to him in the morning."

"No," Hanson looked at the time and set her phone down before marching back into their bedroom. "It's two O'clock in the morning….That shit's uncalled for…. I'm talking to him tomorrow."

"But, Tom…I don't need you fix my problems." She somberly blurted out before crawling into bed with little on, but his t-shirt and her panties.

"Our problem" Tom corrected her and flipped over to face the opposite direction. "Whatever Jude….you deal with him then." He pouted.

She studied the bumps on the ceiling. "I don't want to re-assign him. I trust him to have my back as my partner in the field."

"What about Penhall?" Hanson suggested knowing it was a long shot.

"Tom" Judy rolled her eyes and smiled. "He's not going to leave Intelligence and Harry loves working Cyber Crimes." She traced the muscle definition in his arm, since he laid with his back to her. "Are you going to give up Jump Street to work with me?"

"If you want me to." Hanson rolled over and smiled. "Or, you can come back and work for me."

"I could..." She giggled. "But, I enjoy the challenge of what I'm doing." She moved his hair out of his face. "Just give me time to work this out with him. It's only been a few weeks."