Just Jessie

As usual, I do not own Toy Story. I'm just yet another fan.

"Uh, ma-mame?" I turned to see that space toy that helped save me. "I, uh, um, well, I just wanted to say you're a bright young woman with a beautiful yarn full of hair. A hair full of yarn. It's ah…um…I must go."

I smiled at him as he awkwardly gave me a compliment that he messed up. He must be shy when meeting new toys and wants to make a good impression. Considering that we wasn't properly introduced and what we went through, it must make him even more uncomfort'ble. He looked embarassed by his mistake, when he was just trying to make me feel welcome.

I didn't want him to feel bad. As he started to go, I grabbed both his shoulders and said, "Well aren't you the sweetest space toy I ever did meet!" And I meant it. Alright, so he was the ONLY space I had ever met. He was still nice though. By the look on his face, (which looked a little silly,) I could tell that he was pleased with what I said. We got interrupted by that dog, Buster, yea that's it, who was barkin bout' somethin. Parentally he needed to do his busniss' outside. Now me, I've got a soft spot for animals and I wanted to help the feller.

"That critter needs help," I exclaimed. I looked around and saw a little car. I grabbed it and slid down the race car track. We toys gotta be resourceful with whatever humans leave behind and I was itchin to see what it would be like. I'd never been on one of them before and it sure looked like fun. I got caught up in the thrill of the ride and yodeled. It felt so freein'. I feel so free now that I'm outta storage, no longer trapped for years in that dark box! I was yurnin for some adventure. Using the track, I was able to get up high enough to twist the knob so Buster could get out just as I'd planned. I jumped down and turned to see that space toy starring in my direction with his mouth open and wings popped out. I giggled to myself. He looked so funny. Betcha he didn't expect me to do that! I'll add some life to this room yet!

I introduced myself to some other toys that were real friendly, just like everyone else. Then that penguin called Wheezy started singing. He sounded real professional like. Everyone gathered around him to listen te his performance and cel'brated with him that his new squeeker worked. Wow, everybody round here really cares about each other. I think I'm gonna like it here. It already feels like home. Andy likes me a lot too. Woody was right. Speaking of that cowboy, I wondered where he was. I spot him standing looking out the window and Buzz walked over to him, looking concerned. He sure is a caring friend, what with going after him after he was stolen n' all. I hoped that Woody was alright. I walked up towards where they were. Maybe I could help, I thought. Seeing Woody's smile soon afterwards relieved me. I could tell that everything was alright.

The boys joined the rest o' us watching the show Wheezy was still doin'. Woody wrapped his arm around that Bo Peep. I noticed Buzz right next to me. I put a part of my arm on his shoulder to hopefully get him more comfortable round me. I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if that would help his shyness. He just smiled back at me for a little bit, his eyes gazing right into mine. That space toy was staring a little funny at me I thought. I don't know what that was about. Maybe it showed how strange I thought it was cuz he coughed a little into his other hand as if intentionally and then turned to look back at the show. I turned and did the same. Buzz started snapping his fingers and tapping his foot in time to the music and I just shook a little to it. Remember what I said earlier about how I think I'm gonna like it here. Well scratch that.

I know that I'm gonna like it here.