Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or Venom.

A/N: I was going to do something similar to this in my story the Final Battle but nobody was reading it and I really wanted to do this so….here ya go! This takes place after the episode Phantom Planet. There are two AU changes. Only Danny, a few ghosts, and Team Phantom (everyone aware of Danny's secret) remembered and Sam and Danny didn't kiss or anything. But don't worry DxS phans, that'll come. REVIEW!

Chapter 1: Arrival

By Theta Nigma of Parallex

That fool was useless thought Venom as he left the dying Marc Gorgon behind and hid himself into the shadows.

What I need is a powerful and younger host he thought. That way I'll last longer, be able to control them longer, and gain something more than these meagre spider powers.

Gazing into the sky Venom watched as a comet harmlessly approached the planet Earth.


Venom smiled as it seemed this was his day. A space shuttle was leaving not to far away from his current position. The perfect way to get to his destination.

Transforming into a less solid form he slipped past a few waiting astronauts and slipped easily into the shuttle. A few minutes later the spacecraft had left the atmosphere.

Time for step two.

Being as silent as possible Venom slipped to the front of the shuttle. After a bit of fiddling with the controls he managed to get the craft on the course he needed for the third and fourth steps of his plan.

Venom slipped as close to the shuttles as he possibly could and a few minutes later he heard the words he had been waiting for.

"My god!" one of the astronauts yelled. "We're about to hit that comet!"

Leaving the shattered space shuttle and the astronauts corpses behind as he clung to the comet as it continued towards its unknown destination.

It took many days but finally Venom felt joy as the comet left the solar system behind. Finally he was free of the weak potential hosts that lived within the yellow sons glow. He was now free to reach a new planet and discover a new species to control.

The symbiotic creature did not truly realize how far away this new planet would be until it had reached the comets destination. A Black Hole.

At first sight of this disastrous singularity Venom considered abandoning the small comet and finding his own destination, but than stopped these thoughts. Venom was not a creature well known for fear.

The evil creature clung onto the small comet as he entered the hole in time and space and felt reality itself flow through the very fabric of his own existence.

Vlad Masters (AKA Vlad Plasmius) was not happy by any definition of the word.

His plan to destroy the disasteroid and take what he believed to be his rightful place as the Earths rulers had failed completely.

He had watched as once again Danny saved Earth itself and than insured that nobody but those who already knew his identity (plus a few ghosts) remembered the event.

Vlad gave a mirthless laugh. In many ways Danny was his opposite in every single way. The hero vs. the villain.

At that moment, Vlad watched in fear as a hole in the very fabric of the universe. This fear was unnecessary however as the hole merely spat out a load of crushed matter and than closed without a sound.

Vlad immediately became disinterested in the trash the hole had spat out until he noticed something very unusual. A pile of black sludge that had appeared completely torn moments before had pulled itself back together and was currently travelling towards the planet blow.

On nothing but instinct and a sudden fear Vlad hid himself as well as possible into the meteorite he was being forced to call his home. Although Vlad could be defined as not-a-good-guy he could literally feel the evil permeating off the black sludge moving past him.

So evil it was spat out by hell itself thought Venom with a cruel laugh. It was time for the final phase of his plan to begin. It was time to find a host.


Danny Fenton believed he had a pretty good life. He was still unable to show his ghost-hunting parents he was half-ghost and due to his late night crime-fighting his grades weren't that good. And most importantly he couldn't tell the girl he had loved for years how he felt but other than those rather important things Danny's life was awesome.

Danny was walking home alone (his friends weren't there because he had received detention after school and were already home) when he saw an old woman being mugged.

Danny quickly transformed into his superhero identity Danny Phantom and scared the mugger off before returning the woman's purse and flying the rest of the way home.


Initially Venom had been upset to discover the planet he had landed on was merely another version of his own planet Earth. However this had changed as he watched Danny Phantom fly by from his hiding place in a dark alley.

