A/N Here it is the last chapter. It's kinda my first time writing smut. It's really much harder than I thought it would be. I hope it turned out ok for everybody. Thank you to everybody for all the alerts and interest in this story and sticking through such a long hiatus.

Oh and I forgot to mention this before… I don't own Glee or the characters this is just my way of making my world a happier place with Puckleberry.

Rachel pulled up to the Puckerman residence with a resigned sigh. She sat in her car just staring at the house.

"How can one house hold so much potential for terror?" she thought. "Pull it together Rachel. If you let this one boy affect you this much, how will you be able to face all the millions of adoring fans who will be crowding around your dressing room door one day?"

With a deep breath she pushed open her car door and walked toward the front door of the house.

Inside the house, Puck had been watching her from behind the curtains. "Fuck me if Hummel wasn't right!" He muttered. He noticed the deep breath and the resolute way she seemed to hold herself. It was almost as if she was preparing herself for battle.

"Don't worry, baby. This is one fight that will be both of our pleasure for you to lose," he chuckled to himself.

Just as Rachel was knocking on the door, it swung wide open.

"What's up, Berry?" Puck smirked from his spot in the doorway. Rachel just stared at him. Her mouth went dry as she took in the way his tight jeans hugged his thighs and his sleeveless shirt seemed to only make his lovely arms look even more impressive. Puck noticed Rachel staring at his arms and decided to have a little fun by flexing the muscles just a bit.

Puck's flexing startled Rachel into speaking. "Noah, as co-captain of the glee club, it's my responsibility to make sure all of our members are attending practice. We need everyone's full participation if we hope to win this year."

"Chill babe. I take glee seriously but I need some time away. You know, some me time."

"Me time? What do you mean by me time Noah? What could you possibly be doing that was more important than practice?"

"Oh, you know… stuff"

Rachel seethed. Knowing that Puck blew off glee and her to do what he called it stuff was not acceptable.

"No, Noah, I don't know what this stuff is that you are referring to. If you are talking about your cougars then I suppose I now know where your priorities lie. I guess I'll have to make sure that we tell Mr. Shue to include you as little as you as possible since you obviously can't be trusted."

Rachel quickly turned on her heel and was ready to leave when Puck grabbed her arm, keeping her in place.

"What? Wait. No, I wasn't with any cougars. I gave them up. I haven't been with anybody for weeks. Well actually, not since I heard about you and Finnocence breaking up."

Rachel turned back around and looked at Puck with wide eyes.

"You… since me and Finn… What does that mean, Noah?"

Puck sighed. This wasn't turning out at all how he hoped it would go. He thought she would come over in a rage. She's yell at him and then they would have some hot make up sex. He didn't think that they would actually have to talk about their feelings and shit. He's a badass. He doesn't do that. Well, at least he didn't, he corrected himself, as he looked down into her hopeful eyes.

"Look, come inside. I don't want all the neighbors to witness this. Bad enough my badassness is going to take a hit. Don't need an audience.

As Puck watched Rachel walk into the house, he remembered what Kurt had said and what had started this whole thing. Control. He needed to take control of the situation.

"Come with me, Berry," Puck said as he started up the stairs to his room.

"Wait, Noah. Why are you going upstairs? Downstairs is a perfectly acceptable place to converse," Rachel replied nervously.

"Don't care. Going upstairs. If you want to talk, then you know where I'll be," Puck tossed over his shoulder as he climbed the stairs to his bedroom

Rachel knew that she was at a crossroads. She knew exactly what would happen if she climbed those stairs. If she was truly honest with herself, she knew what would happen the moment she pulled into his driveway. It was hard for her to admit, but she wanted Puck. It seemed like every day he was growing more and more into Noah and not Puck. Ever since he joined glee he seemed to be the one that was always there for her. The one who the truly stood up for her even if it was just to the other gleeks. The one who arranged the Barbarvention with Kurt. The one who wanted to beat Jesse's face in after the egg incident.

But, Rachel also knew that if she went up there and fell under his spell that would be a mistake as well. She knew that Puck was way more complicated than Finn. Finn, for the most part, she could control and get her way with. Puck was just as stubborn as her. She wanted Puck, but she needed to make sure it was on her terms. Their little war for control in their burgeoning relationship was still going strong.

Remaining downstairs, Rachel decided to accept what was going to happen instead of leaving but if she was accepting she was doing it on her terms. She calmly sat down on the couch and made herself at home. She started to text Kurt about the latest update with Puck, humming to herself in anticipation. It wasn't long before Puck came back downstairs to see what had happened to her.

"What the fuck, Berry? Just make yourself right at home why dontcha?"

Rachel laughed to herself, knowing that the fun had just begun. "Why, Noah. I told you I wasn't going to go up to your room and since we still have matters to discuss, I thought it best to just wait for you to finish your business upstairs. I mean, I anticipate your mother and sister being home soon and I always love to converse with them. They are truly lovely every time I see them at temple."

Puck snorted. He knew that his mother had a serious hard on for Rachel, the perfect potential Jewish daughter-in-law. "Well, you would have a long wait since they both went to visit my nana." Puck leaned against the wall at the foot of the stairs, his delight at their game evident by the smirk on his face.

Rachel stood up and marched over to Puck, her hands just itching to slap that smirk right off his face. Puck straightened up as Rachel came to stand before him. They stared each other down. Neither one of them was willing to give an inch of control over to the other one.

They stood like that for what seemed like hours to Rachel. The tension between them seemed to crackle and whip around them like a live wire. Puck would twitch like he was holding himself back and Rachel would hold her breath waiting for him to make the first move.

Finally, Puck muttered a "Fuck" and grabbed her and pulled her in close to his body. His lips found hers in a heated kiss that seemed to explode with all the passion they had been keeping at bay for days.

Rachel moaned as his lips found hers and he took advantage of the moment to slip his tongue into her mouth, further heating up the kiss. When they finally broke apart to breathe, all they could do was once again stare at each other as they panted, trying to catch their breaths.

This time it was Rachel who pulled Puck towards her, once again locked into a heated battle with their lips. He grabbed her ass and hoisted her up so she had little choice but to wrap her legs around his waist. He turned and carried her up the stairs towards his bedroom.

Once in his bedroom, Puck let Rachel slowly slide down his body until she was standing once more. He wanted her to feel how she affected him. How, just them kissing alone made him completely hard.

When she felt his hardness, Rachel could feel her body responding as well. "Noah," she moaned.

Puck closed his eyes when he heard his name on her lips, the sheer power of that moan making him feel weak in the knees. He's never had a girl affect him so much.

Puck reached up to gently caress Rachel's cheek. He paused for a moment, even though it killed him to ask, "Rach, are you sure? You have to be sure, because this isn't just a one-time deal. If we do this, then that's it. You're mine."

Rachel felt her heart skip a beat at his words. This is what she wanted when she was singing to him. This is what felt more right than anything she'd ever experienced.

"I'm sure, Noah. But, if I'm yours, then you're mine too. We will be in this relationship together as equals."

Overcome, Puck swept her up in his arms to lie her back on the bed. He ran kisses all over her neck and shoulders, pausing only to create his mark so that everyone else would know that she was taken and that she was his.

Rachel's hands gripped his mohawk tightly, as she relished in the feeling of his body on top of hers. Her anxious hands pulled on his shirt prompting him to take it off. As Puck reached up and took off his shirt, Rachel quickly undid the buttons on her blouse. Puck's mouth went dry as her perfect breasts were exposed to him for the first time. Even in the simple, light pink bra she had on, she was perfect.

Almost reverently, he reached down and undid the front clasp on her bra. His eyes never leaving hers, as he moved his mouth down to her pert breasts. Rachel's hands automatically gripped his Mohawk again and reveled in the feeling of Puck nibbling on her chest.

Puck continued to lick and suck Rachel's breasts until her nipples had tightened with arousal, much to his satisfaction. He pulled back to examine his work. He chuckled as Rachel looked at him curiously. "Damn, you have some good berries, Berry." Rachel rolled her eyes at his crude joke and huffed, crossing her arms over her breasts.

"No. Rachel, don't. I'm sorry. Look, what's the use of doing it if it can't be fun?" Puck teased. His hands slowly drifted down to the hem of Rachel's skirt. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, as his fingers roamed under her panties. "I think that you are the most gorgeous girl in the whole world and I would spend every minute of my life worshipping you and your body if I could."

Rachel sighed at Puck's words and then gasped at the finger he slipped into her. He slowly worked his finger in and out, as he leisurely sipped at Rachel's lips. Rachel began to feel a burning tightness in her stomach as Puck continued to work her with his fingers. It grew and grew until she cried out as her release hit her. Puck watched her as she came, knowing that for him, there would never be a moment like this ever again.

While Rachel came down from her high Puck took a moment to fully remove her skirt and his pants. He grabbed a condom from the box by his bed. Rachel watched with hungry eyes as Puck smoothed the condom on his erection.

Suddenly, Rachel reached up and pushed Puck down on the bed. She positioned herself over him and waited. "Fuck, Rachel. What are you waiting for?" Puck panted.

"Noah, that orgasm was lovely and sweet but I've had enough of sweet. We're going to do this my way and I'm going to fuck you like there's no tomorrow," Rachel said, as she finally lowered herself onto him.

Puck's eyes rolled into his head at her words and the feeling of her surrounding him.

Rachel started to ride Puck hard and fast. "Oh god, Noah. You feel so good inside me."

At her words, Puck gripped Rachel's hips and quickly repositioned them so that he was behind her and she was on all fours. "If you wanna fuck, Rachel, then let's do this right"

Their movements became frantic as they each reveled in the feeling of their bodies being joined. Puck began to feel a familiar tightening in his balls and he knew he was close. He reached around to pluck at Rachel's nipple, causing her to grunt her approval. Just as he was about to lose it, Puck felt Rachel begin to orgasm. With a hoarse cry, he let go as well.

Pulling out of Rachel, Puck collapsed next to her. Groaning, he got up to remove the condom. Rachel watched him out of the corner of her eye. Smiling, she sat up and started to sing.

Come here, rude boy, boy, can you get it up?
Come here, rude boy, boy, is you big enough?
Take it, take it, baby, baby, take it, take it, love me, love me.

Puck laughed and dove back into the bed, grabbing Rachel and tickling her until she stopped singing. Brushing the hair off her face, Puck leaned in and slowly kissed her. He whispered, "Baby, I'll be your rude boy forever."